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  1. Jade Rhade
    I believe this is the link Jube was talking about...
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Current Events
  2. Jade Rhade
    Twilight Town: there's never anything to do.
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Jade Rhade
    I can never eat gingerbread men... I always feel bad for them, ever since when I was little, my mom said that when I ate one, he was trying to escape my stomach. :eek:
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jade Rhade


    "Pardon me, my lady."

    Jade turned to meet the eyes of a man roughly her height. "Yes, sir, may I assist you in your endeavor?"

    "Perhaps we can assist each other. You see, my lady Ariya Solanea would like to discuss the Ferawyns with you. Am I correct in assuming you desire information of them?"

    "You're well informed," Jade nodded once. "I would be honored to meet your lady."

    Ariya Solanea's chief spymaster hid his smile and gestured. "Please, this way."
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Jade Rhade
    I agree completely; padding for the floor too expensive? >_<
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Current Events
  6. Jade Rhade
    Linguistic thinkers:
    Tend to think in words, and like to use language to express complex ideas.
    Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.

    Other Linguistic Thinkers include
    William Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, Anne Frank

    Careers which suit Linguistic thinkers include
    Journalist, Librarian, Salesperson, Proof-reader, Translator, Poet, Lyricist
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. Jade Rhade
    "...the collectors, who want to own the authorized DVDs of their favorite series, and a much larger group, the consumers, who just want to watch as much anime as they can for free."

    That is true, to a certain degree, but they're not really losing money that way. A lot of the people who watch anime online (myself included) have gotten into shows they otherwise wouldn't have: my main example is Naruto. I absolutely hated the english dub on Cartoon Network; if DPWolf hadn't recommended it in Japanese, I probably would never have watched it. I buy the DVD box sets now so I can watch it on the television in the native language. Same with Death Note. If I watcha series online and didn't like it that much, then I obviously won't buy the releases on DVD; they're not losing money, since I would never buy soemthing I'm unsure of in the first place.
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Jade Rhade
    Indeed. The most recent example was last night reading Fullmetal Alchemist: vol 15. The last one before that was The Book Thief. That one broke several records of making me cry not once, not twice, but three times.
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Literature
  9. Jade Rhade


    OOC note: time for Jade to bring out the bad guys, if that's alright with you, Soush... XD To keep this short, I don't even bring my own character into this post; if this breaks some kind of multiple-character-control rule, please let me know.

    "My lady Ariya," a soft voice tapped at her elbow. "Might I have a moment of your time?"

    Lady Ariya Solanea smiled as she regarded her master spymaster. "Certainly. I always make time for you."

    "Someone's been inquiring into the Ferawyns. I don't know her name; she's definately not from around here to judge by appearence." The small, slight-boned man grinned tightly. "She does stick out in a crowd." He hastened to continue, long experience of reading faces telling him that no matter how cheerful the expression, impatience bubbled right beneath it. He bore the scars of her service proudly; no other spymaster had managed to survive her whims long enough.

    "My point is, outsiders generally don't investigate fallen Houses. I believe she is somehow connected to," he paused dramatically, "Aelthir Ferawyn."

    "The heir..." Ariya Solanea considered the news carefully, then abrubtly made a decision. "Bring this outsider to me."

    "Yes, my lady."
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Jade Rhade


    Jade slipped the dagger into her pocket and moved on. A few meters down the street she found a blacksmith's stand. She waited patiently while he finished with his customer, then stepped forward, perhaps closer than necessary.

    "If you would permit a question without the exchange of coin," she inclined her head to apologize for taking him away from business, even for a moment. "I would ask if you can identify this." Pulling the dagger from her pocket, she held it in her hand for him to examine. "I've acquired it and wish to return it to its proper owner."

    The smithy was quiet for a minute as he gazed at the dagger. "This crest... who'd you say you got it from?" He reached to take it from hand.

    "I didn't, my good sir." She raised a slender eyebrow and wrapped her fingers carefully around the weapon. "As I said, I wish an answer that does not require the exchange of coin."

    The smith shook his head at her strange behavior. "That's the Ferawyn crest, sure enough. I won't bother you with your business, woman, but you'd best be careful carrying an item like that. You'll become a target for thieves of a wealthier kind, like those who rule this city."

    "Pardon?" Her eyes narrowed, but the smithy turned away and busied himself with another customer; clearly, it was her sign to leave. "Interesting, indeed..."
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Jade Rhade


    NOTE: Real life continues to interfere in the most irritating of ways, so I apologize for the lateness of the post and the sarcity of them.

    Wandering about the city, Jade made her way to the district of Mhaura, attempting to stay out of the way of the thousands of people who all seemed to have their own business that was extremely important to them and to no one else. Valdeaunia seemed to be the same as any city; it was irritating and filthy, as void of purpose as everywhere else.

    She bumped shoulders with a man who seemed more suspicious than most; as she turned to apologize, he was already watching her with guarded eyes. "I apologize to you, my good sir."

    "Hm. No matter," he sated, making to leave.

    Jade shook her head and grabbed his shoulder. "Perhaps you should keep a better handle on your valuables, sir," she murmured, dropped a handful of coins back into his pocket.

    He turned, surprised, suspicion heightening. "Thank you, Miss..."

    "I consider it impolite to give a name without receiving one in return," she responded. "And it is you who is in debt to me for your belongs. If you like, I will take them back."

    "That's not necessary. I'm a bodyguard to Laryth Varlas; that's all you need know."

    "I see we have something in common; the reluctance to give out our names," she offered him a nod of the head. "My name is Jade Rhade. I don't suppose you know of a decent inn in the area?"

    "There are many throughtout the city. You can't miss them." He took a step back. "If you'll excuse me, ma'am..."

    "Certainly, sir. A pleasant day to you." Jade continued on her way for a little bit, then stopped and leaned against the wall, examining the dagger she had pilfered from his pocket. "Interesting design. Not from here, indeed." The quality was far too fine for a simple bodyguard; if she were to hazard a guess, this man was the Laryth Varlas himself. Interesting.
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Jade Rhade


    Lucky... break doesn't start until this weekend. We go back on the 2nd. x_x
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jade Rhade


    I would have said white previously, but that doesn't quite work anymore... >_> I'll settle for you adding the second 'r' to the word "married". XD

    EDIT: Nevermind, you already fixed that. =P
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Jade Rhade


    The most informal marriage proposal I've ever received, but alright. XD

    EDIT: Is orange all right for you?
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Jade Rhade


    Or perhaps "added to"?
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jade Rhade
    Good job. xD
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jade Rhade


    Sadness... ah well.
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jade Rhade
    Xaldin makes a lovely girl elf. You should send it to the user Xaldin. XD
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Jade Rhade
    *shudder* I'm her age, and I can't imagine having a child now. I'm far too concerned about what kind of mother I'd make. Doesn't anyone think about the kids?

    And contraceptives aren't that hard to find, celebrities. I know they have private armies of people who buy stuff for them; why can't they just send someone to CVS or something if they can't go themselves? *sigh*
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Jade Rhade
    That's epic. Takes a while to load, but it's worth it. XD
    Post by: Jade Rhade, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone