I absolutely NEED it by October 15th. But sometime before October would be best. Try Wal-Mart, or Radio Shack. They should have all sorts of mics. I have lots of different mics. But the two I like best are type that you'd use for RockBand and headset type mic. Those are the types I would recommend.
First you record a voiceover of any of thier lines, or just a voice sample. Then you upload it to mediafire.com and send me the download link. If you don't knwo how to upload to mediafire.com, check through my posts on page 2 (I think). There should be instructions. P.S. You can audition for anyone you want. And if you really felt compelled to, you could audition for everyone. But, eh... I don't encourage that lol. I don't know for sure yet, but no one has auditioned for Donald, Goofy, or Mickey, and I think that near Oct. 15th I'll have everyone but them. So they're probably who I need most. But you know, audition for whoever you want! ;D
Really? I was not aware of this. Well, anyway, uhhh... Would you like to audition?
Thanks so much! ^_^
Sorry if this is considered spamming, but I don't know where else to ask this question to admins. I am just wondering how and why people get banned? What do you do that gets you banned? And more specifically, I'd like to know why Dulor_Black was banned. Please and thank you! :D
Sure! :D The more Marlys the better! lol Can you record right now?
Great job everyone! I look forward to seeing more from you all next week! XD
What exactly is the problem? What exactly are you haveing trouble with?
I play quarterback, wide reciever, and sometimes offensive line! I'm not the greatest at O line though lol. Oh, and my favorite NFL teams are San Fran 49ers, and the Pittsbhurg Steelers! Wh00t wh00t!!! EDIT: They're cheeeeeaaaaters! No offense to you man. I just wish they wouldn't have cheated... Quoted for truth.
Like everyone else is saying, you need 7 Orichalsum+. I can't think of anything else that you're missing.
You know, I never thought Zexion could sound like that. But then again, I never really thought about what he would sound like lol. Good job! I think you nailed it right on the head. This could definitely work! Thanks! ;D Sure! :D We can't go without Lex! But umm... what dub? I don't see a link anywhere. o.O *confuzzled* EDIT: When I first created this thread, I forgot some characters ( which was really quite stupid of me). But I added them now. So some of you might want to go back and check the list again. I also color coded the different types of voices, just because I felt like it lol.
No, that's okay. It was good. But if you want to audition for anyone else, then by all means do so! XD But like I said, I can't say who will get what for sure until October. So do your best! ^_^ Just record yourself saying some lines in character, upload the file to mediafire.com, and then message me the download link. If you don't know how to use media fire then check my instructions a few posts back.
No certain scene or lines. Whatever you like. Pretty good! The only thing is that I think you were kind of blowing into the mic a little as you talked. Lol And I could hear spongebob in the background. But other than that it was quite good! I'm not making any promises just yet, seeing as how there's a ways till the deadline. But you definitely have a chance at getting it. She is in Re:CoM Reverse Rebirth. It's actually Namine in disguise. But it's the voice of kairi.
Alright, once again I apologize if this seems like a stupid question, but... when you said you did a video, did you mean for the audition? Because if so, all I really need is the sound. Plus I can't really download it if it's a video.
Quick question (and sorry if you already answered this). You do have a mic right? And yes. I do know that was a stupid question.
After you're done recording, go to mediafire.com and click the "Upload files to Media Fire" button. Then hit the "Upload without account" button. Select your file, and then there will be a big green button that says "Start upload", which you should click. Then click on "My Files". After the green bar fills up, copy the website address below it, and send it to me. (Hehe, sorry if that was too detailed... or not detailed enough.) Let me know if there are any problems. Just follow the directions I posted. Or if you know an easier way, then that's okay too. That's kind of what the audition is... wait, I'm not sure if I understood that completely, or if you did, or uh... lol my bad.
Yeah, that's fine!
Like I said in the other topic, all you have to do is record yourself saying something, upload it to media fire and then send me the link. :D
Of course! XD Sure! ^_^ Do you guys know how to upload stuff to mediafire? No. Don't mind at all! If y'all could just upload your voices saying some of thier lines to media fire and then send me the link that would be great! (If you don't know any of thier lines, then well... just say.... something... lol)
Whoa! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for Sims 3! It's gonna pwn! When's it coming out?