'Nervous laughter?' "Nah it's fine to me. I don't expect much." Willow smiled."I mean I'm not a princess." OOc: Me!!!
Willow sticks her tounge out at Nick. "You're more attracted to this."She said indicating herself leaning against the wall. "I'll take it we'll be staying here tonight."
Willow shook her head but still was smiling. "You little theif." She chuckled.
OOc: lol... Bic: Lets hope so. Willow looked down at her arm. She put one half against the wall and reajusted her arm so that it would heal properly. "Ouch..." She said hoarsely. She made a sling out of her wrap and hid her wings, which was hard compared to the fact her wrap was hiding most of her wings and the low backed tanktop didn't hide much.
Yes I like the one thats just the eye. I like abstract art so. ^^
"Actually yes. Your right I will be worried. We were attacked two... three times tonight. I don't want anyone to get hurt." Willow avoids making eye contact with Nick, know a blush would come."Be safe Nick."
They are adorable!!!!!!!
They are^^
Zack and Aerith! Or Tifia and Leon/Squall
From what anime There's so many!!!
I'm waiting for FH who isn't on. We'll have to wait untill tomarrow...
Go posty!!!! ^^
Yeah it sounds painful
fun... EPIC POST!!!!!!!
I'm sorry. I posted epicly^^ 0.o
Willow hesitated.".. Fine... just don't get caught..." Adair landed at the School. He put Zoey in his room and locked the door form the outside. He walked into the lab and bowed. "I have brought one back for you. " "So you have, have you. What about the other? You could have caught two this night." Alana said from behind the desk. Adair lowered his gaze. "There would have been no way to transport them both. I did the best I could." Alana stood up. "Are you sure it was the best you could do?" Adair's heart quickened in pace. "Yes. I wanted to atleast get one for you..." Alana opened the drawer and took out a sliver-plated knife. She slashed it down and up again over each of his wings. Adair's blood-curtling scream could be heard thoughout the school. Alana wipped the blood on her desk. "Get back to work you pathetic little worm." Adair exited the room, his former glory deminish. He yanked open his door and went over to Zoey. He pulled out a pocket knife and cut the ropes. He pulled her up with his right arm. "Leave." He told her almost in monotone.
OOC: I did give him permission. Adair grunted and flew ahead of Flare. He grabbed Zoey with hiw other working arm and flew above Flare to leave the cave. "Wings are a bats greatest weapon." He fleww farther away from the cave. "I heard that Nick. You can't, steal it's wrong!" Willow sounded mother-like in more ways than one.
Yay!!! Why ish you overwhelmed
Well go post then^^
Yay!!! *does happy dance* Oh and can I change Alana to a scientist?