wow that long?
Xakota an frequently reported memory has been cusing members off by the looks of it heres one link...
Hello everyone anyone miss me? As far as I've learned new Repliku is now snake eyes, advent is some name I cant remember, Repliku is an admin so what else has freaking changed around here. I mean there's an audio section too
yeah this can be locked
That got me laughing. A male prostitute is all he needs
Dude don't quit. I can keep Aqua off for a while by talking to her parents. As for Scarlett I can tell her to stay the heck away from the arena. I'm sure Kyle, Mimi and i can keep her away
Ello gov'na. Heard you your 19. Well your close enough to being able to join my group. Wanna join?
Well yours was before decmember too correct which means technically they ripped you.
Can you go to Misty's profile please? Aqua gave links to Xakota cussing people off again
Advent owned the polls. Wait Repliku got a name change and now he's admin? crap I haven't been here enough then
I do not get vacations until thanksgiving and that sucks. Anybody miss me? hate me? there's gotta be one hater
As far as I've read back yours is still earlier
Nice wrong link bro. I go onto your account and got the one you're thinking of
waht do you mean you see Kyle's pic everywhere? We try to keep the immediate family on our pics
Well like my brother said delete the cursing immediatly because of what just happened
I might be able to find a video of it being used. It'd basically make her super-strong.
It may've been Mimi's but not Aqua's. I may be able to start a duel between you two but Aqua still wants to face Deadheart. If I recall she...
Aqua might be able to still. You did take away a good card (Xakota) but I have a suggestion if your going to put the cards that are on the ban...
I know your angry and all but edit your vm to Jaden because you might get reported and it'd be good to keep you here.
What do you work as? I'd say being a lawyer is easy after all the degrees and training. Meds won't make you as crazy as the war in Iraq did to me....