Life is excellent, GX; I got an extend on my research paper, so it's not due until after break. XD How are you?
I agree. But what do I care? I'm one of the oldest non-prem. members on this site! XD
Definately video games! All of that pales in comparison to the horrendous world of video games!
Roger Clemens is still denying that he used steroids. I hope he's telling the truth; I really do. I hate that baseball is being smeared like this.
I don't mean sticking humans on Venus to watch them attempt to survive; they would die rather swiftly. I meant that life may evolve completely separately from how life evolved on Earth. Or, as Darkwatch said, life may have already gone extinct. As our sun cools down as it ages (we're talking billions of years in the future), perhaps Venus will end up with conditions similar to pre-life Earth. Who knows?
I've never been on the arcade... and can we even get on it anymore?
...I didn't even notice it until now. I think I take the prize today for "most unobservant"... >_<
DS, arigato gozaimasu for the blue. It's simply epic.
Soo... KHV... eats... other KH sites? O_O
Even I'm (slowly) getting used to it, and I probably hate change more than anyone else here. The white is radically different from anything I've seen here before, though. Wonder what prompted the change?
Oh, I admit this probably took a lot of work. It's just going to take some getting used to. x_x
And the quotes in signatures just look silly now.
The majority of us just aren't used to so much happiness... I mean, can you picture someone being banned against this background of love and joy?
Too... bright... Eyes.... burning... brain... poop ARMS LIKE NOODLES!
Indeed, as far as I can tell when a new page loads.
I really should know better than to do something you all are doing... ***ing coders in yellow... *rubs blackened skin where eyes were*
Coders? I feel idiotic...
Interesting... very interesting. All my fonts were in white before. x_x But very cool, God... very cool.
Mmm... I think that's simply silly; if you think that since you have a 'C' or 'D' name you'll achieve only the corresponding letter grade, then you deserve to fail. No, you deserve to phail.
I think this falls under the category of "asking for illegal downloads"...