These are two of hikaru's songs from her new album Heart Station. I 'm listening to them right now, and they're great. Listen to them and tell me what you think.:) Especially heart station.
sooo last post wins huh.
i got pain
has a red sig
peanut butta jelly time!!!! PEANUT BUTTA JELLY TIME
is a sadden blood warrior
is in xenmaaria
avvy:5 sig:5
He, and you are a kh fan lol.
Sounds good?
is a girl.
Dude wat about Soi-Fon.
Does Roshana sound good? (row-shawna)
My thoughts exactly, and how about Roshana for her name.
is wronge again.
is also wronge.
Wow that really put a big smile on my face. I need to talk to tpk.
Has 106 shoes
Doesn't ring any bells.
Is wronge............