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  1. Gultigargar
    So we've done a couple of ~40 minute croquis drawings. (Is it still croquis if it's about 40 minutes long?) The drawing to the far right is only ~15 minutes. We were asked to try to draw the body only with the circumferences of the forms, to better show everything's position in the "space" of the drawing.

    There's nudity this time, so I'm spoiler-tagging it:

    Also, kind of hard to see here because my iPod camera has a crappy resolution, but these drawings were drawn on a pretty big piece of paper. Size would probably be about 9 x A4, if not more. I'm still getting used to drawing on such a big format, but I think these worked out okay. (I had a couple where the head and/or feet would get cut off.)
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 23, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Gultigargar
    I don't know if the skull is supposed to be a human one, but if it is, there are a couple of things wrong with it. Overall shape is wrong, eyes are weird shape and too far back, nose hole is also wrong.

    The arms on the girl(?) are also odd. The lower part of her arms start out thin and seemingly grow wider as they go out... Hands are pretty off too. Either her hand has t be impossibly long to connect with her arm. The way her fingers suddenly bulge out is not how a hand works. The fingers themselves are also kind of noodl-y. If you look at where her upper body ends, and then look at her neck, you'll also see that it is too long. It also looks to me as if her eye is a bit too far in, and a bit too far down on her face. From what I can see of her leg, it is very thing, and looks a bit like it's shaped like a cylinder (which, again, is not the shape of a leg).

    Har to comment on the rest of her body, as all the clothes are in the way. The shape of her hat is OK (except maybe the top), but it looks like it's slightly misplaced, as if it's sliding off her head.

    While you may be able to do some pretty things with her clothes and flowers, it's very important to get the body right. If you don't, you are basically decorating a flawed figure, and decorations are obviously not going to make it any less flawed. Don't be discouraged, though! Keep practicing. Drawing again and again and learning from your mistakes (and perhaps also from successes) is the only way to get better.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 22, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Gultigargar
    I love doing 2-to-5 minute sketches. I only really start to panic when we do croquis and have 30 seconds to nail down a pose. Yikes! One minute sketches I can do, but nor eliably. It's about 50/50 if it'll be good or not, I guess.

    For those of you who mentioned hating feet because they are hard to do, that is exactly why our teacher chose to start with them. His reasoning was something along the lines of "Feet are difficult because of the many shapes colliding with each other. But because feet are hard, you have a solid foundation if you can do them well."

    With that said, here are some more feet! We were asked to sketch feet again, but this time to focus on using the constructive drawing method we've been taught. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of it, but I guess I have a general idea of how to use lines to show shapes.

    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 21, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Gultigargar
    Definitely the didgeridoo.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  5. Gultigargar
    Welp, guess I must have ****ed something up then, 'cause there really wasn't any expression on anyone's faces.

    We're still working on feet, so this update will have more foot-related drawings.

    Our assignment was to draw our shoes to get an understanding of how they are designed to fit with the shape of the foot (in order to get a better understanding of the foot itself).

    During class, we were asked to copy this step-by-step way to construct a foot, from an anatomy book. I thought this was a great exercise, as I felt I got a better idea of how to go about constructing, rather than ujst copying what you see.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Gultigargar
    Made a new thread for this, as it is quite different from what I usually draw.

    So I've started on this drawing course. (on day 3 as of writing this). We draw somewhere around 5 hours a day (not counting homework), so that's pretty tough so far.

    One of the first things we did was to make 3-4 minute drawings/caricatures of each others faces. Here are a couple I made that I like. (Emphasis on like. Drawings I post here are not neccessarily ones I consider good...)

    Our homework for yesterday was to make seven 5-minute sketches of each others feet (plus 2 x 45 minutes of long-study of a foot, but I'm not posting that...)

    That's it for now. Will (probably?) update the thread every now and then if I get something done that I like.

    (Oh, and excuse the ****** image quality. The only method I have of getting this onto my computer is by taking pictures of the drawings with my iPod's camera, which kind of sucks.)
    Thread by: Gultigargar, Aug 17, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Gultigargar
    Seconding that I've never had trouble with Emuhaste either, and that it has been extremely useful all the time I've used it.

