Pretty sure it's not possible to switch weapons while driving, because the drive form equips whichever weapon Sora is wielding. For Way to the Dawn, unequip special attack abilities. (You can keep things like Round Break, Finishing Leap, Explosion, and Magnet Splash. They deal damage with effects rather than weapon hitboxes.) Think this should be it: 1 x Ultima Weapon in inventory: 0032F1BF 00000001
Well, I think they should have been. But it's really too late now. PS2 is more or less a dead console anyway. I'd rather see them putting some effort into making KH3 instead of re-releasing old titles (or all those damn handheld spin-offs)...
Actually, I believe the ability is in the game, it's just never actually used/accessible in-game without cheats.
Well, the thing about the first one is that you have about 2-5 minutes make each drawing, which is why I sent those. (And why they are so sketchy.) But I can see where you're coming form. As for the keyblade, it's from a thread I did with keyblade designs, and that was the one I liked best. So yeah, cowboy high five to you. Ended up voting Taffy, because I'm absolutely terrible at painting and therefore enjoy seeing when people do it well.
The one they didn't make: Nier. Never liked Final Fantasy that much. FF7 is really only good until you leave Midgar. Squall is a huge prick who basically gives a verbal middle finger to a woman asking for comfort after losing her job. FF10 was OK I guess. Would've been better if it was just Wakka and Auron, and they were on a road trip or something.
Yes, both allies and enemies also work. For party members you will need to also moveset mod, status mod, etc. the summon. A downside is also that the summoned party member has no voice, and can't use limits either (I think). Enemies/bosses can also be summoned, but it seems they can only be "friendly" (cannot be damaged by you, cannot damage you, damage enemies), which is actually kind of a shame. I've tried to make them hostile - because that is the only way I can think of adding bosses to areas where party members don't spawn alongside you - but I couldn't get it to work. EDIT: VVV Believe me, I've tried that and more with no success.
It's really just a model+mset mod, so digits are easy to find. You can even replace them with party members and the like, but then you would have to start messing around with moveset and status mods.
I can usually tell if I'm going to like/dislike a game, so it doesn't happen often. But I do remember reading that Golden Sun was supposed to be good, so I tried it out. It's not. I would like tos trangle whoever wrote the "plot" for that mess of a snorefest.
Was gonna write something about good gamplay here, but then I realized that stating a good game needs good gameplay is about as redundant as saying you need air to breathe. For me, humor can make a big difference. Most games by Platinum Games (formerly Clover Studio) tend to be really good at including humor in their games. They really have a great understanding of the flow of humor and how to do visual gags. It was also very in Nier, maybe mainly because it was a nice break from the otherwise incredibly depressing story. Speaking of story, I honestly wish games would stop focusing so much on it, 'cause they tend to be pretty generic and boring. I won't deny that there are games with great stories (it's one of the main reason Nier is one of my favorite games), but a lot of games don't really have well-polished stories. This is especially a problem in a lot of JRPGs. I think a lot of games would actually be improved by removing the story elements, or at least drastically cutting down on them. KH2, for example, was just hours upon hours of more or less pointless cutscenes. The Metal Gear Solid series also tends to have cutscenes that are about two or three times as long as they should have been. So overall, less story, unless you get someone competent to write and direct. On the subject of story: Good characters is always a plus. It just seems to me that there is a trend among western games to make the protagonist as generic tough guy (=boring) as possible, while in eastern games the trend is to make the main character as unlikeable as possible. (This is more or less the reason I haven't tried The World Ends With You.) I don't really understand a lot of people's ideas about what good graphics are. I've seen people praise GTA 4's graphics, and it's one of the graphically dullest games I've ever seen. The entire game is pretty much a grayscale with some brown (brownscale?). Really? People like that? Same thing goes for a lot of first person shooters, who share the same love for the color brown. On the other hand, I've seen people call Nier's graphics ugly. While I must admit that there are a few areas that do look bad, Nier's visuals overall struck me as pretty nice. I can be very nice looking when it wants to be, and most locations are very interesting (such as an abandoned hotel - now labelled a "temple" - with an enormous tree growing up the middle, and the dream-like, misty Forest of Myth.) I guess it makes most sense to say that the art direction is what's important to me. Music isn't really too important, I guess. It's kind of rare to see a game with really great music. So it's more of a matter of if the music stands out, then it's bonus points, if not, doesn't matter too much, as most modern games have a way to mute music anyway.
