37666 coders watching the them
37608 people don't know what that is
lol yeah!! so how was your day?
ohh that explains alot. Thank you!!
lol i know right. but it's kinda fun :D
nothing really lol. just been lurking around the site
lol, sounds fun good luck with it :D
37507 robbers breaking the organs
Yeah but I don't think MX or Xehanort wrote them because it mentions Xehanort a few times in the report.
thank you! so what have you been up to?
I wonder who wrote them...
37488 people drinking beer
i'm good, and you?
37485 people eating happy pills
37472 people laughing at you
37470 people who don't go on this thread
thank you!! oh and one more question sorry, do you need to finish all three scenarios to unlock it? or just one?
just one question, do you have to do anything to unlock the secret ending?
YAY!!! thankyou!!!
aww I wanted it >_<