oh i know I try to use new re invented slang with me it means 'perosnal chat 4 perosnal chat' and i didn't make that up on the spot either. ok I'll give all of you a reading via pm
live readings on msn of course cos it makes more sense to do it instantly I suppose I could pm them to anyone if they want them that way, but it's a bit less accurate
I've had a deck of tarot cards for a month now and Now I've realised I can give readings with them online (when I shocked my school friend friend Ciara over msn). So I'm genuinely offering to give people free tarot readings by myself (All I need is your msn or yahoo messenger address and you can pc4pc with me if youwant the reading a bit more personnal) no catches I'm not charging a single penny I just wanna give people free readings to help people. I'm not sure f this style of advertising is allowed here or not but it's just that I wanna give people free readings so if you want one and have msn here's my adress 'chris.ohagan@hotmail.co.uk' (the apostrophes aren't in the name). I'll give you a free reading (daily if you like) which should say: -What you know about your current situation -What you don't know about your current situation -A glimpse at your past -Your desires and/or hopes -Your future and they're also just guide lines showing your current fate, so f they're bad you can easily change them with the knowledge of what is going to happen. So is anyone out there who wants to test my skills (skeptics are welcome too).
For the first time in 15 years I may actually be in relationship with a cute guy, I like him and he likes me but we wanna get to know each other first but this is my first guy so i'm completely psyched for it. I'm probably rubbing something insomeones elses face but I just needed to get it off my chest somewhere and see if cuppycake (and anyone else) responds to it.
OK I'm going to elbaorate on my own idea for this formal outfit... You should go with the black dress cos it suits your hair very well and have a cute pink ribbon tieing your hair back in a pretty way, have a small pink silk handbag to hold some smallstuff inside it and also have a large pink ribbon/sash tied on the dress in a elaborate way like a type of belt and wear black high heel shoes that are notbigger than one inch heels and have to be comfortable enough for dancing and they have to be comfy for you for long periods of time and painting your fingernails black is a must to go with the dress well. Or at least that's what I'd do if i was a woman in your situation and if youneed the money i advise to go crying to your parents or use your sister as a loan (I do that a lot myself). I Hope any of the advise is useful to you cos I need to help my cuppycake.
Excellant point Bunter and weirdly enough I'm jumping on the fence ready to decide to be gay and I do qualify with a lot of those qualities you mentioned, very few people who are prejudice with anything have those qualities they always have horrible qualities.
Zexion please, I remember being in the orginal one and i always wanted him.
I don't see you much cupcake cos I can't call you anymore. and I was at a free gig yesterday (no one special in it just ameteurs). But Kyle probs won't go for now.
You'll be fine if he disappears... ...you can work through one set of time apart you can do another if you have to; but you probs won't.
I've got a handful or pairings some canon and plenty non canon i'll list them now and give you the FF they're from: -Cecil/Rosa (FFIV) The original love couple in this series if you ask me they were the first two to get married (only as well i might add) but they were the first to have the love and the first love triangle (and only triangle involveing two men and one woman). -Celes/Locke (FFVI) I haven't played the game but they seemed to be very attracted to each other in all the videos I've seen of the game being played. -Cloud/Aerith (FFVII) I'm a strict Clerith fan due to Aerith being my fave mary-sue and I like Cloud a fair bit too. -Squall/Rinoa (FFVIII) They really were like mage and warrior (complete opposites), I like Rinoa and am fond of Squall's appearence but I despise his attitude a lot. -Seifer/Zell (FFVII) Zell has a cute face and nice legs IMO (seriously I'd think he'd look very nice if he were real) and Seifer has the feral and confident seme attitude I like in smutty fanfictions. -Beatrix/Adelbert (FFIX) I personally hate Steiner but Beatrix is very much liked by me so it's a couple I like. -Tidus/Wakka (FFX) i generally hate wakka in battle and his appearence a lot bt he still makes Tidus ad other people look hot and smut is good. -Wakka/Cute redheads in his team (FFX) sorry but they just make fanfic too hot for words sometimes and shower scenes are so smutty especially when the shower isn't used and Tidus is a peeping tom. (I think I'm not breaking any rules by saying those words that hint stuff) -Gippal/Baralai (FFX-2) It's my diet breaker in that sense. Well that's the best of them hope you now know me as a better person from knowing what type of perv I am!!!
Yeah and it's one of the most overdiscussed things online. While I'd like it to be remade it's still annoying to hear people say it rocked over and over again.
I'd be like... ZOMG!? I'm in bed with a woman? o.O *kicks you out of bed* Now where's a decent man?
Goimez is a guy... ...and I still feel a show for what happened. EDIT: He told me he was a man, or hinted it...
you see we were on msn talking with our mics and i misheard her and thought she was flirting with my fake husband Goimez but she wasn't and then I accidentaly said she said she was al over him but then we both relaized me made a mistake and confused poor little Goimez. So he divorced our fake marriage and bragged about it to Cupcake... ..Yes we have weird times on msn (like how i got my friend Jen to bully her stalker for her)
You should ask me I can sing 'this is Halloween' and i added you to msn I'm called engimatic Chris miss kitty you just need to accept my request to add you.
I feel Chaos and Cosmos have more to do with it (hell i tihnk earlier info stated that they brought warriors to their dimension to see whether good or evil should reign the universe)
I've recently had a name change so on September 8th Califa630 should be turned into Bubble Master Califa (or BMC if you want to abbreviate the name).
This is fairly good, i'm quite fond of green so green with my green hero looks great :D the textures also look leafy/like a flag and it works well will link; though that smidget of blue is not pretty at all. link is actually cleanly rendered into this so that's good indeed.
Oooooohhhh you have Axel eyes in the first piccy and the second one is very...Light Yagami!
Too bad Snape's actor is british(along with every other actor in harry potter to make it more like the books) and I have yet to see square shipping out an overseas actor to do a voice.