Awesomeness. So whats new
Moth grabs Docyx. "Calm down this is all in your mind. Your fighting yourself. Calm down and we can escape" she sends her keyblade away and holds both of Docyxs hands. "Calm down"
Ahh that makes sense. So what are you going to do now
Moth runs keyblade in hand till she reaches Docyx. She kills all of the dark creatures in a display of awesome power. Once they are all destroyed she turns to Docyx silver eyes turning gold once more. "Are you ok?" She asks "If yOu are we need to move."
Aww sorry to hear that. Why didnt it work out
Moth summons her keyblade silver eyes blazing. She summons a bolt of light and tells it to lead her to Docyx. "I'm coming and I'll explain everything when we are out of here" she says into the darkness following the light to Docyx
Same but getting ready for 6th form.
OCC: well you know I know people well. IC:"Docyx please dont ever call me Mothy again. But yes I'm here. We are in your mind. Try and come dowager me so I can't get you out of here." Moth says loudly.
As the light shines on her Moths eyes turn from gold to silver and she knows what she must do. She closes her eyes and sumons midnight sun and transports herself into Docxys mind. "Docyx..." she calls out into the darkness.
Hi how are you
Moth leaps and grabs Docyxs hand the one with the keyboard and holds it down to prevent him hurting himself. She here's Docyx say something "Where...Am...I" Docyx says "Your in radiant garden" she says quietly "I moved us here after the attack as I thought it might help if I could get you medicine and keep you warm to prevent illness and let you heal." she continues to hold Docyxs arm down.
Moth is reading on her her bed when she suddenly hears Docyx say one word. "M-M-Moth?" she drops her book and rushes over to Docyx and smiles faintly. "At last" she says "take as much time as you need. You saved me and I will wait for you till you wake" she moves a chair from the otherwise of the room And sits by Docyxs bedside watching and waiting for him to wake.
Confusion. It's on the latest page of the rpg. You can't miss the pikachu.
Thanks Docyx it's goin ok so far. Um I don't know how to link. But we are in an inn at radiant garden. And your asleep and im on the other bed in...
Thank you very much.
Moth returns to the inn and goes to her and Docxys room. She makes sure Docyx is ok before sits on her bed and reads.
Oh you know. Busy holiday. What happened was I went to this summer school at the uea and I met him there and we just clicked. So you gonna wake up...
That's fantastic. Both bits of news. I'm really happy for you. And let's make an agreement I won't kill yours if you don't kill mine
That's ok but I did miss you. I have soooooo much to tell you. How are you firstly?
Moth finishes practacing and wipes the sweat of her forehead and goes into the town. She silently watches the townsfolk.