Moth follows her sister and watches her talk to all of her friends. Suddenly she sees Docyx of to the side. "Docyx. What are you doing here" she says to him while standing in front of him
Um like what
My prolific is my head with my hair up in a clip and in a black dress
Moth watched her younger self and her sister. Her sister says to the younger her. "Come on lil you never join in with the fun." the other moth turns to the girl and says quietly. "It's fine you go ahead and I'll deal with this." the girl smiles at her ok but you have to join in next time" She turns away and runs of leaving the two moths together. The older moth turns away and follows he sister.
Moth inside her mind finds herself outside of a village. "No. It can't be. It was destroyed when the darkness consumed it." Suddenly she hears a familiar laugh. "Sister?" she says disbelievingly. The laughter continues. She runs into the village to the fountain she knows so well and sees her dead sister laughing and her younger self cleaning clothes by the edge. Moths body is encased and a beam of light comes from her heart. Suddenly a figure appears before Docyx and smiles. "You Docyx must go into her heart with her and help her. Inside you will find what you seek."
Cool thanks search for Charley Holden
I don't think so. Well could you try and search for me then
Moth stops screaming but still shifts in her sleep. Tears stream down her face. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" she cries
Moth doesn't wake. She starts screaming and writhing. "NO AHHHH! NO! NOT AGAIN! SISTER!"
Cause I sent you a friend request I think
Well if you get something if charley Holden then that's me
Moth is uncontious on the ground. She starts screaming and crying.
Moth sits on the ground waiting. Suddenly she jerk and sees what the ball of light sees. She directs the ball of light to Docyxs blade and removes the darkness seeded within. "Bring him here. To me" she wispers in her mind to the ball before collapsing.
I think I've got it please tell me if I have
Ok then i'll Iook when I next get the chance
Moth sumons her keyblade. "Looks like we'll have to do this the hard way then" she closes her eyes and mutters under her breath and sumons a ball of sunlight and it flys of. "Go to Docyx and help him. Until this is sorted we cannot leave"
Moths face turns expressionless. "This is precisely what happened last time Moth. Come on we need to find Docyx" she gets up and closes her eyes. She summons her keyblade and wispered under her breath. Suddenly her eyes open and turn silver and her body moves forward. "Docyx. Dont worry I'm comeing. Fight the darkness inside yourself this is all this is. Only you can end this."
Ok what's your profile picture
Stupid thing won't let me upload them onto here. But it was black and very glamourouse you would have approved. I now have contact lenses. Do you...
Moth watches her friend melt and yells into the darkness. "What the he'll is that suposed to mean? Docyx if you can hear me remember this is all an illusion. Your mind is only what you make of it." she falls to her knees and a single tear slips from her now gold eyes. "Please no. Not another one. Dont make me lose another"