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  1. Bubble Master Califa
    Rinoa Heartilly. Cutsey speaking Witch + black cloak = XD
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Bubble Master Califa

    Terra, Celes, Vincent, Quistis, Rinoa, Garnet, Freya and Beatrix (Thats them all listed in video game order and order they join the party).
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Bubble Master Califa
    I look weird in that photo because i'm opening a present while wearing my natural 'squint eyes' and i was opening a simpsons computer desktop lamp (oh yes, gifts from boots :P )

    and thanks Sarah, BTW my sis was more tiredform the fact she hardly slept while i went to sleep at 1am and was comfortable until she woke me up.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Bubble Master Califa
    there's no harshness Sarah i'm just a bit mroe upset no one is pointing outany goodin the picture, CnC is meant to point out the bad and good and i've only got bad reviews (I would alos like to know what I'm doing right as well as whats wrong).
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Bubble Master Califa
    Wow!!! I bloody miscounted my numbers and accidnetaly counted my older brothers...

    My actual number of games is 100 (On the dot).
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  6. Bubble Master Califa
    I found this little photo on my mum's digi camera while looking through it:


    I look a state and thats my dear little sister on the right (that was christmas morning with us opening presents).
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Bubble Master Califa
    Ok the first one was this:


    Now, after several hours of blood, tears and hard work I have made this:


    OK i added some text onit to not the thing she is holding is meant to be like the Odine Bangle she tries to use in Disk1 (though I was usure of what is looked like so I made it look like a large circlet). The first problems i had doing was the wings because they were meant to look unreal/magical and not natural and I could not accomplish two ofthe same and after about six drafts those two were the final makes and i prefer the on rinoas right to the one on her left. the hands were hell for me and I gave her tiny little bangles on each arm, her blaster edge looks like a tatoo or something. the lips were not done by me but my friend Laura. I gave her a dirty emo fringe for the fun of it and indeed tweaked her outfit a lot turning the cardigan into a tight top like the one Quistis wears, I attemped shading but it's not exactly noticeable.

    I had a lot of trouble gettin the photo taken and that is my poor excsma ridden right hand you cna see at the top.

    CnC Please and be as brutal as you like (apart from saying every single thing is horrible or I'll cry).
    Thread by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 14, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Bubble Master Califa
    Me and my friends are suing red nose day (comic relief) as our excuse to cosplay as our fave ff/kh or anime characters.

    My friends alredy have characters in mind:

    Tifa (maybe is our friend Sam will bother)
    Garnet (From IX)
    Rikku (From X)
    Sakura (from Cardcaptor Sakura)

    and I'll be Zack (from 7) or Kuja (from 9) i wanna be Kuja though but I'd never wear a man-thong; Kylie Minougue hot pants FTW!!!(oh and hair extensions, plus waxing my legs is another must and I'd have to find a lot of materials for the outfit, meh comic relief isn't in a few weeks though, I've got a year at least)
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. Bubble Master Califa

    im a 15 year old guy and I went skipping down the playground in my school with my friend Jen (she recently joined this site) and her bf frankie (who's 15) linking arms with frankie, loads of people saw us and we looked a show cos we were acting like 5 year old little girls.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Bubble Master Califa
    Ok the cat thingy looks rather disturbing in my opinion and is a bit too arched u (I think its meant to be resting on the floor or something)

    The wheel chair wheel is an oval shap and coudn't really move in reality (I advise using ome form of a guideline to draw them like a drink bottle lid or something). The person in the wheelchair looks like they're from a horror movie with the hair covering their face (I think that's the point though).

    I like the idea of the pic though and it's fine so far, just redo the cat and wheel on the wheel chair and it's fine. Lined paper isn't an issue really.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Bubble Master Califa
    I'm working on an orginal FF novel which I hope wil lbe a long story but I know in the end it'll be like 12 chapters long and end poorly. (even if I'm already planning concept art fo a character modelled after me except he wears a different outfit each time the heroes see him, even if its 20 mins later lol)
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Literature
  12. Bubble Master Califa
    Both look great and I wanna play one, but I have neither system or the funds to buy one.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  13. Bubble Master Califa
    350 at least, I buy a game whenever i'm depressed and it ened up with leaving me with £3.87 in my bank account :(

    I'll go do a precise count in 12 years.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  14. Bubble Master Califa
    Easy pick for my top five choices:

    1. Genesis (come on if you've seen him in Crisis Core and heard Gackt-sans voice you'd understand and besides he's 100% modelled after Gackt so I've got a real version of Genesis to go crazy about)

    2. Zack (He's cute when he's 'The puppy Zack')

    3. Riku (Only during an dafter KH2 longer hair ftw and no more baggy pants :D)

    4. Zexion (Smexy hair all the way)

    5. Squall Leonheart (It's just his fashion style I like; especially those belts)

    BTW I find Cloud and Roxas and Sora less than 30% hot/cute cos they're too anime with short spiky hair and always being the winners.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  15. Bubble Master Califa
    Correct in FFI, FFIII, FFIV and FFV there is mentions of crystals and they re the source of life,it's possible that these crystals decided to fuse back into the planet afrer being sought after by darkenss so many times as a way of protecting themselves.

    Also in FFVII the four huge materia's looks strikingly similar to the four crystals when they are placed in Bugenhagens observatory.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. Bubble Master Califa
    You think they're emo?

    psh I didn't hear themhating their lives and that theyw anted to die right now and enjoy the pain of death.

    They were dirty wannabe SCENES trying to be all cool and make themselves look original to everyone else.

    Kadaj used wannabe SCENE powers not emo powers :P
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Bubble Master Califa
    Sorry everyone! Huge emotional trauma recently hit me (I caught flu and theres a certain person ruining my life) well everyone here will wake up with some tarot readings cos I feel they deserve them.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Bubble Master Califa
    Which is copying your enemies abilities (wielding the dark sword in this instance) and using it against them. Sorry I felt I had to point that out.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. Bubble Master Califa
    Well it would be a interesting idea to use earlier FF characters i.e Firion, Maria and Guy (from II). Luneth, Arc, Refia, Ingus (From III). Cecil, Rosa, Kain and Rydia (From IV). Bartz, Lenna, Faris, Galuf and Krile (from V). Terra, Celes, Locke, Sabin and Edgar are just a few of the Pre-VII FF Characters (The main ones I believe they are) that have names and could be in it.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Bubble Master Califa
    Harry was too annoying in the book though and Dolores Umbridge was a bloody cow, I would have loved to have seen her get tortured by the Centaurs in person.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Literature