aww! The cover looks so cute! I can't wait for it~~~~~~ 4 more days :D
Yay! This was better than the last video. I love Zexion's voice!! :D
ooh yay! I hope he get a lot of lines in Days! Thanks Mike :D
Congratz everyone!! whooo~!! Namine was sooo cute when she said 'Sora...' and in some parts, Roxas actually does sound like the real VA. But I have to say my favorite was DiZ. Congratulations again :D And who cares what Doxcy says, he just want to take over the production.
hmm... when I was 7 or 8, my cousin was obsessed with KH when it first came out and she brought a huge poster of it. It looked really lame so I didn't play it until I was in grade 5 and started KH2 instead oh KH1 :D
wow, i can't remember the last time I played kh2. If you can, go into wisdom form and start shooting at him like crazy
OMG!!! awesome trailer!! but the thing that bugs me is who is the girl at the last scene when Roxas and her is on the clock tower. Roxas looks surprised when she took off her hood. I'm sure it's not Xion...
You scared me for a moment. :(
hello! how are you?
I think Xion's name without the X is Oni. Oni means demon. But if you think about Namine, everybody called her a witch so.. anything can happen ~
good theory! :) that's what i thought of too except i couldn't explain it... but so far, I'm thinking that Xion is a replica of Kairi. Like, before Vexen made a Riku Replica , he made a Kairi Replica but soon late threw it away 'cos of no data... something like that hehehe has anyone realised that throughout the time that Sora is sleeping, Xion is the only one remembers him :)
it seems a long time for KH3 to come out so i'm guessing... MOVIE TIME!!! :D
ahh, personally, I wouldn't worry about it :) If things get too out of hand, then confront him and you probably know the rest. just make sure your 'green eyed monster' doesn't control you ~~
your friends sound ... harsh... I think you should just ask her why she is so angry... but then again, maybe you should a while before asking 'cos they could have been having a bad day...
The cover looks great! I want to buy it.... now
YEAH! whooo!!! can't wait for jesse to confirm for Roxas :)
Thanks for the translations Aurigarion ^_^ the equipping system looks so hard though >_< thanks Mike!
i never heard of her... who is she?
hii~!! Welcome to the site~!! I like japanese/korean/chinese dramas too! hmm I think it's called One litre of Tears... yeah that's my favorite!! anyway, have fun posting :)
I actually have no idea how I found this manga/anime. I'm not really into ecchi stuff but this anime is really funny!! Who's your favorite pairing? I like Rito and Haruna! They are so cute together