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  1. hell demon
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    What's new
    Profile Post by hell demon for Kaidron Blaze, Dec 25, 2011
  2. hell demon
  3. hell demon
    Moth cones to a cave with a pool and starts undressing. "We have to go under the water so take a deep breath and follow the light. Nearly there now." Moth says sharply. "We don't have much time." she dives in gracefully and waits for Docyx.
    Post by: hell demon, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. hell demon
  5. hell demon
    Moth turns face blank of expression and says coldly. "You needed to get to the door. It's this way. So are you comeing or what?" she turns to her younger self. "Look at me. So young. So afraid. So WEAK. I can't bare to see it." She says angrily before storming of further into the cave. "Hurry."
    Post by: hell demon, Dec 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. hell demon
  7. hell demon
    Profile Post

    Whats a furmeet?

    Whats a furmeet?
    Profile Post by hell demon for Kaidron Blaze, Dec 7, 2011
  8. hell demon
    Moth runs into the forest feeling the plants move around her. "I missed you to." she smiled. She comes to a rock face with a waterfall. "Through here. Hurry." She says quietly before going through the waterfall into the cave where the younger Moth/Lunaris sits in a corner crying to herself. "I remember this. It was when I first learned the truth. And the time is near for this world to end." moth moves to the back of the cave and summons the power of the sun to light the way. Waiting for Docyx
    Post by: hell demon, Dec 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. hell demon
    Moth dodges and strikes with an unparalleled grace, power and agillity unseen before. "Very well follow me." She said curtly. Before setting lose a blast of moon energy killing the heartless surrounding her. She runs if in the direction of the forest.
    Post by: hell demon, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. hell demon
  11. hell demon
  12. hell demon
    Moth gets into her battle stance. "Very well. But be warned when this starts it will not stop and ou must fight hard to avoid the darkness entering your heart." Moth starts attacking in a display of pure power that earned her the name the sunlight dragon.
    Post by: hell demon, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. hell demon
    "Yes it will. When you give all your light away all that is left is the darkness until that to consumes me. PROMISE ME!!" moth shouts
    Post by: hell demon, Nov 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. hell demon
  15. hell demon
    Moth nods and stands pumping whats left Of her light into the keyblade. "Docyx promise me. When the darkness consumes me. As my birthright dictates. Kill me before I can hurt anyone." moth shouts
    Post by: hell demon, Nov 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. hell demon
  17. hell demon
    Profile Post

    I'm excited for you.

    I'm excited for you.
    Profile Post by hell demon for Kaidron Blaze, Nov 24, 2011
  18. hell demon
    Moths silver eyes blaze. "DONT TOUCH ME VERMIN!" a voice shouts. "Ahh... Sorry Docyx. Ok I'll do it." Moth grabs the keyblade.
    Post by: hell demon, Nov 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. hell demon
    Moths eyes turn silver and she screams "what does it look like I'm doing going hand in hand with it." the pain subsides and Moth rises. "That was only the first step. The woes is yet to come." She falls the the floor and openly starts to cry great heaving sobs. "Its happening again and once again there blood is on my hands I can't stop it." she convulses weeping and the normally strong moth Is a wreck on the floor of the memory of her old home
    Post by: hell demon, Nov 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. hell demon
    Profile Post

    Omg thats so cool!!!

    Omg thats so cool!!!
    Profile Post by hell demon for Kaidron Blaze, Nov 23, 2011