genisis final battle first part(ugly mutant aromor) im at the end of the game. im lvl 36 i might just need to lvl up more
im good. im trying to beat crisis core lol im stuck XD
hmmmmm... i will have to try that. thanks~
im am at the end of the game. im fighting the Genesis mutant right before you fight Genesis. im keep getting killed in like 5 hits. what lvl do you recommend being at, and what equip and blah blah. i have to beat it before next weekend. PLZ HELP.
The organization Data Battles Sephiroth Terra
them last 2 are lookin pretty sexy~
my boyfriend made me some epic gummy ships. he's gonna make me a Demyx sitar one. he's in the navy right now, so i dont know when he will be able too lol i suck at the whole gummy ship thing XD
Riku - because his mom says he's kool. lol j/k well my favorite kh Character of all time is Demyx! the guy is just effin epic. 2nd Favorite character. wow, thats a 3 way between, Axel, Saix and Xigbar.
ah *is asuming your not doing good* hope things get better for ya! ^^
nice to meet you too! im good. how about u?
i likey Allen in the black suit! X3
believe me i know XD
I like Demyx's weapons. not just because im like one of the biggest dem dem fangirls out there. but his weapons look cool(well the ones i've seen so far) and their names our based off music term and stuff(big music fan here :D)
i want to get them both! :D i loved gold and silver, and surprisingly still have them and still working Oo
lvl 56 i think. he was hard to beat Oo i haven't fought him on proud mode yet. im a lilttle scared to XD
heheh.. RPG drama?
Demyx! he was unusual and he was the least seen in the game(i think) how did he get into the organization. background story PLZ! D:
i cant find it anywhere D:
nah. im not that good at roleplaying ^^'''
yays! thank you! :D