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  1. RayneWolvesbane
    OOC: Who ever jumps in and says it was them! ^^
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. RayneWolvesbane
    Willow groaned and shook her head at the idea. Not like she had a choice. Her arm was throbbing and her vision was spinning. "ugh..."
    Adair looked at Zoey, his vision renewing. "The middle one." He said guessing. He was happier knowing that he was almost home free. But a thought lingered in his head. He could have had the school come get her but he didn't. He decided to take her himself. It bothered him greatly.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. RayneWolvesbane
    OOC:Avians are getting attacked and Adair is with Zoey high in a cave. (after my post.)
    Willow screamed slightly, the gust of wind sending her crashing into the wall. She tried getting up but whimpered from pain. She had broken her arm. "Oooh..." She moaned. The pain was causing tiny yellow and red stars to dance around in her vision. She was close to blacking out, but only fell into half conciousness. The world around her faded slightly.(Whose afraid of the big bad wolf?)

    Adair glided slowly, having to use airplane currentys to propel himself and to stay in flight. He moved his wings slightly to keep the two afloat. "Keep going.." He muttered to himself. He landed after a short while in a cave to regain his eyesight. He gently layed Zoey against the wall of the cave. He rubbed his eyes to help regain the little sight he had.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. RayneWolvesbane
    Reyna stepped away from Hana when she heard the seirens. She ran out of the back door, the bleeding slowing but not to a complete stop. "I won't go!" SHe cried and hopped the fense. She ran into the crowd and jacked a jacket left on a bench to cover her blood stained shirt. She was walking and saw a person she saw earlier. 'I remember him...' She hide her face and looked down. She unfortunatly slamed into someone, scattering pappers and pens and a few electronic items around. "Sorry..."
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. RayneWolvesbane
    Adair looked down at Zoey and smiled. 'My first steal...' He felt a pain of something deep within himself... Something from before... Before he was turned. 'Remorse??? No it can't be...' He shook it off.

    Willow threw the crowbar at the eraser and took flight. She went behind his back and screech painfully into his right ear.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. RayneWolvesbane
    Adair cradled his captive with care. 'I can't let her get away.' He landed at the edge and tied her up with nylon rope. He picked her up again and took off. 'I'll need to glide though the night to get her back before I can be stoped.'

    Willow jumped and raised her crowbar defensively.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. RayneWolvesbane
    OOc: Xert... Read last post!!!! Edit:It ok
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. RayneWolvesbane
    Adair glided over the city and saw his chance. He swooped down and picked up the girl know as 'Zoey'. "You are mine!" He took her higher in the sky, using the higher wind currents to support them. "Thanks for doing my dirty work."

    Willow looked at Abby. "No but I sense a presense. We need to keep our guard up."
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. RayneWolvesbane
    OOc: Lol sucks to be you..

    Willow jumped up and shook Abby's shoulders. "Wake thyself!" She ran and grabbed a old crowbar. "What are we going to do Nick?" She said taking his advice to ask him before attacking. "Why am I listening to you, again?"
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. RayneWolvesbane
    "We'lll I don't like it." Willow muttered. "They have no right to use us. We were humans before they did this to us..." Willow looked from Abby to Nick and looked forward. "I'm glad at the very least I met you guys..." Willow said all of a sudden tensing. "We need to be quiet..." She shivered, not out of the cold but out of fear for her own life and her friends.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. RayneWolvesbane
    Willow sighed and wrapped her wings around her. She pulled her legs up to her chest and layed her head down on her arms. All you could see was the top of her head. "Why do you think they are always after us?" She groaned and pulled her wings tighter around her. "It's not like we want to be this way..."
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. RayneWolvesbane
    "As if I need sleep to be beautiful." Willow said flying down and getting a pillow and blanket. "I'm not particularly tired." She gave a cheesy smile and then was interrupted by a yawn.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. RayneWolvesbane
  14. RayneWolvesbane
    Willow bolted every door and barracaded the windows so nothing could get in or out. "That way we won't die..." She turned to Nick. "I won't attack you anymore." She looked down. She thought and she flew up to a ledge. "Abby, Nick, I think we should sleep up here tonight... Just precautionary..."
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. RayneWolvesbane
    OOc: I noticed.

    Willow grabbed the pillow out of the air and flew down at him. She threw the pillows at him when she was right in front of his face and flew up again. "Heehee." She burts out laughing and landed on the ground.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. RayneWolvesbane
    "Wow we have a beauty queen on our hands!" Willow calls to Abby. "Nick cares about his looks!"
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. RayneWolvesbane
    lol Whats you favorite band
    Profile Post by RayneWolvesbane for Sakura101, Feb 17, 2009
  18. RayneWolvesbane
    Willow stuck out her tounge. She drifted down and tackle hugged Nick. "Thanks for worring earlier." She let him go and grabbed a pillow. "This place isn't so bad is it?" Willow tossed up the pillow and flew up and caught it. " I like it here."
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. RayneWolvesbane
    Willow went in through a window. "Come check this out!" She threw the bedding on a unused table and flew upward. "This place is huge!" She wouldn't let anything dampen her day. "It's amazing!"
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. RayneWolvesbane
    Willow looked at Nick. "We are almost there." As she was looking back she almost hit a billboard. She busted up laughing and looked down. "Hey abandoned cheesecake factory... Lets go"
    OOc: Yum.
    Post by: RayneWolvesbane, Feb 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home