Is this the official cast? I thought Phil was voiced by Danny DeVito
I bet they are going to use Simple and Clean again but who knows (: I think this is pretty accurate xD (found it at GameSpot forums but it's from khinsider)
lol noo! not you! just where i am cos i've been like, staying home for days
i'm good but it's soo boring here. D:
nothing much, done all my christmas shopping!! :D what about you?
lol yeah sure!! :) how are you?
OMG WHOA! Is that Ven on the glass floor thing at the start? And Maleficent is destorying the KH moon!!!??? :( Man, I can't wait for this game!! Oh and Mike the fandub for the commercial was great!! It was really nice you put the english version of Simple and Clean :)
YAYYYY!!! JESSE MCCARTNEY :D Aqua's voice is so cute!! lol, yeah, good job :D
um, I dunno... try going on a different browser like Firefox. (:
neverland looks so cool! Thanks mike!!
YAY!finally the trailer is out... Aqua's voice sound so pretty (*o*) This game looks so cool! Thanks Mike!
Thanks Mike! Can't wait 'til the game comes but does anyone know when the trailer is coming out?
YAY! can't wait until it releases in australia!!
Aww, that sucks. Flying would be awesome.. can't wait until for the rest of the interview!! (: thanks Mike!
That was pretty good Terra, Aqua and Maleficent were awesome :D
the second video sounds awesome! (: Thanks Mike!!
that was good! (: I would've said to put a bit more emotion into it but then I realised nobody's don't have emotions.. :(
Whoaa! 50 hour game? YEAHH!!! Thanks Mike!!
YAY!!! LILO AND STITCH! hahh Stitch looks exactly the same in KH2 though..