Moth turns her face to Docyx. "My family have the powers of the sun and the moon I'm the moon my sisters the sun. Ah... The power came to me when this place was destroyed. When mother, father and sister died. The power came to me in a flash surrounded by the heartless. I was cowering in the dark. It was to late to save them. My fathers last act got me out of this world." Moth says in pain. "What does this have to do anything?" moth falls to the floor once again. "Ahhh... The powers growing and I'm so close to giving into the darkness. It hurts." moth openly starts to cry.
Um I think so it's further up from the high school near the round about I think
Omg omg omg. I live of a road of st Clements that's the other side of constitution hill. We are practically gonna be neighbours.
Suddenly the younger moth comes into the room and sits at the table and openly cries. The older shakes her head and says her voice turning cold. "It'll start in a minuet. Just wait." the older moth looks at Docyx. "You can feel it can't you. My homes about to be swallowed by the darkness AGAIN and once more I'm powerless to stop it. Once more we are to weak to do anything. To save them and me from all that will happen once more and will forever happen until I give in to it." she's shouting by the end. Suddenly the elder makes a cry of pain and falls to the floor.
Moth follows the younger her to her old home and follows her in. "Moth? Is that you?" a deep voice calls. "Yes father." the younger her replys quietly. She sets the basket of clother down and goes over to her father. "What's wrong." she asks. "Is solaris with her friends?" He asks. "Yes" she says. "Come with me I want to give you something." he walks into the shed in the garden. The younger moth follows. "Stay here Docyx. This conversation isn't for your ears." she says before sitting at the kitchen table. She looks at the floor as a single tear runs down her face.
Yeah. Lips of an angel and the tounge of the devil. (sigh) ok Gorky moment over so how's the flat hunting going
Yeah it was. (Day dreams) I forgot how well he kissed
"I don't know" Moth says turning away. The younger her gets up finished with her task and walks of. "Lunaris. Where you going?"the girl who was sat with her said. "Of to meditate I can feel it brewing." she said walking away down the road. "Come on Docyx we need to follow her. I mean me." The older Moth said to her companion before following the younger one down the street. "Yup it's certainly dooms day kiddies." She says under her breath.
Moth watched her younger self and looked at the floor before turning to Docyx. "Yes these are my memory's and all he'll is about to break loose." she said angrily. "Lunaris!" Moth turns and sees a familiar figure approach her younger self. The younger self looked up and greeted the person who had called out her old name. "Hi Lilith" was all that was said before she turned back to the washing and Lilith sat down on the fountain edge beside her. Moth watches the scene with clouded eyes. "Yup all hells about to break loose."
Aww that's awesome. I spent the holiday with Jean-Luc so I'm happy
Indeed. So what's new
moth looks at Docyx. "I don't know. All I know is you got us here and I know where and when we are. Why don't we follow younger me and see what happens" she said pointing to the girl at the fountain washing clothes. The girl had her hair covering her face and was a contrast to the others around her.
Oh that I sent a request and it didn't send. But all sorted now
With what?
Moth looks at the children playing before turning to Docyx. "We are in my mind. In a dead world that was once my home. It was known by the name Selarius. We are in the past in my memories. We need to leave as soon as possible because the longer I'm in my memories the more danger we are in." She says sadly. Before offering Docyx her hand whilst frowning.
I swear one! Stupid iPod stupid facebook
Moth catches Docyx before he hits the floor "Docyx are you ok? What can you see?" she gently picks Docyx up and heads towards the fountain and sets him down on the edge. "You really need to stop doing this because I can't carry you forever" she jokes smiling sadly.
Moth looks at Docyx. "Do you want the long version or the short version as to how we got here. And these seem to be my memory's and this is my home village" she says. "My names Moth and we've been traveling together for a while." she turns to look at the retreating figure of her sister and says "Follow me" and turns and follows her sister.
Has that worked
So what's new. I haven't heard from you in ages