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  1. Gultigargar
    The model mod does work. It's just not easy to help you when you just say "It doesn't work" without saying what you were trying to do and posting the code you were using...
    Post by: Gultigargar, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Gultigargar
    1) Sort of... There are two Final Xemnas' in the final battle, so can you replace one of them with the boss you want to fight and wait for the other to do his drain move on Sora. You also obviously need an infinite HP code if you want to do this for longer periods of time.

    2) He can't use dark shield, only dark aura. He can also only do one single melee attack, which makes him a bit limited, imo.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Gultigargar
    No. This is most likely the line that's causing you trouble:

    201A1B58 00000000
    201A1B64 00000000
    0032F054 00000003
    [COLOR="darkred"]4032F064 00130001
    03020107 00000000[/COLOR]
    Try replacing those lines two with this one: 11CE0B68 00000057
    Post by: Gultigargar, Dec 16, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Gultigargar
  5. Gultigargar
    1) You didn't look hard enough. Mickey's abilities are definitely there (Though his name was misspelled as Micky):
    1032E3B4 0000????
    1032E3B6 0000????
    1032E3B8 0000????
    1032E3BA 0000????
    1032E3BC 0000????
    1032E3BE 0000????
    1032E3C0 0000????
    1032E3C2 0000????
    1032E3C4 0000????
    1032E3C6 0000????
    1032E3C8 0000????
    1032E3CA 0000????
    1032E3CC 0000????
    1032E3CE 0000????
    1032E3D0 0000????
    1032E3D2 0000????
    1032E3D4 0000????
    1032E3D6 0000????
    1032E3D8 0000????
    1032E3DA 0000????
    1032E3DC 0000????

    2) The dual wield Mickey code changes his status to Sora's, so what you need is an ability mod for Sora. But, like EvilMan said, Mickey can't really use that many abilities.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Dec 13, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Gultigargar
    Sorry to be posting so rapidly about this, but I found yet another way to improve the "summon an enemy" code.

    Obviously, the previous method of replacing Terra's cannon shot wasn't really ideal. You couldn't summon Terra as an enemy because of that, and he us kind of random about when he fires his cannon, so it's not very reliable.

    So I tried finding some other character that spawned objects. There aren't that many of them, though. Chicken Little and the Roxas boss are two characters that spawn objects, but they really weren't ideal either for various reasons.

    Then I remembered those Sorcerer Nobodies. The way they work is that the barrier they attack with is the actual "main" enemy. The Sorcerer Nobody is a separate object from the barrier, automatically spawned by the barrier itself. This means we can instantly summon an enemy without waiting for the summoned unit to do a certain attack. It also means we can now summon Terra as an enemy without worrying about him shooting several clones of himself from his cannon.

    Chicken Little -> Sorcerer Barrier (Spawns a Sorcerer)
    01caeecc 00000001
    21caeed0 58455f4d
    21caeed4 00303738
    21caeef0 58455f4d
    21caeef4 2e303738
    21caef20 0000013b
    Sorcerer -> Anti-Sora
    21c9902c 01000004
    21c99030 58455f50
    21c99034 5f303031
    21c99038 464c5448
    21c9903c 4c54425f
    21c99050 58455f50
    21c99054 5f303031
    21c99058 464c5448
    21c9905c 4c54425f
    21c99060 65736d2e
    21c99064 00000074
    21c99070 00000004
    Sorcerer -> Sephiroth
    21c9902c 00000003
    21c99030 42485f4e
    21c99034 00303336
    21c99050 42485f4e
    21c99054 2e303336
    21c99058 7465736d
    21c99070 00000000
    11c99080 00000912
    Sorcerer -> Riku boss
    21c9902c 00000003
    21c99030 58455f4e
    21c99034 5f303439
    21c99038 004c5442
    21c99050 58455f4e
    21c99054 5f303439
    21c99058 2e4c5442
    21c9905c 7465736d
    21c99070 00000000
    Sorcerer -> Roxas boss
    21c9902c 00000003
    21c99030 58455f42
    21c99034 00303933
    21c99050 58455f42
    21c99054 2e303933
    21c99058 7465736d
    21c99070 00000000
    21c99080 09530952
    Sorcerer -> Terra
    21c9902c 00000003
    21c99030 58455f42
    21c99034 00303234
    21c99050 58455f42
    21c99054 2e303234
    21c99058 7465736d
    21c99070 00000000
    11c99074 000013cc
    11c99080 000009fd
    Obviously it's possible to summon more than just these guys, but I figured these would be the ones with the most demand.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Gultigargar
    Yup, that's exactly it. This is because no matter what I've tried, I can't make summons enemies. Luckily, this does not apply for any objects they spawn. Terra and his cannon were the only things I could think of at the time, but I'm sure there must be some other boss who has a more reliable way to spawn objects.

