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  1. Haru66
    Sorrin crossed his arms a bit as he looked around the garden then he sat down on a bench, looking around the garden in awe since it was so beautiful then he smiled at Waft.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Haru66
    Sorrin was staring at the portal with a bit of fear but curiosity and excitment but he swallowed his fear and pushed into the Portal while screaming out, " This should be pretty darn cool!!!" He opened his arms up and ran through the portal.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Haru66
    Sorrin rested his chin on his fist, pondering on which world to head to so then he would shrug his shoulders towards Waft while saying, " Anywhere is fine with me man! I am just happy to finally leave this boring island man!"
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Haru66
    Sorrin face lit up as he heard those words then he jumped up and started to clap. He looked at Waft and said, " You are the coolest friend ever!" He shoved his keychain back into his pocket with joy.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Haru66
    " Nothing really.. " Sorrin looked around his hut then he smiled at Waft then he says, " I would love to travel though.. I dunno how though." He kept throwing his keychain up into the air then he caught it while smirking towards Waft with confidence.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Haru66
    Sorrin was still looking at his key chain then he raised his head and looked up at Waft, seeing that he is dressed. He got up from the chair and smiled at him while saying, " DO you feel better now? "
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Haru66
    Sorrin pointed towards a closed door then he smiled and said," That is the bathroom." He laid back on his couch as he reached into his pocket and looked at his key chain, exmaining it
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Haru66
    Sorrin stepped into the hut then he turned to Waft with a smirk. He says, " Welcome to my house!" He gripped a towel from a rack then he threw it to waft so he can dry himself off then Sorrin gripped some extra clothes and threw it to Waft also.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Haru66
    Sorrin tilted his head a bit towards Waft with a confused look on his face then his look would turn into a smile as he said, " Well.. lets dry you off man." He started to run the other direction to what seems like a hut.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Haru66
    Sorrin pulled his hand back with a smile then he crossed his arms, pondering a bit then he said, " Waft is a cool name!" He started to laugh a bit when suddenly, he noticed that he shivered a bit so then he asked, " Are you ok?..."
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Haru66
    He smiled again then he gripped his hand tightly, starting to shake it. Sorrin started to laugh a bit as this was his first friend ever since he was on this island then he said, " My name is Sorrin, what is your name?"
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Haru66
    Sorrin was skipping when suddenly, he heard a loud thud noise behind him so then he turned around to the man who was following behind him. Sorrin sees that he fell into the water then he started to laugh so he walked on over to him to try and help him out.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Haru66
    ( Yea! I should! <3)

    Sorrin was walking around destiny island with a smile on his face then it came to his mind that he could just go chill on the beach today since today is such a beautiful today. He started to make his way to the beach so then his walks quickly turned into skips of joy.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Haru66
    ( So it seems like I can't do it then. -Sigh- )
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Haru66
    ( Wait, heros are able to switch worlds!?! :D)
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Haru66
    Sorrin started to stretch out on top of the large building then he got up from the top while dusting off his clothes. He kind of did figure out what he was going to do today but he isn't sure about his decision so he just slid down the tower and landed onto the ground with grace.
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Haru66
    Sorrin stroked his hair back a bit, putting his away his giga bane keychain when suddenly, he heard a voice from below. He looked down and saw the man waving towards him so then he waved back. Sorrin was smiling then he said, " Hi there!"
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Haru66
    Sorrin was sitting ontop of a large building on destiny island with his face down towards the keychain his father granted him. His eyes watered a bit then he pushed it back into his pocket, wondering what is he gonna do today.
    Post by: Haru66, May 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Haru66
    ( May I please get a recap?)
    Post by: Haru66, May 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Haru66

    Iron Army

    Name:Bryan Francis
    Personality: Bryan is a quiet guy outside of military battle but when it comes to battle, he is screaming and bossing people around a bit but he often shows remorse over his fallen team mates.
    Army or Infected: Army
    Suit Colors (army only):
    Gold and black
    Special Suit Ability (army only): His special ability is the special melee enhancers on the limb of his suits which makes energy blades come out.
    Relation to the infected (army only): Mother is infected
    Were you infected before joining the army:
    Time and reason for infection (infected only):
    Plan for Homicide (infected only):
    History: ( Wait im coming back in a few minutes.)
    Other Information:
    Post by: Haru66, May 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home