Floe sighed as she entered a house, it was a normal house but the kitchen was combined with the living room and the only thing that separated the living and the Kitchen was the tiles and the counter which had stools to eat on the counter. She took Tento off her head and laid him comfortably on the table in front of the t.v. That man must be in a lot of pain...Even I'm soar from forming his bankai. She said putting a bag of ice on her left leg sighing.
Floe walked off Hands behind her head, she stretched alittle I hope he's ok
Is there a third??D:
You're sure not it. You type in one color boring
Thanks for that reminder
no No ... It's annoying :D
What? I do like the pic though
Because gloves protect there hands, and are a cool design and accessory. That's my opinion
waste of time
Thi is gonna be Raping the spamzone
Yes you did the right thing of course, everyone would've done that...Well the brave ones that is.
-SHOT- Over kill
Notin much :3
Sure thank She said to him and then finally reached his house EEEP!Tento squealed happil on FLoe's head
Floe smiled and chuckled putting him on her back and walking toward his house I must say you were one of my toughest opponents yet She told him smiling
Yes it was She said twirling her sword smirking at him, but then her Zanpakto released his Bankai form.
Nice I truly like Al though, but this is great. Good job
Avi-7/10 sig1-8/10 sig2-5/10
Making a thread on my accent.
Flow was able to dodge the wave but she was clawed by Kiba, she coughed up some blood. She then walked forward removing his claw form her back. And then slashed him with her sword with energy falling on him, which burned his skin I yet to know all my Zanpakto's power, this is not it's bankai form. So this is not even my swords full power, for I don't even know it's full form.