    The T-stance models you're seeing are mostly cutscene models and stuff like that. The "Only guest" is the Riku party member. On a PS2, the game freezes if you replace your playable character with him. That's why we have seperate (and kind of long) codes for playing as Riku.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Gultigargar
    I've been messing around with the method I made to "summon" an enemy to fight you in places where party members don't spawn (like Destiny Islands), and I've discovered 2 things:

    1) You *can* unsummon Terra, as long as the code is right (which mine wasn't at the time). This is Good, because then we don't need a seperate animation joker code to T-stance him once he has fired his cannon.
    2) The spawned enemy *can* have sound effects, as long as the code is right (which, again, mine wasn't).

    So yeah, here are some updated version of the codes:

    Summon alone/infinite
    201A1BE0 C60001B8
    201C9B5C 0000102D
    Chicken Little -> Terra
    01caeecc 00000001
    21caeed0 58455f42
    21caeed4 00303234
    21caeef0 58455f42
    21caeef4 2e303234
    21caef20 000009fd
    Terra's Cannon Shot -> Anti-Sora
    21cc07ac 01000004
    21cc07b0 58455f50
    21cc07b4 5f303031
    21cc07b8 464c5448
    21cc07bc 4c54425f
    21cc07d0 58455f50
    21cc07d4 5f303031
    21cc07d8 464c5448
    21cc07dc 4c54425f
    21cc07e0 65736d2e
    01cc07e4 00000074
    01cc07f0 00000004
    Terra's Cannon Shot -> Sephiroth
    21cc07ac 00000003
    21cc07b0 42485f4e
    21cc07b4 00303336
    21cc07d0 42485f4e
    21cc07d4 2e303336
    21cc07d8 7465736d
    01cc07f0 00000000
    11cc0800 00000912
    Terra's Cannon Shot -> Riku Boss
    21cc07ac 00000003
    21cc07b0 58455f4e
    21cc07b4 5f303439
    21cc07b8 004c5442
    21cc07d0 58455f4e
    21cc07d4 5f303439
    21cc07d8 2e4c5442
    21cc07dc 7465736d
    01cc07f0 00000000
    Terra's Cannon Shot -> Roxas Boss
    21cc07ac 00000003
    21cc07b0 58455f42
    21cc07b4 00303933
    21cc07d0 58455f42
    21cc07d4 2e303933
    21cc07d8 7465736d
    01cc07f0 00000000
    21cc0800 09530952
    Before any of you ask: Yes, I've tried replacing the cannon with Roxas boss, but he does not work. The emulator crashes. Sorry. ****, I was wrong, it's totally possible. I was just stupid and missed the line that makes it possible.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Nov 30, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Gultigargar
    I finally found a way to fight enemies in places like Destiny Islands (where you can't bring party members and thus can't replace w/ UCM).

    This method can probably be simplified, but for now here's how it goes: You replace a summon with Terra, and you replace his cannon shots with the boss you want to fight. Then you wait for him to fire his cannon, and then you should have a joker ready to get Terra stuck (so he doesn't keep firing bosses out of his cannon). Yes, you have to make him get stuck, because un-summoning him while his "projectile" is out crashes the game. Really needlessly(?) complicated, I know, but it's something at least.


    EDIT: VVV Oh right, should probably just ahve done that from the start...

