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  1. K.H.Nut13
    It is three days until Valentines day, and there is major competition for chocolates and dates. Pepole at school are trying to give away their chocolates withouht any hassles. But in the days that follow, tensions mount, and rivials fight.

    1.No cursing
    2.This is PG13 folks.
    3.You are only allowed to have two characters at a time
    4.No spam
    5. If you want to talk to another user, please put it in OOC
    6. Violation of these rules will cause you to be kicked out of the thread. I'm sorry, but we can't have pepole breaking the rules.

    OC manual-
    Played by:
    Background:Nora lost her parents at the age of three, and has since been trying to help others with their problems. She is not sure who to give chocolate to this year.
    Played by:K.H.Nut13
    Personality:She is very sweet and helpful, but when she snaps, she turns evil!! She is very easily picked on at school, but she has not had any problems yet. She will stand up for what she belives in.
    Other stuff:She loves books.
    Name: Kitty
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Background: Her family isn't as rich as everyone else's so she gets picked on because of it. She had to make her own chocolates.
    Played by: DxM
    Personality: happy, cheerful, but sometimes depressed because of the bullying
    Name: Zack
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Background:lost mom at age of 4 and dad is never home so he lives with his grandparents. He has gotten into a few fights. Hopes to get a girl for valentines day.
    Played By: Roxas Sora51
    Personality: Usually very calm and charming, unless someone ticks him off, then it turns crazy. Hates to get picked on and will stand up for almost anyone, even if he doesnt know them.
    Other Stuff: He has pretty good grades and likes to read.
    Name: Mitsuku "Miku" Yukari
    Age: 14
    Gender: female
    Background: She lost her parents long ago, she doesn't even remember them. She has an older brother though, but lost him in a house fire. She lives with her cousin. She won't back down to a fight, and she does win them. She wants to give chocolates to someone just for the fun of it, but she can't even think of anyone.
    Played by: Death Twister
    Personality: She lives for the dangers and thrills of life, but she cares for the people she's close with greatly.
    Other: She's smart but she wouldn't care less for academic studies
    Name: Harry
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Background: He lives with both his parent's, who own a chocolate store. He got his chocolates from them. He has a crush on Kitty, and wants to give them to her.
    Played by:Azure Flame
    Personality: He is very nice, but shy. He can also be affectionate sometimes.
    Name: Jett

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Background: His mother died when he was a child, causing his father to simply turn into a drunk. His father was in court for a while, trying to keep custody of him and his little brother, but lost. Now, he is moving to this town and living with his uncle and aunt. He does not show his depression, but instead hides it inside and acts as if it's not even there.

    Played by: Ventez

    Personality: He's sneaky, nice when he wants to be, and unafraid of nearly everything
    Thread by: K.H.Nut13, Nov 1, 2008, 107 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. K.H.Nut13
    Hey, do any of you guys think that it is possible to publish a fanfiction?
    Thread by: K.H.Nut13, Nov 1, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. K.H.Nut13
    1.When you start looking for KH stuff online.
    2.When all you can draw and write about is KH
    Post by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. K.H.Nut13
    Japan would be cool. They have all sorts of stuff that we don't, and you could get games earlier.
    Post by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. K.H.Nut13
    Takio Drum Master. It is a cool music game, but most pepole act like it is really weird.
    Post by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  6. K.H.Nut13
    Does anyone here use that site?
    Thread by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. K.H.Nut13
    Did anyone cosplay for Halloween? I would have if I could have found a costume..
    Thread by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. K.H.Nut13
  9. K.H.Nut13
    I would really like to find Chobits.
    Post by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. K.H.Nut13
    I just want to give some advice to pepole. Describe EVERYTHING. I'm not saying you should take a whole page describeing someone's clothing, but you should go into detail about that sort of stuff.
    Post by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Archives
  11. K.H.Nut13
    Happy halloween!!
    Post by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. K.H.Nut13
    Profile Post

    So, how are you?

    So, how are you?
    Profile Post by K.H.Nut13 for Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Oct 31, 2008
  13. K.H.Nut13


    I have just decided to collect Kingdom Hearts plushies, but I have no idea where I can get them...
    Does someone know of where you might be able to find them?
    Thread by: K.H.Nut13, Oct 31, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. K.H.Nut13
  15. K.H.Nut13
  16. K.H.Nut13
    Profile Post

    Hi! How are you?

    Hi! How are you?
    Profile Post by K.H.Nut13 for Luminey, Oct 30, 2008
  17. K.H.Nut13
  18. K.H.Nut13
  19. K.H.Nut13