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  1. dman.sora
    i think you should keep it how it is... except change it to DarkCloud... you know, proper grammar and all...
    Post by: dman.sora, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. dman.sora
  3. dman.sora

    Well, it's November 1st! It's kinda' late too... I was busy all day... sorry, my bad. But anyways, I'll have some of the list up in a minute... KAY?



    Absolutely NO ONE!!! Where are you Sora? Someone needs to audition for him...



    Jiminy Cricket:




    Still pondering this one...

    Still pondering this one as well...

    O R A N G E







    And if you auditioned but didn't get the part, don't worry! Just keep an eye out for my next one: The Kingdom Hearts 2 Dub!!! There are a LOT more parts in that one! I can almost guarantee that everyone will have more than one role in it!
    Post by: dman.sora, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. dman.sora
    This is Dman.Sora! I'm the one who started the Re:CoM english dub about a month and a half ago. Well, for some reason I have someone for every part, except Sora! He's the main character; and the deadline is November 1st! This could be a problem if I don't find someone fast! Here's the link to the original audition thread:

    So if you're interested, PM your audition to me ASAP! As Soon As Possible! Please, and thank you! ;'D
    Thread by: dman.sora, Oct 30, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. dman.sora
    Hey, guys! I've got a heck of a lot going on right now, so I might not be on very much at all... but if you want, I'll be Peter Lawford! lol
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. dman.sora
    "Casting Members, though are you
    really editing there voices and putting them
    on a save file.?"

    o_____o ..................... What do you mean? o.O
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. dman.sora
    Profile Post

    Lol my bad.

    Lol my bad.
    Profile Post by dman.sora for BaseSebastian, Oct 27, 2008
  8. dman.sora
  9. dman.sora
    Wow... you rated them quite high. Did you really think ___ was that close to Axel? No offense ___. I shall keep that in mind. But... I can't say who they were yet. Come November 1st and all shall know. XD


    Hey everyone! We are in dire need of a good Sora! If any of you can do a good Sora voice, LET ME KNOW!!! If not... we're doomed. O_O'
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  10. dman.sora
    Hey, welcome Mike! Great to have you here! And, wonderful news by the way!
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. dman.sora
    They were good. I especially liked Lex! XD

    I'm thinking about making another one that is longer after this... if all goes well, that is. lol


    Here's a video that that I threw together real quick from two of the people that auditioned. And just as a special little thing, I want to have everyone tell me how each of them did. On a scale of one to ten, how good were each of them? Not at voice timing, (because I was the one that put thier voices on... I was in a rush) but on how well they did the characters voices. Sooooo... rate away!

    (It is attached)
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. dman.sora
    The deadline has been moved up to Nov 1st. But just about anything you have on your computer. Audacity, Windows Movie Maker, or if you have one, you could use a better quality recording program. Whatever you have should be fine.

    Sorry. I haven't got back to a few people actually, but I have everyone's auditions logged. But thanks for the donald audition. That was you? I couldn't quite understand him... but then again, that's donald! lol
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. dman.sora
    Dealine is November 1st!

    The deadline for the trailer is November 1st! So please PM me your auditions by then!

    Roles that nobody has auditioned for:





    Note: These are not the only ones left. You can still audition for any of them, but I need these guys most! Thanks! ^_^
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. dman.sora
    We need s cells!!!

    Hey all! Just doin' a quick checkup on everything going on in here... Wow... There's been a real lack of auditionness lately. We kinda' need to turn that around. Anyone who has auditioned yet, or has read this thread, please spread the word. We're slowly degrading down here. WE NEED S CELLS!!!! DX
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 23, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  15. dman.sora
    Hey guys! Luckily, I got a little tome to get on. Thanks for all the great auditions so far! But I still don't have enough. So if there are any additional characters you would like to audition for, then by all means do so! And anyone on here who hasn't already sent me an audition but wants to, then PM it to me! The deadline is November 1st! So audition while you can, and tell anyone and everyone that might be interested! I probably won't be on again for a while, but PM me your auditoins and I will get back to you some time between now and November 1st. XD Hasta La Vista!

    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. dman.sora
    Dont have time to do anything other than check the posts... So PM me all your auditions or voice samples and I'll get back to the you all November 1st or as soon as I can! Don't forget me here!
    Post by: dman.sora, Oct 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  17. dman.sora

    Dman.Sora here with a sad update... due to some things I've got going on, I probably won't be on until November 1st. So that also means I'll have to move the deadline up as well. But don't give up on me! Even though I won't be on, PM me your auditions, or post on them on here if you're interested! I'll get back to you as soon as I'm on again! Not all of the characters are up yet! We've got lots of roles to fill! Sorry... But I'll see you all Nov. 1st!!!

    EDIT: Sticky the Somebody will be taking over for me until then. XD

    G'day Robin! Sound effects and especially score would be great! But we're not really publishing this on the web or on television or anything. It's more of a smaller, fun type of thing. But if you'd still like to help, I'd be glad to make you part of the team! And whenever your audio equipment is up and running we'd love to recieve an audition from you! But like I said above, I won't be on for a while... so maybe you could discuss matters with Sticky the Somebody until November. Thanks! ;D
    Post by: dman.sora, Sep 29, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  18. dman.sora
    Well just as long as you get the auditions in before the deadline (Which is shown in the first post). But if the mics are to expensive, or you end up not feeling like it for whatever reason, then don't sweat it. ;D

    Dman.Sora here with a sad update... due to some things I've got going on, I probably won't be on until November 1st. So that also means I'll have to move the deadline up as well. But don't give up on me! Even though I won't be on, PM me your auditions, or post on them on here if you're interested! I'll get back to you as soon as I'm on again! We've got lots of roles to fill until then! Sorry... But I'll see you all Nov. 1st!!! XD
    Post by: dman.sora, Sep 26, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  19. dman.sora
    How soon would you be able to get one? If you could get one?
    Post by: dman.sora, Sep 26, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  20. dman.sora
    Well I've never heard your voice. But if you do end up getting a mic and auditioning for DiZ, maybe you could audition for Ansem and Marly to. I already have a few people that have auditioned for marluxia, but you know, the more the merrier. :D
    Post by: dman.sora, Sep 26, 2008 in forum: Discussion