If you want free video editing software, you could give AviSynth a try. It's a bit unique in that it has no GUI, but rather you write down commands in a text-document, like a program. Would probably help if you had prior knowledge of programming, though it has a Wiki with a couple of guides for the basic stuff, so it's not needed per se.
Oh hey, thanks. Code: ------------------------------ Final Fantasy "Summon set" [KH2 NTSC-U] ------------------------------ Remember to turn off Summon intros Chicken Little - Leon partner 21cd30d0 42485f4e 21cd30d4 5f303335 21cd30d8 004c5442 21cd30f0 42485f4e 21cd30f4 5f303335 21cd30f8 2e4c5442 21cd30fc 7465736d Genie - Cloud partner 21cd95b0 42485f4e 21cd95b4 5f303535 21cd95b8 004c5442 21cd95d0 42485f4e 21cd95d4 5f303535 21cd95d8 2e4c5442 21cd95dc 7465736d Stitch - Yuffie partner 21cc3170 42485f4e 21cc3174 5f303835 21cc3178 004c5442 21cc3190 42485f4e 21cc3194 5f303835 21cc3198 2e4c5442 21cc319c 7465736d Peter Pan - Tifa partner 21cc7fd0 42485f4e 21cc7fd4 5f303735 21cc7fd8 004c5442 21cc7ff0 42485f4e 21cc7ff4 5f303735 21cc7ff8 2e4c5442 21cc7ffc 7465736d We really should consider adding dumps like that to the front page.
------------------------------ Final Fantasy "Summon set" [KH2 NTSC-U] ------------------------------ Remember to turn off Summon intros Chicken Little - Leon partner 21cd30d0 42485f4e 21cd30d4 5f303335 21cd30d8 004c5442 21cd30f0 42485f4e 21cd30f4 5f303335 21cd30f8 2e4c5442 21cd30fc 7465736d Genie - Cloud partner 21cd95b0 42485f4e 21cd95b4 5f303535 21cd95b8 004c5442 21cd95d0 42485f4e 21cd95d4 5f303535 21cd95d8 2e4c5442 21cd95dc 7465736d Stitch - Yuffie partner 21cc3170 42485f4e 21cc3174 5f303835 21cc3178 004c5442 21cc3190 42485f4e 21cc3194 5f303835 21cc3198 2e4c5442 21cc319c 7465736d Peter Pan - Tifa partner 21cc7fd0 42485f4e 21cc7fd4 5f303735 21cc7fd8 004c5442 21cc7ff0 42485f4e 21cc7ff4 5f303735 21cc7ff8 2e4c5442 21cc7ffc 7465736d
Oh, hey, I remember painting stuff like this when I was younger. There's a lack of shading, I suppose, but It's not really needed to make a figure look good. The only problem I have with these is that they are kind of bright, especially the armor. You should probably mix your armor-color with a tiny bit of black. The green color on the horse rider also stood out as a bit too bright. You might want to mix that with some other color too, though not necessarily black.
Welp, I'm not exactly an expert, so I'm probably factually wrong about a couple of things, but here goes: The gist of it is that Xeeynamo is basically inserting and changing stuff in the game, making the ISO file size different in some way. That makes the DMA-system place stuff other places than it normally would. Majik's patch works because he's using the in-game font, and just placing the new text in otherwise empty space in the game. EDIT: Ugh, what wrong with me. Thought I read that you were asking why it didn't work. Must've been tired.
Does the thread title mean these drawings are ****? Gals Dudes Misc
Make sure you're not using Xeeynamo's English patch. This code will only work with an unpatched KH2FM, or with Majik's English patch.
It's possible (and actually quite easy), I just don't have an NTSC-U KH2 dump, so I can't do it.
You use AdHoc Party on your PS3.
Yeah, you can, but the boss can't. (Unless it's Xigbar, Sephiroth, or some other guy who teleports to you.)
I see... Well, relocation is possible, but limited. You can only relocate to rooms within the same world. You do that by activating the room mod during the cutscene leading to the boss fight. I've only ever managed to get this to work on the emulator though. Also keep in mind that most of the time you will probably spawn outside the map and fall endlessly. So, yeah, possible, but limited.
Maybe it's just me, but I seriously can't figure out what you are trying to ask.