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  1. Gultigargar
    For playable characters it's easy. You just use the voice mod and fill it in with 0s. You didn't mention what characters you wanted to mute, so I'm assuming it's the default party of Sora/Donald/Goofy.

    Sora no voice
    2036D8C0 00000000
    2036D8C4 00000000
    Donald no voice
    2036D8C8 00000000
    2036D8CC 00000000
    Goofy no voice
    2036D8D0 00000000
    2036D8D4 00000000
    I think it should be possible to turn it off for enemies too (seem to remember finding the address for it once), but that would be DMA, so you'd most likely have to hack that yourself if that's what you want.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Gultigargar
    Oh hell yes, I've always loved the Dead or Alive series. Was getting afraid that we might never see DOA5, so this is great news (for me, at least). Even better that it's for both PS3 and 360 this time.

    Hopefully they won't make as cheap a boss this time. Alpha-152 was just ridiculous.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  3. Gultigargar
    He was trying to, but he got that wrong too... It's not the right UCM address.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Gultigargar
  5. Gultigargar
    Don't know if it counts as a glitch, per se, but I've always loved how terrible most ragdoll physics are:
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 13, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  6. Gultigargar
    Haven't had much free time recently, but I had some now, so have a hand:

    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 12, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Gultigargar
    There are some problems with his head/face. The eye looks to me like it's slightly too far down and into his face. Also, I know it's animez-style and all, but his eye is simply too big. Eyes simply can't fill out half the distance to the ear like it does there.

    Nose- mouth- and jaw-areas are also not good. Look at the start of his jaw compared to his chin; they're on the same level. The jaw joints should be higher up. I may be overstepping my bounds here, but it looks like you got lazy with the lips. They don't look like lips at all, but rather like two random floppy-things sticking out. The lower part of his nose seems to be painting sharply upwards - like he would almost look like this if you were to draw his nostrils (which, by the way, you really should. I know they're hard to do, I can't really do them well myself, but you really shouldn't just cut off parts of the human body.) The ear looks a bit too much like a square.

    As for the body, can't really think of much to say other than it seems a little too small. The way the jacket runs down his back looks weird. Why is there suddenly this inwards "bump"? The upper part of the back there is really more of a nice curve: Shoulder also looks like it's a bit too low down to support the sword properly, but I might be wrong...

    I usually like your stuff, but this one was kind of weak in these aspects, so I hope this helps you out.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 12, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Gultigargar
    Not enough seizure
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 6, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Gultigargar
    Here's my advice:

    Download PS2Dis and use it to look at the adresses/values of existing codes. Start small with simple, one-line codes and try to get an understanding of how the code(s) work. Have an emulator and Emuhaste running so you can mess around with the code. Once you feel you have an understanding of these simple codes, try to take a look at slightly longer codes, like the play as Riku code. See if there are any adresses you recognize, see what they have been changed to, and finally try to understand how the many code lines work together to create the overall code.

    This was more or less how I started out. (Not that I'm a master coder, or anything, but I would say I know a thing or two.) Once you understand stuff like that, try taking a look at some of Aurangzeb's tutorial for more advanced stuff. If you're feeling up to it, you can look at some of the even tutorials for even more advanced DMA-codes, like animation modding. I learned most of what I kow through this mixture of trial-and-error and learning-by-doing.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 6, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Gultigargar
    Sora, because he actually gets **** done, unlike anyone else in the series.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 3, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Gultigargar
    "I asked KH-Vids for help and all I got was this stupid username"
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 31, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Gultigargar
    I think the "thin-look" is more because of me not making enough contrast between the lines of the left and the right leg, and my camera blurring stuff. I tried to make an approximation as to how it actually looks. I guess it might be a little thin, but not too far off, imo.

    The "shading" you mentioned isn't actually shading, but I'm still not very good at it, so I can see why shading is the word that comes to mind. They're actually supposed to be more like "modeling-lines", which show the form. I forgot to take a picture, but my teacher erased most of the ones I did on the right thigh and showed me how they should look. Some of the ones he did I had captured previously, but a lot of them I didn't.

    Anyways, it's kind of hard to explain, but try taking a look at something like this: Drawing.jpg
    The lines are not there to create shading, but to show the form. Shading does, of course, appear as part of it, when done correctly, but shading is not what you have in mind when you draw those lines.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Gultigargar
    My point is, when you're copying, you're more or less limiting criticism to whether or not the drawing looks like the original. Feedback is a lot better for you and for us if we can comment on your ability to convey shapes, space, and weight; your ability to draw.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Gultigargar
    That's how it comes out when you "de-convert" the AR-MAX code. If it doesn't work, it's not his fault, it's the code that's faulty to being with.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Gultigargar
    It's "Real Adress" you have to change.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Gultigargar

    What's the point in giving feedback if you're just copying something someone else drew?
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Gultigargar
    This is how you joker commands

    (But seriously, just activate the jokered part(s) of the code at the specified time(s).
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 28, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Gultigargar
    I, for one, am glad to know I'll still be able to play my DVDs ('cause **** the superior Blu-Ray) in a 1000 years.

    Oh wait...
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 26, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  19. Gultigargar
    I'll try to refrain from posting too many drawings of a similar type, but I just gotta post this one:

    (Nude croquis again, you have been warned)

    So I was just drawing along as usual, and then my teacher passes by and just goes "Eeeyy, Martin! *Thumbs up*"

    (For referrence, he is a Russian who said "Those who are weak should be killed" as a joke example of why you should use your eraser if you have a weak composition - so it's not too often we see him like that.)

    We've moved on from doing feet to doing legs and feet. Hooray!

    Nudity again. Not quite sure if this falls into NSFW territory, but I'm linking just in case:

    While this is hardly perfect (left foot is odd, can't get torso area right), I was praised for clearly showing depth in this one.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 25, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Gultigargar
    Because Tetsuya Nomura is incredibly lazy.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Aug 24, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help