I have to delete them. So how are you?
OMG! I keep wanting to post on my profile and foret to go to yours.Why am I so stupid? xD
It is what?
And omg the weird thing is right now as we're talking about FMA I am on a site where you make a virtual person they have Ed's metal arm O_O
I know DDDx
Omfg did you see the Full Metal Alchemist episode tonight? I wanted to cry ;_;
Heyers xD me's bored.
No because I have to go me and my mom are going to the movies.As usual O_O
I don't know why but I would name it Holiday or Shades of Black i've always wanted to start a band.
Sorry I can't I have to go now I haven't even did my homework yet.
What your language young lady. >_>
Hey! Whatcha doin'?
Maybe I will but omg i'm so happy Halloween is tomorrow I got some eye-liner I don't even look like me anymore Dx
Oh hey I can;t talk though I have to go to bed.
Well I made new friends she should have came to school and she makes me mad all the time anyways.
I'm really bored and mad I have to go to bed D<
Hi i'm lonely whatcha doin'?
Well i'm trying to help Lisa because I don't want to get her held back and Mrs. Ruble told the whole class this so everyone knows so don't blame...
Calling my parents why? What did I do?
I don't get why people are racist it's just stupid and everyone in my class is always like "Obama is probably going to get shot and McCain is going to die from old age." I don't know about the McCain thing even though he is old....But ,I don't want to be mean or anything,Barack will most likey get shot.Alot of people like him but if I were able to vote I probably would vote for McCain because I don't want Obama to be shot.