Serafina kept up with Zander, who was pulling her along by her wrist. The princess could not bring herself to look or speak to him for what she had done in an attempt to protect him, she looked around and to her satisfaction....xaneroy and xalibur were not following
Serafina held onto Zander tightly, whilst looking back at Xalibur "Why did you do that...don't you need me..."
Serafina walked behind Xalibur so she did not have to look at his pleading eyes "No.." ooc - when Sera is taken i'll bring kalei in so there's someone to interact with
"Then please Zander.....leave this place" quietly pleaded Serafina
"Merciful" Serafina whispered stepping forward to face Zander "I also lied about my powers.....I awakened them when I was 2 years old and have mastered every aspect...I'll show you the hard way that I want to be left alone here!". Another convincing lie from the princess, her sword skills had improved alot but her ability to control her element was still a bit rough.
"I don't plan on doing what you say" snapped back Serafina, growing more frustrated, the princess took a slight step back to stand side-by-side with Xalibur, she looked up to him "What do you suggest?"
Serafina firmly pointed her blade at Zander, water playfully twirled around the tip of the blade "Boys like you never listen..I'm here to help Xalibur, not to return to more lies with you"
Serafina flinched slightly when the cold hand rested upon her shoulder, she quickly glanced up to Zander in an attempt not to cause any doubt to how she was acting "That's right Zander...I drew you in, it was so easy"
ooc - ok Twilightblader...i'll go by your last post and note you whe Kalei/shen are more involved..just hard for them atm. Ventez..we'll carry on for now
ooc - yeh that was odd
Kalei sighed "and do what Shen..where can we go..we've caused havoc for years so we'll be welcome nowhere"
Serafina smirked, trying to force herself to hate Zander killed her inside but it was the only way she could think to keep him safe "You underestimate me Zander...I do hate you, I'm not even a princess...this is just a plan to mess with your mind"
Kalei kept her pace behind Shen, they were still in the main castle
Serafina turned herself around, still unable to give eye contact. Her face streamed tears of confussion and anger. To get Zander away she thought that a change of tactics was needed "Look Zander...I hate you...that kiss mean't nothing...I'm going to help Xalibur"
Serafina stood infront of Xalibur, close to him as she looked up "STOP...I'll do what you want..just dont hurt Zander please!!"
Serafina remained a few steps behind Zander "Get up and get going...I'll come home I promise"
Serafina remained quiet, she would do anything if it meant Zander would be un harmed....who knew what this man could do "Please...Zander...Go.."
Serafina stood in front of Xalibur, she looked towards the ground....unable to look Zander in the face and drew her sword "Please leave this place Zander"
ooc - Aww don't worry, my University reports are going to start soon so I'll be on probably most nights just not as much. Yeah I'm sure by now Zander can make his way there now, otherwise you'll be running forever. Kalei and Shen wont catch up for a long time. BIC - "Twilight..." Serafina put her hand gently on the mans shoulder "A true balance of Light and Dark if I am not mistaken....surely someone with such a unique sense of being...would not do something like this, what am i to you?"
Serafina grew curious and stepped forward slighty "No...I want to hear more?"