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  1. Blademaster Mai'kel


    It is a misconception; when a Mayan calendar ended, they would jut make a new one. They didn't "predict" anything.
    Anyone, it's going to be just like Y2K. People make a big deal about it beforehand, but then when it happens, everything's fine. The only difference is that with Y2K, a few small things did happen, but with 2012, absolutely nothing is going to happen except a bunch of people shitting themselves.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Dec 20, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  2. Blademaster Mai'kel
    I fail to see how speaking a foreign language in a country that does not have a majority of people speaking that language is "disrespectful"and "rude".
    And Mexicans wouldn't survive in Spain. Totally different languages.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Dec 19, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Blademaster Mai'kel
    The New Testament is more literal than the Old. It is, of course, very unlikely that Jesus' birth happened the way it did. I am personally open to the idea that the story of the Nativity is entirely fictional (I know he was most likely born in Nazareth, anyway).

    I believe in a higher force in this universe, if not in others.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Dec 12, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Blademaster Mai'kel


    I suppose this could go here, it might be too general for the Music board.
    Anyway, being something of an amateur musician myself, music is pretty important to me. I love it; it's definitely one of my favorite things in general.
    Music has impacted humanity too: it has given us yet another way to express ourselves, which is always nice.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Dec 12, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  5. Blademaster Mai'kel
    I believe you mean UNDER the Dome.

    Last book I read was A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles ****ens, which everyone who can speak English must read.

    EDIT: Really, KHV? It's the guy's name, for crying out loud.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  6. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Yeah, there's something very wrong in Europe when it comes to Islam. They seem to forget that, yes, from a Western perspective, the place of women in Islam is subordinate, but that's just how the culture and the religion are, and secular authorities have no right to infringe on a person's right to practice their religion if it's not hurting anyone.
    And Switzerland's gone too far by banning the construction of new minarets. What's that going to solve, honestly?
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  7. Blademaster Mai'kel
    It's because men are more willing to take risks, and so end up dying more often. I'm surprised it hasn't already happened either.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  8. Blademaster Mai'kel
    hellz yeah

    Totally getting this even though I have it.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Nov 6, 2009 in forum: Music
  9. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Founder/leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, an insult to rational-minded Christians everywhere. Probably one of the biggest *******s of all time.

    I get nauseous knowing that he actually had the audacity to take Scripture and use it to justify his views. Shows how sick he is.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  10. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Either the 90s, because they were awesome, or the Modernist/Postmodernist periods, because they knew how to use the dissonance.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Oct 8, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  11. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Yeah, I liked that book, but it was reread way too many times in grade school, like they thought it was the best book ever written or something.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: Literature
  12. Blademaster Mai'kel
    I read that. I liked it. It's weird, but whenever my classmates have to read something, they end up hating it. I probably have a better imagination or something.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Oct 2, 2009 in forum: Literature
  13. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Found out at school today. I'm pleased that a South American country is hosting the Olympics for the first time (hell, that's probably why the IOC picked Rio), but I am disappointed; I do live in Chicago, after all.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Oct 2, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  14. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Iran has created nuclear weapons; it was recently revealed that they were running a secret nuke facility right under the UN's nose. I don't know too much about Israel's antagonism with Iran, except that Iran does not believe in Israel's right to exist, so I don't think that a tactical strike is inevitable, per se.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Sep 29, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  15. Blademaster Mai'kel
    That's a hard one. Probably Cedric-Bixler Zavala.

    EDIT: And maybe Trent Reznor.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Sep 27, 2009 in forum: Music
  16. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Not true. The founding fathers were non-Christian deists.

    As for the topic at hand, **** NO. Religion should not mix with politics. Ever. *coughIrancough*
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Sep 25, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  17. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Good god, you had to read Twilight? As part of the curriculum? Jesus, what is this world coming to?

    Anyway, I've pretty much liked every book I've read for an assignment, and I like all the books that everyone's mentioned, so yeah.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Sep 22, 2009 in forum: Literature
  18. Blademaster Mai'kel
    That's an exaggeration; see here.

    Anyway, so I can contribute something else to this: There are intolerant atheists out there, but I think the majority are smart enough to accept the beliefs of others, however illogical they may find them.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Sep 20, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  19. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Teal'c's topic wasn't in Debate, so I figured this one shouldn't be either; it's essentially the same thing.

    Anyway, I should clarify as to why the Roman Empire should still exist: When the Roman Empire fell, Europe basically collapsed, which brought a whole host of problems: the Dark Ages, the Middle Ages (both of which were rather violent and uncivilized), and it pretty much set society back a good deal. If the empire had never fallen, we would be living in a much different world.

    And you are assuming that the Empire was cruel, simply because of its autocratic nature. I don't think it was, for the most part; it was probably only as bad as the States are.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Sep 20, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  20. Blademaster Mai'kel
    The Roman Empire was one of the best things to happen to the world and we would be much better off with it back in force.

    Teal'c did something like this a while back with the British Empire. Thought I'd do one.

    Anyway, discuss.
    Thread by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Sep 19, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Discussion