    Summon alone/infinite
    201A1BE0 C60001B8
    201C9B5C 0000102D
    Chicken Little -> Terra
    21caeed0 58455f42
    21caeed4 00303234
    21caeef0 58455f42
    21caeef4 2e303234
    21caef20 000009fd
    Cannon -> Anti-Sora
    21cc07b0 58455f50
    21cc07b4 5f303031
    21cc07b8 464c5448
    21cc07bc 4c54425f
    21cc07d0 58455f50
    21cc07d4 5f303031
    21cc07d8 464c5448
    21cc07dc 4c54425f
    21cc07e0 65736d2e
    01cc07e4 00000074
    2032BAE0 00000203
    I found that if I summoned Terra once (before warping) and then unsummoned him, he would start by doing his cannon attack when you summon him again. SO i recommend doing that so that you don't have to wait around for him to use it once you've warped.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Nov 24, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Gultigargar
    This is one way to T-stance him:

    21cbce70 00000000
    21cbce74 00000000
    21cbce78 00000000
    Post by: Gultigargar, Nov 15, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Gultigargar
    While I'm not certain, I believe it's because they eventually crash. At least, that's what happens when I use the equivalent KH2FM codes. They crash for me after I've walked through a couple of rooms.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Nov 14, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Gultigargar
    KH1FM Music Mod

    102c1378 00000???

    102c137c 00000???

    Digits from the NTSC thread:
    000-064 - Nothing
    065 - Deep jungle
    066 - Having a wild time
    067 - Olympus Coliseum
    068 - Traverse town
    069 - Destiny islands
    06A - BSOD
    06B - BSOD
    06C - BSOD
    06D - BSOD
    06E - Dearly beloved
    06F - Shrouding Dark Cloud
    070 - Hand in hand
    071 - BSOD
    072 - BSOD
    073 - BSOD
    074 - Welcome to wonderland
    075 - A very small wish
    076 - To our surprise
    077 - Bustin' up on the beach
    078 - Go for it!
    079 - Monstruous Monstro
    07A - Blast away Gummi ship I
    07B - Blast away Gummi ship II
    07C - "Make gumi song"
    07D - Precious Stars in the Sky
    07E - Bustin' up on the beach (repeat -.-")
    07F - A day in Agrabah
    080 - Arabian Dream
    081 - Capitain's Hook pirate ship
    082 - Neverland sky
    083 - Night of fate
    084 to 8B - BSOD
    08C - Under the sea
    08D - Winnie the pooh book
    08E - Bustin' up on the beach (repeat, again -.-")
    08F - Mickey Mouse Club March
    090 - This is hallowen!
    091 - BSOD
    092 - Pirate's Gigue
    093 - An adventure in Atlantica
    094 - Blast away Gummi ship III
    095 - Spooks of hallowen town
    096 - BSOD
    097 - BSOD
    098 - Hollow bastion
    099 - Scherzo di notte
    09A - End of the world
    09B - Fragments of sorrow
    09C - BSOD
    09D - Holy bananas!
    09E to B7 - BSOD
    0B8 - Merlin's magical house
    0B9 to 120 - BSOD
    Post by: Gultigargar, Nov 8, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Gultigargar
    Repostin' my code/question from the last page of the old thread:

    Post by: Gultigargar, Nov 7, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Gultigargar
    Hey thread. I'm hoping if maybe any of you could help me out. I made a Mickey boss code a while back, and someone suggested to me that I should add Minnie as a boss as well. To my surprise, it was actually pretty easy to add her to the fight.

    There is a problem, though. Those magic orb-things she fires won't home in on Sora (I've tried making her target Sora using target mod, but it doesn't seem to work). I think it may be caused by the fact that I changed her "hitbox data**" to Terra's* (*the boss I am replacing) (**because otherwise she can't be targeted), and that's causing her spells to home in on herself.

