So Jaden can we have our GX duel? Chazz vs. Jaden?
Dude, i'm not high. It's hard to keep track of all the cards in my deck and what they do. I didn't even make the deck.
We're different people. I don't know how many times the others have had to say that. And are you going to decide on the rule I suggested Jaden. At least give an opinion?
Did you read my above post? Find a random new active member from this month and give them the choices of 1 or 2.
I'd like it to be close to a GX duel as possible. I just gotta find one last card and Aqua has so i'll need her to PM it to me. The main reason i...
You find an active member who just joined this month and has no interest in Yugioh. You ask him the simple question. 1 or 2? Before the duel we set who's 1 and 2 through PM's
Can I duel you first Jaden? My terms: 4000LP Me first(no duel unless i'm first this time) no animes except for card of sancity and double fusion.
Y'know Jaden. At least let Scarlett go first in your duel with her. just to give her a fighting chance. Also wouldn't it be a good idea to have a 3rd party person decide who goes first that way it's still randomized. Also Scarlett will need a warm up duel so i'll duel her.
My deck is up. The Chaz deck is open for dueling
Electric guiitar. I can sing but not well. What's the name of your dad's band
Really now? this has got to be the most stupid group ever. When your dad gets to the airport i'm telling him about this.
I remember high school really well. That was back when I was apart of my band the Nitro Barons. We performed at the jr. high variety show with it...
Lawyer, high pay but crappy hours. And it's volunteer work if your not getting payed so i'd see your boss about that.
You wanna talk to her. I'll let her on the comp. The phone's battery is draining so I gotta get off. anyway
It's rough. I'm still in the process of becoming an offical lawyer. Sorry for the bad grammar. Rachael's been trying to teach me to use the...
theres already a chain of memories thread too
it'd explain the words "I've been having these weird thoughts lately, Are they real or not?" meaning his Ventus memories
i prefer hteatning in person. That way I can put laxitives in the diner. :Awesome: So how's collge? I need the memories. It'll take me back to law...
yaoi!!!! ____________________
Well I can be abit competitive so it's my fault. So how's life treating ya?