Aaah. What did I say about studying!? You is a baaaad kid, Shoush. XD
That's my error screenshot. Interesting. o.0 Lovely, DA. It's simply lovely what your mind can come up with in spells of boredom. XD
I completely agree with that. >_< I'd have to say American country as well; I used to be a huge fan, but recently, the majority of their songs are no longer about America, but about going to Mexico. Pardon me, but I thought country music was supposed to be about your country?
The Lion King or Aladdin, I suppose. Can't really remember a lot of the Disney soundtracks...
The things that I am obsessed with and/or the few things I find awesomer than I: -Grammar -Martial Arts -Star Wars -KH-Vids -Mish (isn't everybody? XD) -Soundtrack music -Editing writing assignments that belong to other people ...and that's everything, I think. Oh, and chocolate
10 AM to 9 PM... EST? o.0 Forgive me for being unbelievably dense.
Good luck with that. Go study and stop replying to me!! XD
Assuming much? XD I'm on (optimally) from about 3:30 PM EST to 6:00 PM EST, give or take a few minutes. Then maybe half an hour to two hours between 7 and 10. Once break starts and I'm on vacation, I might be able to make that a little more flexible.
I know what you mean; this last week before break is going to be murder with my research paper. I won't be able to participate a lot initally.
You guys scared me! My interwebz was on the fritz so I couldn't sign on when I got home, then went to Tang Soo Do, returned, and saw almost 20 new posts! I thought you guys started. T_T Off to check the new info now...
I refuse to read the Twilight series simply because everyone else did. I'm contrary like that. xD Fantasy-wise, I'd have to strongly recommend the Legend of Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore. It's your typical fantasy-esque story told from an interesting character's point of view. You can start with either The Crystal Shard or Homeland; the former was written first, while the latter is almost like a prelude to the series.
Same here; I've been watching a lot of the older anime like Wolf's Rain and Yu Yu Hakusho. Granted, I like Naruto and Black Cat. Then again, I'm relatively new to anime; I've only started watching it when [AdultSwim] was broadcasting Fullmetal Alchemist; since then, I've gone back and watched some of the more well-known older series.
Sticking with that same anime, I'd also have to add Roy Mustang's gloves; instant fire is sexy like that. :3 He snaps his fingers, and it makes a spark. He then uses alchemy to condense the oxygen in the air and BOOM- bombs on demand... I think I just quoted the episode word for word... ^-^' Also, Train Heartnet's pistol from Black Cat. That is epic. A beautiful weapon wielded by a beautiful man. :3 For other examples of beautiful men with a beautiful weapons, Ishida's bow from Bleach, Sasuke's Sharingan in Naruto, and Kanda's Mugen in D.Gray-Man. What can I say? I like pretty boys who kick ***. :3
If you have time and a high tolerance for battle sequences, Japanese-subbed Naruto and Bleach, and English-dubbed Yu Yu Hakusho if you can find it. I've only seen Japanese-subbed Black Cat, so I can't tell you if the English or Japanese is better. I just finished .hack//SIGN, and that was interesting if odd. And, just for shojo laughes, Ouran High School Host Club. :3 You'll recognize Light Yagami's Japanese seiyuu instantly. (Mamoru Miyano = <3)
Something wielding automatic weapons. Very deterring to potential muggers. XD
Umm... well, one would die quickly from lack of nutrients eating only one thing, but that's me being overly practical. Whimsically, I'd have to say apples. Healthy and yummy.
Shoush, that made me smile. I was searching through this thread looking for my own post and I found that instead. Just thought you should know that's the most amusing thing I've seen today. Anyway, I thought of a name: Jade., I'm not kidding. XD Girls: Jade, Riza, Yume, Leia, Mairana, Aleesa, Aura... Boys: Jade, Luke, Colt, Cody, Rafael, Mihael... Do you feel bad for my children yet? :3
Southern Italy, Virginia, Greece, Rome, Kyoto... there are far too many to choose one. :3
As soon as I get this damn paper done, I would. I know there are members out there who, lacking automatic respect and an almost "celebrity"-like status, won't even try to post an intelligent RP for the simple matter that those who respond don't care. It's happened to me; I spent a lot of time working on an RPG, only to log off to sleep, come back a few hours later, and find it lacking-any-coherent-posts and somehow it has been dragged so far away from its original premise that it was all but slaughtered. If you try to correct it, they just stamp off in a huff. So, as seems to happen a lot, I agree with Repliku.