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  1. Bubble Master Califa

    I'm definitely doomed in the event of a zombie invasion.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Bubble Master Califa

    my Califa-san is alive! (and shes wearing a towel, cape or curtain to hide the nudity that Nami caused due to clothes tearing).

    This should be an exciting mini-story.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 27, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  3. Bubble Master Califa
    so our favourite goth loli rapier wielder isnow a main character, YAY!!!

    It almost makes me want to buy a PS3 (though I think I'll just buy the game for my cousin and play it on his Xbox360 with him)
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. Bubble Master Califa
    I hate genre of games like this, i'm definitely not buying it at all and i hope no one else does either.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. Bubble Master Califa
    A very excellant drawing and you said it was done especially for me!!! :D

    The hair shape is spot on and so it the outfit. Skin tone is very correct (not an easy task to do for Rinoa)

    The only issue for me is that Rinoa has caramel highlights and they're not shown well in the reference picture but you cna see a slight one on her left side and you could've upped her chest a bit cos the reference picture does her no justice for her cleavage. the lips are a bit off but they're really hard to draw.

    it's a very good picture all in all 5/5!!!
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Bubble Master Califa
    I call the Re:com voicehe has the 'Hojo' voice cos well it's Hojo's jap voice! In that sense it's bearable at times but it gets annoying if its overheard.

    Vexen in com is way worse though due to that Kefka laugh that didn't suit him.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Bubble Master Califa

    ...I'm way too into liking Roxas/Riku and it's notthat big where ive read fanfics and they all revolve around the time before roxas was captured like they were doing the nasty in a room somewhere before they go fight to the death. It makes me think it's all hot, passionate and very energetic :P

    I could never forget that Seifer/Hayner i read cos it felt so damn hot; hayner was Seifer's slave for the day andhad to do everything seifer said and at first Hyner was reluctant tothose certain comamnds but once he got stuck doing them her eventually loved it :D

    My best hetero has to be Namine/Axel because of the conversation they have in KH2FM+ in TWT cos it made me think they went off somewhere for a hot make-out session.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Bubble Master Califa
    See 4kids one piece dub, it's the cream of the crop of bad dubs.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Bubble Master Califa
    I loved Code Lyoko, until it stopped airing in the UK for some reason.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. Bubble Master Califa
    I'm sure Scheherezade is a Turkish or middle-eastern name and not a german one.

    I know she uses a rapier in battle and has a very anime look with her elf ears.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  11. Bubble Master Califa
    My sims2 got swindled off me by an ex-friend so this is nice to know.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  12. Bubble Master Califa
    I know it ends with the sixth book and it's not so much cute as it is romance. (my friend said anyways)
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Bubble Master Califa
    Yum, like Walkers crisps?

    My weakness is mini pizzas I love them somuch and they're so tasty I'll eat them over any sweet food any day.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Bubble Master Califa
    Thanks i'm on water right now and i've already made an idiot of myself in a public road... parents know I've dranked but they assume it was peer pressure whih si the truth and I'm glad they're not mad at me.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Bubble Master Califa
    We need to script this like the show...

    Bubble Master Califa: Orange? What does the forum say about Kitty's post counts?

    Orange: It's over 4000!!!

    Kitty: :P I pwnz u all! XD

    That's a Dragon Ball Z style.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Bubble Master Califa
    I've read the first four books and its really cute!!!

    I love Soshi so much and Night is hot.
    My only disappointmont was the colour of the uniforms the comapany that made Night (red and black woulda been a better colour than black and grey)
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. Bubble Master Califa
    My birthday is September 8th so i'm hoping it'll be out in europe by then so it I can get it and a psp :D
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  18. Bubble Master Califa
    ^ SAME for me in opinion of the facts that Squall dresses better.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  19. Bubble Master Califa
    uh i live in an urban district with no trees at all and it's 10PM.

    i'm not sinning that was the methd we usedto get drunk in thefirst place as well, i'll try orange juice I heard somehwere that helps.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Bubble Master Califa
    sleep isn't working so i need anything that helps a headache naturally...any help people??
    Thread by: Bubble Master Califa, Mar 15, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone