O_O Someone who knows not of the Hammer? Well, where to begin... Suffice to say, the Hammer is what I would hit people with whenever they'd speak in 1337, txt tlk, repetitive bad spelling, lack of punctuation, and of course, grammar. Yes, those were fine days indeed...
My ego is at the same level it always was. XD *returns bow* Someone taught you respect- good! I'm glad to see the forum hasn't gotten THAT bad while I was gone.
I think Kingdom Hearts is Jade Rhade. Seriously; Ansem was blinded by my SHEER AWESOMENESS!! XD ...no, my ego has not diminished in the least while I was gone.
*pats head* That's right, RESIST THE URGE!! ...do I want to know what happened to Risk? O_O .... "only"? XD
Fullmetal Alchemist. Definately have to recommend FMA. Other than that... I hate to say Naruto? Really, it IS good in spite of itself!
XD How are you, anyway? I won't even correct the grammar. XD XD And you, too. Same question.
Hmm.... depending upon where in the country you are. If you happen to be in the northeastern part, I recommend chocolate-peanut butter TastyKakes. Other than that... umm... COME ON, THIS IS AMERICA!! WE DON'T HAVE SIGNATURE FOOD; WE STOLE IT FROM EVERYONE ELSE! ...Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Everyone says it's really good, though I don't taste a difference. I'm not very food-conscious. ^^'
WAAAH!! T_T Yay for those who've improved... everyone else... SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE UP THE GRAMMAR HAMMER! PLEASE! I'M OFFERING IT! Thank you, though unfortunately I probably can't stay. T_T ...I remember the days when CTR was taking over the forums. =3
I am Jade Rhade, one of the few who uses proper spelling and grammar. I give you permission to bow down before me. XD
Hello! Is it true? Has the grammar fallen into shambles with no one left to carry the torch of literacy?
Never heard of you. That's okay, you probably don't know the legend that is me, either. XD
...No, I kid. Apologies, but I don't have time lately for the forum. x_x That is, if anyone still remembers me. I wouldn't be surprised if you all forgot about me. T_T I just kind of popped in for April Fool's because I was curious as to what the staff cooked up this year, but there doesn't seem to be anything interesting. ....Wolf tells me the grammar on this site has deteriorated in my absence. This is kind of upsetting. ANYWAY, everyone's welcome to IM me via AIM (sorry, no MSN here) or PM me via FFnet. And... yeah. If nothing else, just tell Wolf a message for me, and she should get it to me. ...so how is everyone, anyway?
"I thank you for your hospitality, Lady Solanea," Jade remarked, seating herself upon the edge of an elegantly upholstered chair. "Yet must admit to some confusion on my part. As an outsider, I cannot understand why you would request my presence." "I'll be blunt with you," Ariya poured a splash of wine into a glass and offered it to her. "You've been asking about the Ferawyn House." Jade declined the drink with a head shake. "Indeed, though I have learned nothing that is not common knowledge amongst your subjects. Is it a crime to satisfy curiousity in your city?" "No, it is not," Ariya took a sip herself. "In fact, I'd like you to learn more." "Or else?" a small smile quirked her lips. "That is the threat implied, is it not?" "See it however you wish." Lady Solanea pulled a small bell from her pocket and rang it once sharply. Almost instantly, the spymaster from before entered the room bearing a small silk purse. "I'd like to present you with a gift, and hope you'll return with more to... teach." Jade took the purse and bowed once. "You honor me, though I fail to see your purpose. I shall see myself out." As the spymaster closed the door behind her, he looked to Ariya. "I sometimes don't understand your games, m'lady." "No one does, until it's too late."
Editing other people's writing assignments, creative works.... it's fun. :3
A Stray Child (.hack//SIGN OST)
Indeed; if nothing else, it contains (obviously) far too many safety hazards.
Let's see... can I just say I love going to toy stores? Yes, at age 16, I still find joy in stuffed animals. XD Mom didn't even bother wrapping them. Also, I already know she got me a Sasuke action figure. Considering that I'd just called my boyfriend to tell him to buy it for me, and she gets in the car and tells me to tell him to get me something else. :3 ...yes, I saw the Sasuke action figure and just spazzed going: "MUST... HAVE...!!!!" >_>
A few weeks ago I would have said Death Note, no contest, but having just finished .hack//SIGN, I'd have to say that one is just as good, if not better. If you guys want to post links (preferably streaming, not download, since that's technically illegal) to your favorites, do it here.
As huge an FMA fan as I am (it got me into anime in the first place, after all!), I have to say I was satisfied with the ending. They left just enough for you to imagine what happens next; and besides, they'd already diverged much too far from the manga to continue their own plots. FMA manga = EPIC LOVE. I'd like to see the Black Cat anime continue, since I've started reading the manga and it seems almost completely AU from the anime. And of course, my (only) guilty shojo pleasure, Ouran High School Host Club. I would love to see more of that. :3
Jade kept silent as the small man led her through ornate hallways and past fine doors. The merchant's almost offhand comment about thieves of a weathier kind continued to run across her mind. "Ah, welcome," an imperious, but relatively young, female voice greeted her as Jade passed through a particularly complex doorway. "You would be the mysterious one outlander I've heard so much about." This woman was not much taller than Jade herself; the added height was lended to her by some form of impractical heeled shoe. "You may address me as Lady Solanea." Jade bowed from the waist. "In return as such, you may address me as Lady Rhade." Solanea's eyes narrowed a bit, but she recovered quickly from the other woman's presumptuous attitude; her smile never wavered. "Your hairstyle," she remarked, calmly making her way across the room to a small table sporting a crystal decanter and two glass, "marks you from somewhere further west, if I'm not mistaken." "Unfortunately, Lady Solanea, you are indeed mistaken," Jade answered in kind. "I am not from the West, nor from the East. In fact, I have nothing to do with you, nor have I any use for your politics." Her hand gripped one of the glasses until her knuckles whitened. "You're quite a rude little thing, aren't you?" Solanea grated out, still affecting the smile. "Most would be cowering from being summoned by one of Valdeaunia's elite." "Should I cower?" she countered calmly. "I simply respond in kind to what I am shown. You give me rudeness, I return it back. If you cannot handle a perfectly civilized conversation, my time here is of no use." The Lady continued to glare for a few moments, then abrubtly barked out a laugh. "I like you, Lady Rhade. Perhaps we can come to some form of understanding." She waved a hand in silent order. "Please, have a seat." Her eyes glittered. "I'm sure we have much to discuss."