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  1. Haru66
    ( But I already made a character)
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Haru66
    ( I already made a character, Haru but something came up with the family.)

    Username: Haru66
    Name: Haru Takashi
    Keyblade Appearance: The Ends of the Earth
    Your Look:[​IMG]

    Your Story:
    "Arrghhh!" Haru was on his bed with a wet rag on his head, wrenching in pain and then slowly stopped, looking at the ceiling with a smile on his face. Haru quietly said, " Look like..I am gonna die you-" A large light erupted from the ceiling and then it shrunk quickly. It started to zoom around the room but it stopped suddenly over Haru and slammed into his chest, causing him to buck up from the bed with a renewed glow on his face but then a keyblade suddenly erupted from the palm of his hand!

    Your Home World: Hollow Bastion
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Haru66
    ( How may I enter the rp? I don't wanna ruin any scenes)
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Haru66
    ( Kay guys, Im back. What happened in the rp?)
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Haru66
    Haru was picking out his ear while saying, " Might as well tag along!" He started to smirk while using his right hand to slam down on a button in the middle of his chest. The button would flash then metal would ridge out of his chest which would create the armor on his body. His helmet would be me a silver and gold color while his visor was a bluish tint. The rest of his armor was blue and black while the helmet also had one metal spike sticking out of the top which makes it seem like a unicorn. A large golden keyblade called the ends of the earth would appear in his left hand, ready for battle! Haru says, " Let's go!" He threw the keyblade into the air while jumping with it, causing the keyblade to morph into a glider. He jumped onto the glider and zoomed into the portal with speed.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Haru66
    OOC: No need to call us fools. You could have said glider mode instead of space mode so it is your fault for the misinformation.


    Haru was looking towards the 2 while he was walking towards them. Haru says, " Hi there guys.." He turned around and started to look off into the distance a bit then said, " Why are you guys suiting up?"
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Haru66
    ( what is happening? how did you guys into space?)
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Haru66
    Name: Haru Francis
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Keyblade: Ends of the earth/Giga bane
    Home world: Hollow Bastion
    Bio: Nothing really special about Haru, just a chilled relax kid who still lives with his parents but he plans on going out to see the world!
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Haru66
    Haru was walking towards them from a distance with his hands in his pocket, bobbing his head a bit as he stared at the two other figures who were having their small spar.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Haru66
    ( I am talking about your exact location)
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Haru66

    ( Where are you guys in the rp?)
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Haru66
    Username: Haru66
    Name: Haru Takashi
    Keyblade appearance: Ends of the earth

    Your Look:

    Long white busy hair that goes down his shoulders while wearing baggy blue jeans with a red muscle shirt with headphones on his ears constantly. His skin would be fan while his nose would be slim while his eyes was a red color.

    Your Story: As a young child, He has been training.

    Home World (can be new worlds but you have to have a name for it): Hollow Bastion
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Haru66

    Name: Haru Takashi
    Age: 15
    Race: Human
    Weapon: Ends of the earth keyblade.
    Gender: Male
    Relationships: N/A
    Side/Occupation: Light
    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Bio: "Ahhhh man..." The boy was laying in the bed with a little wet rag on his forehead his skin very pale.. He was smiling as the others left the room. A loud scream was heard from the outside of his room then sobbing came a couple of minutes later while the person screamed out," NOO! NOT HARU!" Haru just laid still on the bed while saying, " I have been living in hollow bastion all my life..I just found my parents and now I must die because of some measley cold!?! TSK!" He started to cough wildly as the tears dripped down his face, closing his eyes slowly as he said, " I will not let go!" A light started to emit from his heart then the light started to go down to his left hand as the glow was returning to his skin when suddenly, the keyblade named ends of the earth pops up in his hand! Haru springs up from the bed with a smile on his face, looking at it.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 21, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Haru66

    OC Form~
    Username: Haru66
    Name: Brigus Francis
    Age: 15
    Immortal Parent Name: Zeus

    Personality: He is stern when he has to be stern but overall, he likes to joke around a lot. He is also a very optimistic person showing that he barely frowns.

    Weapon: Broad sword
    Other (optional):
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Haru66
    Username: Haru66
    Name: Haru Takashi
    Keyblade Appearance: The Ends of the Earth
    Your Look:[​IMG]

    Your Story:
    "Arrghhh!" Haru was on his bed with a wet rag on his head, wrenching in pain and then slowly stopped, looking at the ceiling with a smile on his face. Haru quietly said, " Look like..I am gonna die you-" A large light erupted from the ceiling and then it shrunk quickly. It started to zoom around the room but it stopped suddenly over Haru and slammed into his chest, causing him to buck up from the bed with a renewed glow on his face but then a keyblade suddenly erupted from the palm of his hand!

    Your Home World: Hollow Bastion
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Haru66
    Who do you think would win?
    Thread by: Haru66, Aug 1, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Haru66
    ( Recap Plox)
    Post by: Haru66, Jun 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Haru66
    Shale was walking through the forest with a stern look on his face since this was the village for him to start his journey. As he was nearing the village, he patted himself to check if he had all of his items then he started to smile a bit. Shale quietly entered the village then he looked around at all the other elfs.
    Post by: Haru66, May 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Haru66
    ( Ok. Im gonna post this last post. XD )

    Sorrin looked at him with a confused look then he said, " Man.. that is really weird." He pointed towards his keychain then said, " This is a very valuable possesion to me! I like how it glows a lot of the time too!"
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Haru66
    Sorrin was looking around the area with a smile on his face then he slowly said, " Hollow...Bastion?.. Cool name!" He quietly examined a building then he walked over to Waft quietly. Sorrin pulled out his Keychain and showed it to him while saying, " My father gave this to me before he died."
    Post by: Haru66, May 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home