    So I'm asking you Code Vault, are there any of you who know how to fix it, or would like to give it a try? Either way, here's the code:

     Enter portal to Terra battle
    Party/Model/Effects/Hitboxes ([I]Activate in cutscene[/I])
    11CE0B6A 00000764
    2032F094 12020100 
    11ce0b6c 000004bb
    01ca4fcc 00000003
    20d2de58 00bbee90
    20d2de68 00bedb40
    20da4e58 00c1fe90
    21290688 00da422c
    Skip cutscene with the above codes still on
    Animations ([I]Activate in battle[/I])
    20c98e58 00000000
    21051638 00c99b50
    210568e8 00cb3990
    2105ebd8 00cbcad0
    21064768 00cc2730
    21069068 00cc9d30
    2106fe88 00cd20d0
    21079e08 00cdd7a0
    21083598 00cdd7a0
    2108ccc8 00cd20d0
    21096378 00ce9a30
    2109fa98 00cef100
    210aa118 00cc2730
    210b07a8 00cc9d30
    210be028 00cc2730
    210c4778 00cc9d30
    21051068 00d03c90
    210512e8 00cf5aa0
    210512f8 00d1fdf0
    2110b0d8 00cf5ad0
    21051378 00d03c90
    21051318 00d1fdf0
    21137598 00d0d800
    2125c808 00d03cc0
    21260d08 00d0d800
    2126dba8 00d0d800
    212708f8 00d0d800
    2127a308 00d0d800
    21143818 00d03cc0
    21051368 00d1fdf0
    21051388 00cf5aa0
    210514c8 00d0d7d0
    210514d8 00d1fdf0
    210513b8 00c99b20
    210513c8 00d03c90
    211bc9f8 00cc2730
    210513e8 00cf5aa0
    210513f8 00cc9d00
    21051408 00d0d7d0
    21051418 00d0d7d0
    21051428 00d03c90
    21051438 00cf5aa0
    21051448 00d1fdf0
    21051458 00d1fdf0
    21359148 0137bfe0
    2136b1a8 013869a0
    2136b1b8 01390820
    21372908 013869a0
    21372918 01390820
    Post by: Gultigargar, Nov 5, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Gultigargar
  16. Gultigargar
    You mean this one?
    Sora's/Roxas's Weapon Modifiers
    Normal Worlds
    Kingdom Key
    11CD4390 0000????
    11CD4394 0000????
    11CD4398 0000????
    11CD439C 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD43A0 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD43A4 0000????
    11CD43A8 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD43AC 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD43B0 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD43B4 0000????
    11CD43B8 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD43BC 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD43C0 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD43C4 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD43C8 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD43CC 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD43D0 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD43D4 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD43D8 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD43DC 0000????
    11CD43E0 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD43E4 0000????
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4404 0000????
    Struggle Bat A
    11CD4408 0000????
    Struggle Bat B
    11CD440C 0000????
    Detection Saber
    11CD4454 0000????
    Edge of Ultima
    11CD4458 0000????
    Acrossing Two Keyblade
    11CD43E8 0000????
    Winner's Proof
    11CD43EC 0000????
    Halloween Town
    11CD452C 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD4530 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD4534 0000????
    11CD4538 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD453C 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD4540 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD4544 0000????
    11CD4548 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD454C 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD4550 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD4554 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD4558 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD455C 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD4560 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD4564 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD4568 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD456C 0000????
    11CD4570 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD4574 0000????
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4594 0000????
    Struggle Bat A
    11CD4598 0000????
    Struggle Bat B
    11CD459C 0000????
    Detection Saber
    11CD45E4 0000????
    Edge of Ultima
    11CD45E8 0000????
    Space Paranoids
    Kingdom Key
    11CD4B14 0000????
    11CD4B18 0000????
    11CD4B1C 0000????
    11CD4B20 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD4B24 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD4B28 0000????
    11CD4B2C 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD4B30 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD4B34 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD4B38 0000????
