Search Results

  1. Gultigargar
    Play as Riku
    11CE0B68 0000089B
    01CB8C77 0000002E
    21CB8C78 7465736D
    21CB8C7C 00000000
    21CB8C80 00000000
    01CB8C96 00000005
    11CB8C9E 00000002
    0032ED64 0000008A
    2032F0AC 00020100
    21CD52A8 48455F57
    21CD52AC 00303030
    21CD52B0 00000000
    21CD52B4 00000000
    11CD4390 00000317
    Play as Riku
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Gultigargar
    Yup, this is image is from KH2FM. Really easily done with cheat codes, too. Play as Mickey + Room Mod code. It's so easily done I could take this snapshot in a couple of minutes:


    So, yeah... If the creator of the image was saying this was from KH3D, then he was lying through his teeth. But I think the more likely explanation is that some dude came across an image he didn't understand and just assumed it was from the newest game.
  3. Gultigargar
    A list like that really doesn't help either. (Unless you are actually applying that whole list of codes you posted as it is, in which case I really shouldn't have to tell you why that won't work.)

    Post the/a specific one code that crashes for you.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 15, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Gultigargar
    No. Also, post the code you are using and tell us how you are applying the codes. Don't think anyone can help you if all they have to go by is "It doesn't work!"
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 14, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Gultigargar
    Our sun is too small to go supernova. It'll become a red giant.

    I'm kind of astonished at how quickly some people jump on the "end of the world"-train. Saying that the world is going to end is a pretty big claim, yet people seem to just accept it 'cause someone said so/read it somewhere/a calendar expires. I mean, come on. Really?
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 14, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  6. Gultigargar
    Works fine, but could be shorter:

    21CD51F0 46495254
    21CD51F4 00004C5F
    21CD5210 46495254
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 14, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Gultigargar
    I'm not seeing your point here. They're racist because... they have different races?
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 14, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  8. Gultigargar
    This should be it.

    Sora wields Kingdom key
    1033FEC0 00000029
    Kingdom Key -> Way to the Dawn
    21CEF10C 00000317
    Unequip blue attack abilities (except Explosion and Finishing Leap), as they won't work with this weapon.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Gultigargar
    Do it just to spite Square for the Japan-only release.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. Gultigargar
    He just said what his problem was on the previous page...

    EDIT: For the sake of content: Try double-checking that you haven't accidentally left some oter code(s) on. Some codes can tend to conflict with each other.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Gultigargar
    My guess is your game is BSOD'ing because you are entering a cutscene. The game tends to "stop" like that if it's trying to load a character (that has been replaced) for a cutscene. Could also be because you haven't "unlocked" whatever character you're trying to mod in yet. (I seem to remember that being a problem with Drive Forms and Riku).

    Also, don't LP Kingdom Hearts, game is not suited for it at all...
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Gultigargar
    It's determined by how many of those proof-things you have, so it's just a matter of using a simple inventory-item mod.

    No Crown
    0032F1E2 00000000
    0032F1E3 00000000
    0032F1E4 00000000
    Bronze Crown
    0032F1E2 00000001
    0032F1E3 00000000
    0032F1E4 00000000
    Silver Crown
    0032F1E2 00000001
    0032F1E3 00000001
    0032F1E4 00000000
    Gold Crown
    0032F1E2 00000001
    0032F1E3 00000001
    0032F1E4 00000001
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Gultigargar
    It isn't, actually, your anti-virus program just thinks it is because it technically works very similarly to a virus (editing memory, in this case of your PCSX2 program).
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 9, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Gultigargar
    Yes, everything with a UCM digit has a heartblock. The only advice I can give you is to re-read whatever tutorial you used to find heartblocks, because it's honestly not hard to do, so you really must have missed something if you can't find any at all.

    Also, use your goddamn shift key.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Gultigargar
    Pretty much any scene in Bayonetta, though if I had to pick one It'd have to be the opening scene:

    Another one I really like is from Nier, but it's a pretty huge spoiler.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 1, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  16. Gultigargar
    Moveset does not mean what you think it means (at least if we're talking about kingdom hearts codes). So those two things are not gonna happen.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 26, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Gultigargar
    Don't have the code, but it should be easy for someone else to provide it for you. As for your questions...

    1) No, he won't use combos or finishers.
    2) No, using his status crashes the game. (Similarly, using Mickey's or Sora's status will also crash.) You have to use a party member's status.
    3) You should be able to find stat/ability mods on the front page.
    3) No, he won't use guard.
    4) Should be perfectly stable as long as you don't enter cutscenes.

    EDIT: Oh wait, I have a code for it right here:
    Donald -> Roxas party member
    11CE0B6A 00000064
    01C95AEF 0000000E
    21C95AF0 58455F50
    21C95AF4 00303131
    21C95B10 58455F50
    21C95B14 2E303131
    21C95B18 7465736D
    01C95B36 00000009
    2036D930 61786F72
    2036D934 00000073
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 25, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Gultigargar
  19. Gultigargar
  20. Gultigargar
    1) No.
    2) It's a dummy ability that doesn't do anything.
    3) Role mods change how characters act. As an example, you can change Sephiroth's role from boss to NPC partner, which will make him able to hurt enemies and unable to hurt you. In a similar fashion, a you can role mod a boss to the role of a normal enemy, which makes it so you don't need to use a finishing move to kill it.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Sep 19, 2011 in forum: Code Vault