    Anyway, Aurangzeb was sometimes kind of "messy" with his codes. I remember I sat down and "cleaned up" the code:
    11CE0B68 0000089B
    01CB8C77 0000002E
    21CB8C78 7465736D
    21CB8C7C 00000000
    21CB8C80 00000000
    01CB8C96 00000005
    11CB8C9E 00000002
    0032ED64 0000008A
    2032F0AC 00020100
    21CD52A8 48455F57
    21CD52AC 00303030
    21CD52B0 00000000
    21CD52B4 00000000
    11CD4390 00000317

    Don't know if this will work (can't even remember what was wrong/got fixed), but give it a try. If it still doesn't work, I guess it might be something like that you're trying to play as Riku before having unlocked Riku as a party member in TWTNW? If you haven't unlocked him yet, try to go and do that and see if that changes anything.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 16, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Gultigargar
    @Llava de Espada: Yeah, he's made up. I was just sitting around drawing, and then before I realized it, I'd drawn him in the bowing position in the upper left, and I more or less went "Oh my god, I love this guy!" and tried to see if I could get his face right.

    As for more content, I've just started on a drawing course, so I'll probably bring a few drawings from there from time to time.

    @Ploo-Hems: I don't actually have access to my scanner at this time, so these are all pictures taken with the camera on my iPod... So yeah, it's really the only way I have to get the drawings onto my computer. (^^;)
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 16, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Gultigargar

    Fanart of the character
    from an unused ending from the game Nier.

    Some dude I had a lot of fun drawing. I call him Monsieur Longface.

    And that's that.
    Thread by: Gultigargar, Aug 15, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Gultigargar
    If you can get a used one, then sure, I guess. I personally wouldn't say BbS is good enough to buy a brand-new PSP for only that game.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Gultigargar
  12. Gultigargar
  13. Gultigargar

    Party mod the specific world(s) you want to be alone in

    World Party Mod
    2032F064 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    2032F068 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    2032F06C NNDDWWMM = Twilight Town
    2032F070 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    2032F074 NNDDWWMM = Hollow Bastion
    2032F078 NNDDWWMM = Beasts Castle
    2032F07C NNDDWWMM = Olympus Coliseum
    2032F080 NNDDWWMM = Agrabah
    2032F084 NNDDWWMM = The Land of Dragons
    2032F088 NNDDWWMM = 100 Acre Wood
    2032F08C NNDDWWMM = Pride Lands
    2032F090 NNDDWWMM = Atlantica
    2032F094 NNDDWWMM = Disney Castle
    2032F098 NNDDWWMM = Timeless River
    2032F09C NNDDWWMM = Halloween Town
    2032F0A0 NNDDWWMM = Doesn't seem to be anything
    2032F0A4 NNDDWWMM = Port Royal
    2032F0A8 NNDDWWMM = Space Paranoids
    2032F0AC NNDDWWMM = The World that Never Was

    Or replace Donald and Goofy with nothing

    Sora is Alone
    21CE0B6A 00000000
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 3, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Gultigargar
    1) Yep.
    2) Use MAXConvert. It's easy to use.
    3a) Go to a character's home world to give them their own voice.
    3b) Can't really do much about that. And it's better than nothing, wouldn't you agree?
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 2, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Gultigargar
    While this is hardly a perfect solution, and only works for a few abilities, a couple of allies can use their special abilities if you use an ability mod to give them either Aerial Spiral or Aerial Sweep.

    Here's a list of who gets what:
    Aerial Sweep = Goofy Tornado
    Aerial Spiral = Flametongue
    Aerial Spiral = Ferocious Rush (Not very useful, though)
    Aerial Sweep = Divider
    Aerial Spiral = Quickplay (Again, not very useful)
    [U]Jack Skellington[/U]
    Aerial Spiral = Icy Terror
    Aerial Spiral = Fierce Claw
    Using "un-DMA" animation mods, you can also replace a character's "Use item" animation with an ability (Examples: Simba and Beast have Roar-type abilities, that deal damage with their effects, so they work well for that). I have only done this in KH2FM, though, dunno if it can be done in regular KH2...

    Another fun fact is: If you give party members the Guard ability, they will use their alternate attack instead of their normal attack when you press square.

    EDIT: As for being able to use items, you just need to use a pretty simple mod... Sub-status I think it's called?

