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  1. hell demon
    "I can't this is a memory. This is destined. If I stop this I will never learn and I will never help those I have helped and I will never meet him." Moth says quietly. The younger Moth and her sister fight neither with the upperhand till Solaris slices moth in the leg. She falls to the ground. "Hahaha you should know never to cross me Lunaris." Solaris says madness in her eyes. "Its Moth now." she shouts. Suddenly there's a bright gold light surounds her and another keyblade comes to her. "That power is MINE!" Lunaris shouts. "It belongs to no one." Moth screams. Once more attacking her sister.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. hell demon
    Moth turns away from the mad cackling of her sister who had betrayed her. Although many years had passed she still felt the deep pain of the betrayal. "And so it begins again." Moth mutters looking at the orb of darkness that had surrounded the younger her as it started to glow. Fractures of light broke through it and suddenly the younger Moth could be seen in the brilliant light,in her hands was midnight sun her keyblade. "It came to me in a time of great need and darkness." moth thought. "Dear god. Why won't you die?" Solaris shouted the darkness keeping a stronger hold on her. "The power is mine by right and you know it." she shouts angrily. "It isn't yours. It chooses those who's hearts are pure." Young moth said. "I will kill you." solaris shouts moth. "then it will be mine." she calls to the tendons of darkness and force an attack at the younger Moth.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. hell demon
    Moth watches the chaos with sad eyes knowing that her home is going to die and there's nothing she can do about it. "Stupid. Thought she could stop the darkness." Her sister shouts from the plinth in the centre as the tendrils of darkness twirl around her. The black dome encasing the younger Moth is growing and heartless comeout and start attacking the people.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. hell demon
    The sun dancers finish their display. And the music dies down the younger Moth goes on stage and starts the moon dance. Her movements fluid and gracefull. With everyones eyes watching her captivated by her movements that are fast and complex at some times and slow and simple at others. The older moth stands in the sidelines copying her movements with the same grace skill and beauty. The dance winds on and suddenly the younger moth starts to glow and shadows sneak out from the forest and try to bind themselfs to the younger Moth. The older just stands and turns away. "Goodbye Lunaris. Hello moth." as the darkness covers the younger her. Her sister just stands and laughs.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. hell demon
    Moth sees what shes waiting for and goes into the town square. To witness the festival of the equinox. Her sister is stood amoungst the other sun dancers in red and gold. She spares a small smile for them and turns to the darkened corner where her younger self waits dressed as the moon dancer. The sun dancers go on stage and start their dazeling display. Moth moves through the crowd and goes to her younger self who is warming up. She takes of her armour and warms up next to her unseen.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. hell demon
    Moth finishes singing and tracing the paturns. She summons the power of the moon to her hand that is momentarily encased in silver light and when it's gone there is a silver flower in it's place. Moth places the flower upon the ground and turns to Docyx. "We are going to have to go back the the village." before turning with the bag on her shoulder and going back down the corridor and diving in the water and going through the forest to the village leaving Docyx behind in the cavern. She goes to her old house and sits at the table in the kitchen waiting
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. hell demon
    "Hmmm..." moth said. Before going back to her wall and once again teaching the words and paturns softly singing a new tune. A sadder tune in the same language.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. hell demon
    Moth does as he asks moveing once again to his side keyblade at the ready. Softly humming to herself the previous tune.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. hell demon
    Moth is surrounded by heartless of every shape and size she Sumons as much energy as she can spare and Sumons solar blast and in a brilliant display of magic blasts them all away. She takes a potion and catches her breath waiting for the next attack. She goes over to the wall and once again starts tracing the words and seemingly nonsensical paterns and pictures softly singing a soft and sweet tune to herself that would bring even a tear into the eyes of the most hardened nobody before she starts singing to the previous tune in a language only few know.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. hell demon
    Suddenly there are heartless every where. Moth slays them all with ease and unparalleled skill and grace. She runs to the wall and places her hands upon the carveing. "Powers of sun and moon protect your daughter and this place." There's a brilliant flash of light and moth has two blades one silver blue and white. The other gold red and orange. She slays heartless that get to close to the man she thinks of as friend
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. hell demon
    Moth nods. Before taking one last loveing look at the wall and Sumons midnight sun and goes to stand by Docyx in a battle stance. "Ok." Moth stands silently waiting for the heartless to apear
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. hell demon
  13. hell demon
    "The doors all yours what ever your going to do I advise you do it now because we are rather pressed for time. I'd say about twenty minuets." She says quietly still tracing The carved words on the wall with tears in her silver eyes and speaking the words silently.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. hell demon
  15. hell demon
  16. hell demon
    Moth goes through the tunnel slaying creepers as she goes with great ease. "Be carefull of the stingers." at last the come to a cave with the door to the world in it. She points to it. "There all yours." she says sharply before turning of to the Walls and looking at the words upon them that are as familliar to her as the creatures and plants in the forest outside. She traces the words on the wall with her fingers.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. hell demon
    Moth comes to a cave and gets out of the water and gets a bag Biden behind a rock. She takes out a pair of jeans and puts them on. "Last bit. Look out for crawlers. And if you see anything moving that's not me. Kill it." she Sumons her blade and goes behind the largest rock and dissapears becoming Docyx to follow.
    Post by: hell demon, Jan 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. hell demon
  19. hell demon
    "All that will weigh you down and Id prefer it if you didn't die." Moth said before taking a deep breath making her sum power brighter for Docyx to follow and dives below the surface to a tunnel that she swims along before pointing up to Docyx to a hollow.
    Post by: hell demon, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. hell demon