yeah because the boss told her not to. still i never understood while he didn't even bring up the fact that she didn't know the password.
thanks its ichigo from bleach
yeah i've been gone for i think two months
yeah but at least she didnt get the legacy (it took me 8 hours according to the last screen but i played it on hard)
wenever im bored i go on kh-vids
yeah they exit the cut scene and make you kill his mentor
weird question but what are you guyses favrite bands?
just wait until the indians beat the soxs 12 to 3 oh wait...
yeah kinda sad though
hello everyone. sorry for not coming on yesterday. i just finally got around to beating metal gear solid 3.
i saw that when it first aired
30291 hello kikame im just here to steal the hundred though
30289 hi everyone
right click song choose get info click lyrics tab type whatever
i don't know
i feel left out of the conversation
or you could just put the answers written down in notes on your ipod and skip the recording
thank you for the iced creame
Its The Fruit of The Month Club! its point is fruit!
i would like to know if i could get vanilla mixed with chocolate in a large waffle cone with seven cherries hot fudge some of that magic shell stuff and a waffle