Mimiru already VMed an admin. I'll call her
If I understand correctly Magician of black chaos cannot be special summoned with black magic ritual and have Dark magician of chaos used as a star offering. Scarlett played by the rules. Lightning vortex says destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. Discard one card. That's not a cost otherwise it'd be first like magic jammer or I could to do something like My opponet's field is Obelisk, Dreadroot, Slifer, Ra, and exodius then I play lightning vortex as my last card. Opponent's field is destroyed but I don't discard
yo jaden..how bout we duel sometime once I get my new deck up
yeah but I've seen how she really duels and looks like she went easy again. you seriously think out of all those old duels that that one was an...
I'm only using tyhis one until I can get my Light deck made
perhaps he will be voiced by orlando bloom. hint hint
Well I've moved to a Chazz deck Monsters: ojama black ojama green ojama yellow ojama red ojama blue armed dragon lv 3 armed dragon lv5...
If you need rom hacking programs look for xdelta, taxihan, nitroexplorer, and nds editor
is that you spaze?
Hey Xakota since Jaden isn't on much. I was wondering if you could help me with a deck idea of mine. i've been wanting to make a joey wheeler deck...
all together she lost 1800 lp while Yusei was the one who lost 7200 lp Jack not Scarlett
Hello I was told you wanted to talk to me.
That's because Alex was the funny one and all I've got in the house now is Kyle, Rachel and Tiff and tiff tries but she's not funny
Hey man how are you?
Sorry not on here as much. Scarlett is getting picked on at school so I've been substituting. well Alexis(yes she wants another new name) has...
Two across is not avaiable because i've gone through all my weapons and it isn't there..Two across so far from what i've played in the european isn't avaiable either. posted this here because you guys are more likely to read it.
there's already a duel going on you two. you'll have to duel through vm's.
Well I've got those two trying to get her picture taken because she hates getting her picture taken..I'll see if I can get sneak one when she's...
it has its ups and downs. Alexis wants to go by Cathy now. don't know why but she's my wife and I'll support her. She's got a crazy idea for...
I'm putting this on myspace. link please. This is the best welcome I've been given since I got back from iraq 2 years ago