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  1. Thehacker
  2. Thehacker
    Floe looked down from the tree and sighed happily to see the person was gone, she was hanging from then branch with her legs upside down now. She moved back and forth and then back flipped onto her feet bowing a bit, Ow...My legs are so tired she thought sighing and then walked off. I hope there's a town or something up head She thought walking in the same direction as Tamera but a different route.

    Tamera sighed walking sadly I"m so lost Tamera thought walking. She looked around and sighed once one, There better be a town or something up ahead...Or I'm gonna go nuts She said to herself madly and walked off adjusting her arrow sack.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Thehacker
    ooc-No Tamera did, thats why she wears the long glove. It's metal.


    Floe was running through the forest panting as she then stopped looking around, she took some deep breathes and then started running again. This is not my day She thought running jumping over logs and rocks in her way. She then jumped up and grabbed onto a tree branch and climbed into it.Did I lose them? She whispered to herself thinking, she was being chased by some girl and panicked. What id it was a person after her for her powers? What if it was a theft wanting to steal her stuff. OR WORSE! It could've been someone from her old home chasing her for her blackouts.

    Tamera was also running through a forest and stopped at a log, she looked at it to see a footprint on it. Looks like a boot she told her self and then ran off in the direction on Floe. She stopped at the tree Floe was in and looked around, Lost her...DANG IT! She thought sadly and then walked off. I just wanted to ask for directions he said sadly to herself.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Thehacker
    No I don't think so, but it's ok I now know how to make one
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Technology
  5. Thehacker
    I need help, I wanna know if you can make a little animated GIF from a t.v show on photoshop cs4.

    And if I can how do I do that?
    Thread by: Thehacker, Mar 13, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  6. Thehacker
    No why do you ask?
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Thehacker
    User name:The hacker
    Sickness before treatment:She didn't know what it was called, but she would always black out and when she awoke she would be cut and bruised badly on her body. Some people say they saw her in her blackouts but then disspear, they call it now "Blackerial" for some reason.
    Power:Slight for now
    Bio: In her black outs she would forget some of her memories, and she use to get hit allot on the head which caused her memory loss and bad memory. But what she does remember is that she grew up in a big town with her parents and best friend Scott, but one day when she was 7 she got ill and the doctors could not heal her. And thats when her sickness came, when she got better she was sent on a errand to buy some meat at the butchery across the street and there her sickness started to kick in. When she awoke the butcher's left arm was cut off and he was on the floor screaming, and she was cut very badly. From that day she was treated as an outcast from the others in the town, and her friend Scott moved away just 2 days before she got sick and gave her a locket necklace. She then went off on her own at age 17 to look for a cure, and there is where she met the Doctor a year after she left her town
    Looks:A black short sleeved shirt with a cloud in the middle and on the sleeves
    , with some baggy jeans that slide of her left hip.She has brown hair that sticks up on her sides.A bunch of bangles on her wrist, with a golden locket shaped of a heart around her neck.

    User name:The hacker
    Sickness before treatment:Breast cancer
    Power:Sonic boom
    Bio: She grew up with her little sister and parents, but her father was abusive and never took care of them when sick. There mother had died when they were 6 leaving with their dad. And one day when she got sick with a terrible flu her father did not nothing, and with that she got ill until she got breast cancer. She couldn't take this anymore and begged her sister to run away with her, but her sister did not . SO running and leaving her sister behind with her abusive dad she escaped with tears, and as she adventured she met the doctor and was cured but given her new power.

    May I join? please
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Thehacker
    ooc-I think I will
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Thehacker
    Excuse me, can you make up you're own race for this?
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Thehacker

    Agreed lesson learned
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Thehacker
    ...No it ain't......Took like 20-30 minutes to install That shit
    Thread by: Thehacker, Feb 25, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Thehacker
    ((Added :3 Go ahead and join in))

    Soon Heku and Floe reached the forest(woods) Now in this wild place there are beast, and they will attack for no reason at times. But not worry I will protect you. He said walking in the forest a bit

    When will I learn to fight? Floe asked shyly following him

    In good time my young apprentice Heku said smiling
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Thehacker
    ((Added but the apprentices dragon must be 0 for now, which one is it so I can edit it))
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Thehacker
    ((Yes you added,I recommend you make dragons for you're characters.))


    Floe then shut the door behind her and followed Heku, she was so nervouse and excited. She couldn't sleep for the last week, all she could think about was her journey.

    We'll go deep in the forest and in there I shall give you somethign you will need. he told her going ahead a bit, he had planned everything he had to teach her and there stops. It would be awhile until they reached the first important stop. But he could wait, he only hoped Hace would.

    Yes Master She said and smiled at the word Master.

    Heku smiled, master? That sounded good to him
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Thehacker
    Nothing much bud :D You?
    Profile Post by Thehacker for Dexnail, Feb 22, 2009
  16. Thehacker
    A knock came to her door, Hace had socks on and she ran toward the door. Then she slipped a bit but re-caught her balance, she opened the door to see Heku she smiles bigly. The man was wearing golden and white armor and his helmet was under his left arm.

    Are you Hace? He asked her looking at her with a grin

    Y-Y-Yes...h-H-Hace...F-F-Fito She said nervously as she played with her fingers a bit

    Well then Hace Fito, I'm Heku you're dragon slayer master He said bowing to her

    L-L-Let me just get my shoes on She said once more running to her room slipping her shoes on and putting her backpack on her back
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Thehacker
    You are all added, if you have only a apprentice you may have to wait for someone to make a dragon slayer for you're character. Or make a dragon slayer up for you're apprentice, also if you like you can ask another user in the rp to make a dragon slayer for you're apprentice.


    Hace had a backpack ready with some clothes, a pillor, sleeping bag and all the things she would need for her journey.

    Heku was walking along into the town to Hace's house

    (Short because I gotta go real quick)
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Thehacker
    ((This place is dying D:))

    Floe then wrapped up her left leg up from her ankle to her knee, she then put on some shorts and put a pen in her pocket. Now let's head back to that store we saw tento, I think they sell sweets there Floe said putting tento on her head and ran out the door.
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Thehacker
    you're a human!?!??!
    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Thehacker

    Post by: Thehacker, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone