Soo... There is never anything to talk about my life is boring. Anything new going on with you?
It's not that I think he's hot I love his singing <33 what about you?
Oh hey lol!
Lol, why? xDD
I know Misty's avvys are so pretty :D
I heard her song Just Dance and now i'm obsessed with it. I haven't listened to any others though.
I might in a minute but I can't get on right now because my parents are home they're too nosey always wanting to know who i'm talking to. I will...
OMFG! You're right.
My AIM isn't working Dx. Every time I try to log in it says Settings Error.
Stranger? . . . . . .
Lolololol I am going to use the one with Kairi that;s black and white.
OMG! I remember those days... Ahh no school,on the computer all day talking to you all,and relaxing. Now school has taken over.
Meh i'm okay.... So i'm really bored.
I know everyone at school told me. I am now obbsessed with Twilight Edward is hot too!
OMG! Misty all your avatars are so pretty :D I will use some when I'm done with the one I have right now!
I'm sorta a fangirl *looks around* Shhh...
So how are you lol?
That's ok i'm good although i've been sick you?
No thanks I don't really play Sonic and I dunno what the other one is.
You like them too? Kewl I love them except Bill looks like a girl am I right? O_O