don't feel bad I'm the same too x_x
You do not scare me D< Because you're NOT prenuim anymore >D
mine wii number is 5598 1893 7046 1735
my secret has been revealed damn you rikus#1fangirl
hmm...i dunno.. uh... I think i'm gonna go with DS
shika shadow 8D i have my own reasons
i voted mish! :D
dude...there's only one awsome mmo game IT'S call!!!!!!!!! RAGNAROK ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!
what he said.
lawl.i got worst username award XD yea its pretty lame but i was in a rush that time! XD;
oi i wasn't there,lol. good story :D i wonder how would i sound like if i was in there >: D
lolololololol 8D I pwn joo all >8D
summer schedule -wake up at noon -turns on computer -eats food -brush teeth -play mah ds *leaves the computer on* -gets bored turns off ds -get mad at myself for not turning off the comp off -goes outside stand in the sun -dies -sleep when do i get to attack or reflect will get help me kill him?
i tried magnet doesn't do many damages on him
my advice is have the strangest keyblade have some h-potion and alot of ether and always have tinkerbell to heal u
there has been many threads like this before
not getting banned. make lotsa friends here. become Premium.
hmm..i want to cosplay but when i get a little older but sadly i can't find costumes DX if i could i'be one of the organization mysterious cloaker
i live in LA too :D maybe we should gang up with other ppl in khv and give free hugs to ppl lol and ur pretty :) say where's madiyashu? YOU GUYS ROCK!!!