Staring at EVERY. FLAMING. TORCH THERE EVER WAS, In..about every game, It amuses me. ANYWHO, Yes. Torches. All of them. All of my torches..But the worst thing about games.. SECRETS, MAN. SECRETS.
I Just took my own first visitor message, I Feel special. ohgoshmyfirstmessageWOO~ :3
So.. Yeah, I Guess It's about time I've made an account, Been thinking about it for some time now, So yeah.. This is my small Hello to all you people, Nice to Finally meet'cha..You wonderful people you, yeshyouare. I Don't normally do Forums.. So this might be weird for me, I Might be on day on and day off.. Iunno, Depends on how busy I am, I Guess..Will try to be on as much as possible, unless I Forget.(whichidoalot)