Name:Haru Francis Age:13 Gender:Male Species:Elf Species description: ( You guys should know what that is.) Power: Ki. Weapon: Large bronze gauntlets. History: Haru was born in the open wild where his mother died. Ever since that happened, He has been taking care of himself for a while. Appearance: Other: N/A Personality: Haru is quiet and mysterious. At times Haru seems cold, but he is actualy a very happy person. Played By: Haru66
Haru would pull the fruit out, spinning it in his hand quickly while saying, " Nope!"
Haru would laugh a bit then he says, " I don't know what happened, It's like I just appeared here out of no were."
Haru would put the whole papu fruit in his left pocket of the trench coat then he said," Thanks!"
Haru started to rub his hands together then he says," Oh that's awesome! Give me one!"
Haru would smile at Andrew as he cracked his fist slightly then he said, " I don't know this island at all."
Haru would walk next too him while smiling at him.
Haru would stare at him with a crazy look on his eye then he would say, " Sure."
Haru sighed a bit then he said, " He dosen't trust me.. so it wouldn't be much of a good idea for me too stay here."
Sure I do.
Hey Andrew.
Haru would rise up from the bed with a grin on his face then he would bend down and pick up his trench coat then he says, " I really like your house though, I don't have any where to live."
Haru would giggle loudly like a manic then he says, " Oh really? Well.. I guess he isn't gonna get use too me." Haru would inspect the tattos on his arm quietly while grinning.
Haru would stare at Andrew and said, " That's a nice name.. I have a feeling he dosen't like me."
Haru would smirk at her a little then he says, " Is that your dad?" He starts to slick his hair back as he lays back on her bed.
Haru would laugh a little as he pulled off his trenchcoat, dropping it on the floor. He would reveal black marks on his arms which seem like tattoos. He sat down on her bed then said, " Nice house you got here."
I turned on my other computa which means I posted.
Haru would chuckle a little as his bangs would sit infront of his eyes then he would ask, " May I come in?" He would tilt his head a bit as he asked this question.
Haru would slide up infront of the window. He would keep his smile as he tippy'toed up too the window then said," Hi there!"
Haru ran past the house with the same large smile on his face then he would stop and breathe in and out.