    11CD4B3C 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD4B40 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD4B44 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD4B48 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD4B4C 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD44B50 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD4B54 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD4B58 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD4B5C 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD4B60 0000????
    11CD4B64 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD4B68 0000????
    Acrossed 2 Keyblade
    11CD4B6C 0000????
    Winner's Proof
    11CD4B70 0000????
    Timeless River
    11CD4BD8 0000????
    11CD4BDC 0000????
    11CD4BE0 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD4BE4 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD4BE8 0000????
    11CD4BEC 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD4BF0 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD4BF4 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD4BF8 0000????
    11CD4BFC 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD4C00 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD4C04 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD4C08 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD4C0C 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD4C10 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD4C14 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD4C18 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD4C1C 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD4C20 0000????
    11CD4C24 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD4C28 0000????
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4C48 0000????
    Struggle Bat A
    11CD4C4C 0000????
    Struggle Bat B
    11CD4C50 0000????
    Detection Saber
    11CD4C98 0000????
    Edge of Ultima
    11CD4C9C 0000????
    Donald's Weapon Modifiers
    Normal Worlds
    Mage's Staff
    11CD46B0 0000????
    Save the Queen
    11CD46D8 0000????
    Save the Queen +
    11CD46DC 0000????
    Lexaseus Tomahawk
    11CD46E0 0000????
    Lexaseus Tomahawk +
    11CD46E4 0000????
    11CD46FC 0000????
    Halloween Town
    Hammer Staff
    11CD4780 0000????
    Save the Queen +
    11CD47A8 0000????
    Space Paranoids
    Mage's Staff
    11CD4D64 0000????
    Save the Queen +
    11CD4D90 0000????
    Timeless River
    Hammer Staff
    11CD4E34 0000????
    Save the Queen +
    11CD4E5C 0000????
    Goofy's Weapon Modifiers
    Normal Worlds
    Knight's Shield
    11CD4848 0000????
    Save the King +
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4874 0000????
    Halloween Town
    Adamant Shield
    11CD491C 0000????
    Save the King +
    11CD4944 0000????
    Space Paranoids
    Adamant Shield
    11CD4F00 0000????
    Save the King +
    11CD4F28 0000????
    Timeless River
    Adamant Shield
    11CD4FD0 0000????
    Save the King +
    11CD4FF8 0000????
    Mickey's Weapon Modifiers
    FAKE [a.k.a Darkside Kingdom Key]
    11CD4ADC 0000???
    Riku's Weapon Modifiers
    Way to the Dawn
    11CD4B04 0000????
    Aladdin's Weapon Modifiers
    11CD4AB8 0000???? 
    Auron's Weapon Modifiers
    Battlefields of War
    11CD4AC0 0000????
    Mulan's Weapon Modifiers
    Sword of the Ancestors (or mushu)
    11CD4ACC 0000???? 
    Mushu [ XDDD ]
    11CD4AD0 0000????
    Tron's Weapon Modifiers
    Energy Disk
    11CD4AD4 0000???? 
    Sparrow's Weapon Modifiers
    Skill and Crossbones
    11CD4B0C 0000????
    Like Wheel of Time said, GameFAQs is almost always a sure bet for save files. I uploaded my own save file a while back, but I don't know if it's what you're looking for.

    KH2FM Critical mode completed lvl 99
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 31, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Gultigargar
    1) Not dual wield
    2) Doesn't have Wisdom's animation because you didn't mod the mset. Also stuck in T-stance.
    3) Using Wisdom as the base makes the code much shorter/makes more sense in general. This is how a DW Wisdom Form code would look:
    EDIT: Scratch the last one, this updated one is better...
    DW Wisdom Form
    11CE0B68 00000056
    1032EE5C 0000002a
    21cd5248 58455f57
    21cd524c 5f303130
    21cd5250 46544c55
    21cd5254 0000525f
    4) What the ****?
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 25, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Gultigargar
    Ultima Weapon = W_EX010_N0
    Profile Post by Gultigargar for Blayz Mods, Oct 25, 2011
  19. Gultigargar
    Well, it sounds like you have a pretty old version of Emuhaste. I don't know if that's what's causing the problem, but try using a newer version like 2.55 or 3.01 or whatever.
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 24, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Gultigargar
    The code on the front page seems to be for NTSC KH2, which is why you're having trouble activating it. This should work:

    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    20341328 FFFFFFFF
    2034132C FFFFFFFF
    20341330 FFFFFFFF
    Post by: Gultigargar, Oct 24, 2011 in forum: Code Vault