Willow leaned against the wall, rubbing her temples. "I don't know what to do either. And if he were to 'join' us we'd be sitting ducks..." She absentmindedly rubbed her broke arm, the swelling was receding and looking almost normal.
Willow smiled. "Yeah but I trust everyone." She thought for a minute. "Mostly..."
She shook her head and looked toward the door. 'I hope he can't read minds.' "He pooped outta nowhere. And I don't remember him ing the escape..."
lol I'm bored. I'ma texting Foofy.
Willow eyed him suspiciously. 'I don't trust him...' She looked at Nick unsure of what to do.
I've had a cell phone I was always epic^^
Whats up? Homie G? *Tries to sound gangsta but epic fails horribly.*
"About what?" Willow didn't know wether to be angery or frightened. "Talk quickly and you might keep your life." She all but snarled.
"Fine but you are going to need sleep wether you like it or not." Willow went to the door and opened it. Gaspeth! Adair looked down at Zoey. "You'll be okay, Zoey." He cradled her more and was coming upon the cave they were first at.
Hi Jenkins.
Adair heard the alarm and glad that they made him with super speed. He sped up his run, glad that she was light. "You'll be okay, the can't catch us right now."
Adair screamed and knocked the tazer out of Anne's hand. "You have gone too far!" He picked her up and turned a right and then a quick left. The only exit that they didn't know about, his own. He slammed his shoulder into the wall and the metal bent. He kicked through and jumped. He landed square on the ground and held his uncaptive. Willow yawned. "You should do the same Nick."
No it's my fault for being impatient...
Adair looked straight at her. "Leave before it's too late for you..." He opened the door wider. "This is no place for the sane..."
I be really sorry... I didn't think we posted that much 0.o
OOc: This is where Zoey is and Abby is at a random hotel with Nick and Willow.
what you mean??
"Been at what? The teasing? All day and almost night." Willow said pondering.
OOc:Probably^^ Bic: "Why won't you say them?" Willow asked quizically. She caught up to Nick and looked up at him. Adair sighed and helped her out of the room.
OOc:Ummm... Go after Flare... Alana looked at a list of experiment. 'Flare...' Willow thoguth for a minute and blushed. She followed with FH hopefully behind and not wanting to eat me.(inside joke.) "No fair!" She called after him.