    Anyways, for those of you with PS2Dis, this is where Donald's sub-status is here: 01C9583F

    The value there is normall "0B", which is what keeps him from using magic, items, summons, etc. If we change it to Sora's value, "00", he'll be able to use all of that. (Well, if he is to use drives/summons, you need a seperate code to make him have max drive...).

    Anyways, it's in the same spot relative to the UCM digit for all other playable characters/party members.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 2, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Gultigargar
    If you have not played Chrono Trigger, it's on the SNES, PSX, and DS. The PSX version is a pretty bad port, though. The DS version has a new/better translation than the old SNES, but lost some of the charm the old one had.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 2, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  17. Gultigargar
    First of all, don't use Xeeynamo's patch, unless the code is specifically hacked for it. (This one isn't!)

    Second, what are you using to cheat? If you're using Emuhaste, you should know that jokers do not work on it. You'll have to activate the different parts of the code at the right times.

    EDIT: VVV Yeah, you're right, DMA-codes is what I meant. Standard codes still work.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase
  18. Gultigargar
    Bumping this thread real quick. I figured out how to properly transfer hitboxes, which means "Aqua" can use more attacks now. This makes the battle a lot harder, though.

    The codes in the OP are the new, updated ones with proper hitboxes. Have fun!
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase
  19. Gultigargar
    I would PREFER if you would learn how to spell PREFER if you keep making threads with PREFER in the title.

    As for the question: Aqua. Fighting Vanitas is pretty fun.
    ...On the other hand, Terra *does* get to beat up Peter Pan, so maybe its a tie.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Gultigargar
    So I finally got this to work. The problem I had before was that I tried normal animation mods. But that made Mickey completely invulnerable. What I had to do was to animation mod movement/hurt animations the same way you would mod un-looping animations in "play as [boss]" codes.


    Mickey boss (R2/L2)
    E005FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B6A 00000764
    2032F094 12120100
    20D2DE58 00BBEE90
    20D2DE68 00BEDB40
    20DA4E58 00C1FE90
    E02CFEFF 0034D45C
    20C98E58 00000000
    21051638 00C99B50
    210568E8 00CB3990
    2105EBD8 00CBCAD0
    21064768 00CC2730
    21069068 00CC9D30
    2106FE88 00CD20D0
    21079E08 00CDD7A0
    21083598 00CDD7A0
    2108CCC8 00CD20D0
    21096378 00CE9A30
    2109FA98 00CEF100
    210AA118 00CC2730
    210B07A8 00CC9D30
    210BE028 00CC2730
    210C4778 00CC9D30
    21051068 00D03C90
    210512E8 00CF5AA0
    210512F8 00D1FDF0
    2110B0D8 00CF5AD0
    21051378 00D03C90
    21051318 00D1FDF0
    21051328 00D03C90
    21051508 00D03C90
    21051528 00D03C90
    21051538 00D03C90
    21051558 00D03C90
    21051568 00D03C90
    21051358 00D03C90
    21051368 00D1FDF0
    21051388 00CF5AA0
    210514C8 00D0D7D0
    210514D8 00D1FDF0
    210513B8 00C99B20
    210513C8 00D03C90
    210513D8 00D03C90
    210513E8 00CF5AA0
    210513F8 00D1FDF0
    21051408 00D0D7D0
    21051418 00D0D7D0
    21051428 00D03C90
    21051438 00CF5AA0
    21051448 00D1FDF0
    21051458 00D1FDF0
    -Go to Terra's battle. Press and hold R2 while skipping the cutscene. Press L2 once when the battle starts.
    Mickey only has 4 attacks to work with, though, so I can't do much, even with Terra's many attacks to replace.

    Speaking of replacing attacks; I left the attack/magic lock attack untouched, because it freezes if you do anything with it.

    Another "side-effect", if you will, is that Mickey can be hit at certain times during the desperation move, which ends it instantly. I don't know if it will lead to freezing or not.

    Should you find some problem with the code (freezing, Mickey getting stuck in an animation, etc.) go right ahead and let me know, and I'll see if I can do anything. Not so easy to thoroughly test a code like this.
    Thread by: Gultigargar, Jul 31, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Video Showcase