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  1. Bubble Master Califa
    Hmm lets see...

    New Moon - Stephanie Meyer (Retired unfinished since August)

    Relentess - Simon Kernick (Delayed for whenever I'm on holiday or a school trip)

    A taste of Japan: Guide for Yokomeshi (Loaned off my Sensei to learn about japanese food over the holiday)
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  2. Bubble Master Califa
    (It's rather abstract, more symbolic than literal and self-reflective tbh)

    I gave them a smile, but its been a while,
    I gave them a smile, but all that while,
    They wanted me to be their monster,
    But that's just not me, no thank you sir.

    Oh its been so long since I went dancing,
    But I forgot that I danced oh so deadly,
    With a grin and a smirk they knew,
    I had ruined myself and friends, all for you.

    You try your best and be oh so sweet,
    But all you end up as, is venom burning through the sheet.
    Suppose it's the nature of your own heart,
    as you just tear, many things apart.

    Yeah, that's me now.

    I'm just venom to all the friends I touch,
    I can kill anything without effort or strife,
    It's a mess, It's a mess and I'm not your crutch,
    Cos why would I help, the one who broke my life.

    Revenge was never quite me,
    But accidental chaos true, left me confused,
    Friends would be burned and bruised,
    and even worse to those already been abused.

    I'm venom at the touch,
    Searing all that come close,
    Fixing never works,
    I'm DM on the hose.

    And as for enemies and lovers?
    The first ones poison me too quick,
    And second; well they never exist.
    If any, they come and go within a tick.

    As for the mirror held within my hand,
    It's cracked from these impure eyes,
    Once baby blue; now green as rotting land,
    it's that heart of mine, infected and festering
    with the darkness from evil guys.​
    Thread by: Bubble Master Califa, Dec 24, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Bubble Master Califa
    I believe art is a form of expressing emotions, ideas, concepts and creativity in any form.

    I also feel that fashion is a very powerful form of art; especially avant garde and haute couture outfits are a very strong expression of a persons ideas and concepts.

    Music is also a strong form of art to me because it shows the creativity of musicians, songwriters and vocalists.

    Traditional art is beautiful also but I can't spend any longer than five minutes on a portrait unless theres a lot to take in and see. (I enjoy rather grim, hellish black and white portraits similar to dante's inferno XD)
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  4. Bubble Master Califa

    Cooking ;D

    I love to cook, I see it as an excuse to relax and do your own thing...

    ...However we have little to no recipe books and a very poorly supplied kitchen (can anyone say frozen food hell cos of workin' parents) so I don't get a chance to cook much.

    Muffins are a great therapy for relaxing baking =D
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  5. Bubble Master Califa
    I currently have an unbaring addiction to Lady Gaga and its bad...a bad romance XD

    I'm aware she's not a band so errm my band is either Blondie or Catatonia to the end.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Music
  6. Bubble Master Califa
    It's about time they showed pictures of Aqua gameplay.

    I'm deffo playing her first; magic and a bit of speed is me all through then I'll grudge through Ven then Terra >_>

    Bout time we got a rockin heroine to control.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Bubble Master Califa
    I'm all for gay marriage considering if I want a marriage with someone special it'd be this way.

    But in the UK we already have this or something similar...Civil Partnerships I think...

    As a unusual extra fact my two gay friends already have their wedding idea thought of [well i know one of them has thought about it form a convo]. They're having a wiccan ceremony called a handfasting or handtieing. It's basically a union but the twist is that they're tied to each other by the hand and it can't be untied until they make love.

    Unusual? Yes.
    But is it my two friends type of marriage? Yep XD.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Bubble Master Califa
    I don't have this issue because I date men XD

    Before going the movies or to eat when I had a boyfriend we put our funds together cos it was 'our' money and it was equal and everything cos we both put a tenner in each and we spent it all on whatever we got. Though I always eat more sweeties cos I'm a greedy moo XD.

    And when I'm with my best friend who's a girl she loves paying part of the bill so we do sharing. We'll round it up and divide it in half or I'll add more if i ate more or she'll pay more if I'm a bit low on cash.

    Though she loves to pay in meals and movie her boyfriend forces to pay everything with her. Even though he is a bit cash strapped which makes her feel guilty but he still forces her to not pay. she only thinks its sweet for a moment and then remembers how she feels guilty on him paying for it all but she's always deadlocked.

    Chivalry maybe but tbh it's more annoying than helping to her.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  9. Bubble Master Califa

    I really laughed then. but seriously we do need help decoding the words on the picture.

    so anyone with any japanese reading translation skills please help us! :(
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Feb 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Bubble Master Califa
    Thanks, I just sent him a message to see if he replies when he gets on.

    It's just me and my friend have no idea what it says but theres apparently a message there for my friend off the person who sent him the image cos he had to tell him in code; but sadly neither of us can translate XD.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Feb 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Bubble Master Califa

    Or is that only british?

    Well i eat pot noodles with chopsticks...:P
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Feb 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Bubble Master Califa
  13. Bubble Master Califa
    Ok my friend needs toknow what this kanji/kana in the image on this link means I'm not sure if its kanji or kana but its important cos one of his friends sent him this image as code for something and like please help translate it if you understand?

    The link is here:

    Thanks if you try =D
    Thread by: Bubble Master Califa, Feb 26, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Bubble Master Califa

    I know of the Leek spin, ah the good old funny classics :)

    God; this is so weird I feel like this site is totally different from what I remember xD

    So how's the board been cupcake?
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Feb 20, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Bubble Master Califa
  16. Bubble Master Califa
    ...but now I'm back I'm bad and well I'm not nationwide as I'm british :)

    I wasn't a big member who was well known or anything but i did post here and then back in the days of yore. (up until april last year when a lot of changed happened).

    Now that I'm done with being a social bunny hooch since well I get bullied i decided to return to kh-vids and make friends with the old and make some new ones.

    So if anyone remember this old crow please say hi :) and I'm sorry to a lot of youwho i just cut out of my life totally cos i changed msn after my old one got hacked and only got salvage some names and all that jazz.

    start fresh if you remember me?
    Thread by: Bubble Master Califa, Feb 20, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Bubble Master Califa
    haha thanks everyone and my cake is special it has writing on it from food colouring pens =P
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Sep 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Bubble Master Califa
    I mained Xianghua for a while but I'm sorta into Ivy with the whips but I refuse to play as her in the piece of leather bra.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Sep 8, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  19. Bubble Master Califa
    God, I feel so old now I'm 16 years old =D

    I'm going to a teppanyaki place later which shouldbe really good =)

    So yeah...anyone who wants to be a tad bit nice and wish me a happy birthday can if they like :P
    Thread by: Bubble Master Califa, Sep 8, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Bubble Master Califa
    I only like him over sora because roxas worse a checkered wristlet :P

    Black and white are such nice colours...I still honestly want to thieve that wristlet and his rings 9sora's chain is too MEH for me to like).

    i sound so superficial there; meh it's better than being in love with him I s'pose.
    Post by: Bubble Master Califa, Apr 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX