That's flippin hilarious! The lighter makes the sound of a gunshot! LOL
I got bad case of writer's block. I'm trying to write my fanfiction and I don't know how to get from point A to point B. The inspiration isn't coming as fast I wish. Any of you get writer's block for your fanfictions?
"They all would make great sacrifices. Do you think we should let Rinoa watch as her boyfrined gets devoured?" Kuja asked. Rinoa's eyes widened in certain fear.
'Great, damsel in distress again,' Rinoa thought to herself. "Why don't we get out of here. I certainly don't want to be a sacrifice for Chaos right now," Kuja said as he started to walk away
Though Rinoa was paralyzed, you could still see the fear in her eyes as Kuja picked her up. "Great, whehre to now?" Kuja calmly asked Sephiroth.
"I guess I could have someone feed me in the mornings and kill those when I'm tired. She'll stay," Kuja answered a s he walked near Rinoa.
That was a little messed up. A frying pan? How about a newspaper?
"Hmmm.... it that is a toughy. There are many ways we could benefit and so many ways we wouldn't," Kuja said as he started to think.
Rinoa slammed against the wall and gave a small sound of pain. Kuja smiled at the monster. if only he could control it... ooc- Chendler, I love your avatar, it's funny
"So is light. If darkness is eternal, then light is too. It is immortal. Even if you kill us, we will be back to vanquish your evils," Rinoa said
Rinoa looked in fear at the completed monster. "We atone for our sins by destroying monsters like you!" Rinoa said bravely, though she couldn't talk, paralysis and all. Kuja stared at the new being, he did not want to mess with it.
I hope there's a way I can contribute. Though I don'th ave a sig maker nor do I know how to make one. If there's something I can do, ask.
ooc- I knowthat flaw too, but I ignored it. Who said Edea wasn't possessed by chaos in here? I thin kyou should ask chaser007
Use the quote from Demitri Martin and saw "Screw get well soon, get well now," That's all i have. Or a simple get well soon. I do hope she gets better
"If we created you, then why must you sacrifice us for your own gain?" Rinoa asked. "We humans may have our flaws, but that's what makes us beautiful," she added.
I always thought Ansem was Kairi's dad from the time I heard about ATW. It's very likely and why not? A dad doesn't have to be young, look at mine!
I requested a sig from him a long time ago and he didn't make it! Noob!
If actual keys bringyou good luck. Guilty as charged, got it memorized?
Rinoa stood paralyzed by the spell and with fear. This monster was hideous and terrifying. Even Kuja had some look of fear, but he then remained calm and collected. A great ally indeed
Sweet li' heartless angel. It puts Sephy to shame