oh mys! they looks awesome! <3 i didn't know you could upload pics here! :D*is total n00b*
HIYA HIYA! im good! how bout you!? :D
i got the blue one when it first came out. my boyfriend bought me the glass one. i dont have the babytee though. i wonder why these didnt come out when KH2 first came out XD
VEXEN GOT PWND!!!! i :<3: though! he's freakin great! XD i was sad when he died D:
Re:com! because i like the graphics and the fact that the organization had voices and stuff. thats the only reason i bought the game because i HATE the card battle system!
The fight with Demyx is easy! actually all the organization is easy to beat in KH2 BUT!!!!!! BUT!!!! Xaldin! arrrrggghh i hate xaldin! he's like harder than Xemnas!!! X.x
when donald has full magic and items & doesn't heal you. lolz or when you almost beat a boss thens you dies! D:
i believe they are misunderstood. they just wanted to be whole again. but they were going about it the wrong way ): i think they were just following Xemnas' order & Diz always said that they were never were supossed to exsit. i think being outcast in the worlds. they lost their minds & they were just trying to do whatever it tooked to be loved again... *thinks to much ^^'''*
i was always wondering about that to, he has the bandage looking thing on it, and his arm is limp Oo'''
Older Riku for sure! no doubt about that! :D
*points to sig* :<3:
XALDIN & LUXORD!!! they are the hardest to fight! D:
OMG! its so hard to choose! of course my #1 DEMYX!!! :<3: then... AXEL ummmmmmmm... Marluxia! YAY!! :D
NO! if Ven was Sora's daddy, the kh peoples would be promoting under age sex. and thats not cool! but we know they would not do that to the kids XD
So Awesome! i wish they had a theme for every organization member though! i would like one for Demyx! XD
well yeah! DEMYX! we are just alike! ;P music, water, very friendly, a coward, does not like to fight! Demy FTW!!! :<3:
:<3: YAY!!! X3 *Demyx Dance* :<3:
i just bought this magazine last night! XD i saw it and i was like OMG!!! *points* MUST HAVE!!! XD
1.Demyx 2.Axel 3.Marluxia 4.Sephiroth 5.Xigbar
omg~ yay! i'm soooooooooo excited!!! X3