Your sarcasm sums up my point exactly. Smell can very easily be the difference between life and death.
Anyone who gives up hearing or smell is an idiot; those are the two most important senses. I would give up taste. Its probably the least important sense.
The Bible is like the world's most imaginative history book. It's not a novel, so don't try and read it like one. Plus it was written by a bazillion different authors over a period of several thousand years, so of course some parts seem a bit choppy, and some parts even contradict each other. The difference in tone between the Old and New Testaments is because of the difference in message and intent: the Old Testament is a "history book" of sorts for the Jews, while the New Testament was written primarily for the conversion of people to Christianity (the Gospels especially in this regard).
Aunque me dejastes ahogado en el mar/Acuéstate en la tierra de la realidad de tu sueño/Manos me recuerdo, solamente a ti te odio/Yo ya me voy The Mars Volta-Concertina
There are girls' teams for a reason-for the girls to play on them, with other girls. I don't see the point of having a girl on a *boys* team.
Cassandra Gemini, by The Mars Volta, or The Rite of Spring, by Igor Stravinsky.
Kill the person in my way. And if I had more choices, I'd probably kill myself, so as to avoid having to make such a difficult choice.
I saw that too. If we could figure out the genetic basis for this, we might be able to do some crazy stuff in people, too.
Lirael: Daughter of the Clayr, by Garth Nix.
Ok, I was just pointing it out. :)
It's a million times deeper than it looks. It's filled with metaphors and parallelisms (Aslan is Jesus, for example). And the daemons in His Dark Materials are not like the Christian concept of demons at all. You really should read them; it's good to get an outsider's view of one's faith.
At the Drive-In and the Volta are two of my favorite bands. You should get into ATDI-they are hardcore, but they don't really sound like the Volta. And Cedric screams a lot. Which sounds cool. And they're not active anymore-one of the reasons that the Volta exists is that ATDI doesn't anymore. Oh, and THANK YOU for bothering to put the accents on his name. Not enough people do that.
Wow, you are reading a book written for adolescent girls and then you insult a good book? I see a logical fallacy there.
I don't feel bad for laughing, because I'm laughing at the absurdity of a collapsing floor. So LOL
There is something wrong with you. If you don't love the book by the end, you have issues.
The Silmarillion. Tolkien. Hardest book I've ever read.
The world of Pandora is beautiful, but to become depressed because it doesn't exist (as far as we know) is a little disturbing. It was a great movie, but to be this affected by a movie is rather unusual, I think.
This is the last country that needs an earthquake like this.
Damn right. In addition, pretty much every The Mars Volta solo ever written.
American Gods. Neil Gaiman.