I don't look at announcements...:sweatdrop: Could you provide a quote perhaps?
Dude, they stopped making GBA games a long time ago. And I would look at some used games store like GameStop. Dude there's a KH game for DS? Tell me more!!
IWBGTG-whatnow? I'm confuzzied.
Ooh such pretty avs and sigs! Yeah I do miss the old guy, although Blue's Clues isn't on anymore...
So I figured with a smaller community, it'd be easier to find players for an RPG. This is my Warioware RPG. I will be playing an OC of mine, Mina. This is her bio: Name: Mina Age: 22 Appearance: Picture Mona with brown hair, wearing a white tank-top with the red Nintendo logo on it, a black leather mini-skirt with a red belt and a buckle shaped like an NES controller. She also wears a white hat (similar to the one that the female trainer wears in Pokemon LeafGreen/FireRed only without the Pokeball symbol), white '80s-style leg warmers with black loafers, and a wristwatch with a black band and an image of a Fire Flower in the face. History: When she was a kid she set the record for beating every NES game in the world. She holds a trophy--her belt buckle--as proof. As a teenager she used to date Jimmy T. Not to spoil some of the RPG, so I won't say any more. Personality: Have you guessed already? Yes she's a fan of classic Nintendo games! That means she's friends with 9-Volt and 18-Volt, oh yeah she's Mona's twin sister. She's somewhat lazy, sarcastic and at times a little cocky. Weapons and Abilities: Well this isn't really a weapon but there are roller-skate wheels built in her shoes. As far as players go, I need five players to play Wario, Mona, Jimmy T, Kat+Ana, Dr.Crygor, Penny, Mike, Young Cricket, Dribble, Spitz, Orbulon, 9-Volt and Ashley; also I need people to play other minor characters. If you want to play, please don't post in this topic but PM me a "resume" in this format, PM subject "Warioware RPG application": KhV username: Age: (optional) Gender: Position applying for: (Specify a main character or if wanting to play a minor character enter "Floater") Experience: (Enter the URLs to at least three past relevant RPGs that you've been in. If it's on a different forum community, enter the URL to ther exact thread the RPG was in. Include your username on that site, and the character(s) you played.) I'd prefer if I had all the main characters before I start accepting floaters. Once you get the part, don't post right away--I want this to go smoothly so I'll be directing who posts and when.
*draws tissue on Sora's eye*
YAY! *confettis to death*
YES!! I only have all Nintendo systems and would love for any KH game to be for Wii!
*huggles self* Oh I feel loved...And now that I have two rep gems, I don't feel like a noob anymore!
:sweatdrop: Uh, it's not working...
My MP3 player does that. It's weird...
Strawberries is GOOD!!
So I figured with a smaller community, it'd be easier to find players for an RPG. This is my Tokyo Mew Mew RPG, it is based on the original Tokyo Mew Mew manga series, not the "Mew Mew Power" anime series, not "A La Mode". I will be playing an OC of mine, Cinnamon. This is her bio: Name: Cinnamon "Cinn" Iwata Age: 13 Appearance: Normal form-Picture Ichigo only with light brown eyes and light orange hair, wearing a long tan dress embroidered with white flowers on the bottom and and dark brown shoes. Mew Mew Form-Also similar to Ichigo, only in this form her eyes are now orange and her hair is bright candy orange. Her uniform is like Ichigo's only orange and with the middle cut out with her midriff exposed like Zakuro's with golden yellow bands trimming the ends and brown fuzzy lining trimming the top piece and arm, leg and neck cuffs. Oh yeah she's got tiger DNA in her so she'll have tiger ears and a tail too. History: The truth is, I haven't developed Cinn's character that much so she has no past....:sweatdrop: Personality: She's cheerful, and tries to be a good friend to everyone, especially Pudding, in which they share a sister-like relationship. Weapons and Abilities: Her Cinnamon Katana is a long sword with a orange and bronze handle that bears her Mew Mark and a gold blade. It glows like a lightsaber when being used and is capable of opening large fissures in the ground. As far as players go, I need five players to play Ichigo, Mint, Lettuce, Pudding and Zakuro; also I need people to play other minor characters. If you want to play, please don't post in this topic but PM me a "resume" in this format, PM subject "TMM rp application": KhV username: Age: (optional) Gender: Position applying for: (Specify a main character or if wanting to play a minor character enter "Floater") Experience: (Enter the URLs to at least three past relevant RPGs that you've been in. If it's on a different forum community, enter the URL to ther exact thread the RPG was in. Include your username on that site, and the character(s) you played.) I'd prefer if I had all the main characters before I start accepting floaters. Once you get the part, don't post right away--I want this to go smoothly so I'll be directing who posts and when.
So I figured with a smaller community, it'd be easier to find players for an RP. This is my KH rp, it starts at the time CoM begins and goes on from there. I will be playing an OC of mine, Kiki the Fairy. This is her bio: Name: Kiki the Fairy "KTF" Age: 14 million Appearance: Light blue eyes, long brown hair tied into pigtails with white ribbons, wearing a white string bikini-style top with a white skirt that has an open slit on one end with a thinly braided brown leather belt that has a small leather pouch on one side, and white high-heel "stilletto" sandals. History: She used to live in a forest with other fairies before she met up with Sora, Donald and Goofy. I don't want to spoil much of the RP, so I'll leave it at that. Personality: She's kind of shy, somewhat polite and sweet-natured. Weapons and Abilities: She has a magic wand that can cast the basic magic spells (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Stop, Aero, Cure) and more. As far as players go, I need three players to play Sora, Donald and Goofy; also I need people to play other minor characters such as Kairi, Namine, Roxas, Riku, Organization XIII, Disney/Final Fantasy "world" characters, etc. If you want to play, please don't post in this topic but PM me a "resume" in this format, PM subject "KH rp application": KhV username: Age: (optional) Gender: Position applying for: (Specify a main character or if wanting to play a minor character enter "Floater") Experience: (Enter at least three past relevant RPs that you've been in. If it's on a different forum community, enter the URL to ther exact thread the RP was in. Include your username on that site, and the character(s) you played.) I'd prefer if I had all the main characters before I start accepting floaters. Once you get the part, don't post right away--I want this to go smoothly so I'll be directing who posts and when.
That SUCKS!! Wait, if you directly upload an avatar from your PC to KhV, can you use it on other forums by using KhV as a host?
KAWAII!! And hiya Reptar, I know your fiance but don't be mad I know you guys are in love and he's older than me anyway.
OK so I don't know where this goes, apparently the Anything Else forum has disappeared, so I need help. I'm trying to make my avatar on tektek.org but I don't see where to adjust the pose. Here's what it looks like now: What I want to do is position it so both arms are up. How would I do that?
I've seen you! 8!!
I wanna play! I choose pink and then 7!
Of course Kingdom Hearts! And Tokyo Mew Mew.