If they could get away unscathed after saying it then yes....I know I wouldn't survive if I said that lol
Wrong place to post this.....and no
I was checking out strange facts off the internets, and one said that on average, 12 infants are given to the wrong parents daily. http://www.madwahm.com/random-thoughts/things-you-should-know-but-probably-dont/
Hmm, I'm surprised people joined. Well, nevertheless you're all pretty much accepted. :D
That happened to my cookie jar.... It has been a month since then and I am hungry ;_;
I bought a rubix cube the other day and now I know I've made a mistake. So far I managed to get one side complete, but I know I have to mess it up in order in to do it all, it's driving me crazy. D:
Mary Poppins When she says go to bed, listen
A new game for the Dragon Ball series. Sorry if there has been one of these threads already... believe me, I searched and all I could find were old threads and I thought it wouldn't hurt to make another. So anyway this takes place way after the events of GT and you are allowed to create a character as a child and watch as they grow up similar to the characters in the real series. The available races are Namekian, Human, and Majin, but no saiyans. They haven't announced if it is going to release in the US, but heck I know I'd play it. XP Trailer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=799lpREpoks Gameplay: http://youtube.com/watch?v=v6ybpx1x9Ps http://youtube.com/watch?v=799lpREpoks
haha, thanks, you've provided me with lulz for the day XD
10 years ago, all memories were lost. Knowledge of technology and all civilization, forgotten.....man forgot his name, his history and his loved ones.And all of society began to fall to ruins. Slowly mankind began to rebuild it's lives in the ruins of the old times, the period that all memories vanished. The only apparent clue of the past found were machine like entities called arcane. the things could share a symbiotic like link with humans and were rumored to be the key to possibly unlocking memories hidden away. Using these to their advantage, several cities were formed in an attempt to recreate society. The cities Nero, Weiss, and Argento were among the largest ones. And until now every thing had been peaceful, until rival cities began to fight over the possessions of the arcane and have started to wage wars. in order to do so many arcane were altered to form weapons, continuing their symbiotic like design they fed off of the emotions of their user to create a weapon that the user desired. Now the war has begun, with you fight for your rulers, or work to find the cause of the memory lost and what had happened 10 years ago? ~Rules~ -Normal RPG rules apply here -3 characters per person -No godmodding -No spam (OOC and BIC only) and good grammar please -Cant kill/control other characters without permission -Romance is allowed (keep it PG13) Name- Age- Gender- Weapon?(what does your arcane usually turn into)- History- Alliance- (it can be one of the cities mentions above, none of them, or a small town that you can make up) Appearance- Other- Played By- ~People~ Name- Ryuho Age-about 18 Gender-Male Weapon?- one long sword and another one short one History- He doesn't remember his life prior to 10 years before, but he has a pendent with a picture of himself and a girl that he is searching for. Alliance-Weiss Appearance- Here Other- He is one of the few people that remembers how to drive a car Played By- Noba Name- Tobi Age- in his 30's Gender- Male Weapon?-Various guns History- a scholar bent on learning what happened 10 years ago Alliance- Argento Appearance- http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x108/i-like-manga/manga/Guy28.jpg Other- Played By-Noba name:Alexander age: about 20 gender:male weapon:gun blade half gun half blade (like in FF VIII) history: he doesn't know why he has scars all over his body and why he never feels anything and now is in a quest to find out his past in the last ten years alliance: Nero appearance: Grey hair, tall, green eyes and has a serious look all the time and he wears rusty armor other:he knows a lot about fighting and tactics played by-tertoo name: Van age:17 gender:female weapon: two daggers history:he has an unexplained tattoo on his back alliance:nero appearance: tall, black hair, his two eyes colors are different brown and black and he wears a robe other:he knows how to fix a gun played by- tertoo Name-rey Age-13 Gender-m Weapon a sword History- unkown Alliance- his own in a small village Appearance- long black hair cuts and is tall Other-none Played By- sora117 Name- Tatsumaki Age- 34 Gender- Male Weapon?(what does your arcane usually turn into)- A dual sword History- after the point where all memories where lost he became a member of a special forces group in Nero until they all died when he was not there in a skirmish with a other city, he now lives by himself in the forrest. Alliance- none he's a loner (if thats allowed) Appearance- A tall bulky man with a White bandana over his brown hair, has a solider jacket on and black trousers, black boots and brown eyes Other- his voice is like he's smoke way too much when he never has Played By- Fayt-Harkwind Name- Keen Age- 16 Gender- male Weapon?(what does your arcane usually turn into)- An energy gun attatched to arm (hard to explain, but basicly, his arm is fake, in order to make way for the arcane weapon, which is pretty much a large energy gun. It is huge, with 6 large barrols in it, sort of like something that police might use to fire out smoke bombs.) History- Mostly unknown, but, from what is currently known, he is a pacifist who walks around the different area's of the Mall society, created within a giant building, which had appeared to hold all of the nescesities that one would need for life, along with entertainment, weapons, and such (in other words, when its founder woke up, he made the society in a Mall, believing it to already be some form of a living area). Besides that though, nothing else is really known about him Alliance- The small civilization of Mall Appearance-http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh156/vampiregrrl377/Will.jpg Other- Weapon is highly destructive, though it appears as if it were completely parralel to Keens pacifist nature Played By- Deathsight44 Name- Kuro Hayato Age-17 Gender-male Weapon-The Giant weapon on the pic History-Well he might have a history, but the fact that humanity lost thier memory 10 years ago had a strange effect on him.. he cant remember what happened for more than one week ago Alliance-Ehh he cant really remember so it doesn't matter Appearance-http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg222/enerek/9eb137b7.jpg Other-The only thing he can remember is how to do is speak, fight, move, see and hear.. yeah he needs help to remember how to eat.. and the other stuff Played By-Varno
Oh, hey i am back now to make a cool haiku.... Oh crap I'm too late D:
Letters that form DPWolf =/
This is a hai-ku Five, then sev-en and then five be-cause I am bored >_>
Well in Nomura interviews he said that Ansem was probably the only one out of the members in the organization whose heartless could get a human form. And that was only after he stole Riku's body. Who knows what happened to the rest of them, they could've taken the form of a boss in the kh games or simply shadows that we beat along the way. Maybe we'll see them in new kh games...
He must've been hungry. Besides, ants are very nutritious :D
I found this on g4tv.com, http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/685968/ReBoot_Movies_On_The_Way.html I remember this show, it was about a bunch of humanoid computer programs fighting off a virus. The entire cartoon series was CGI and it was pretty good, I watched it. So I searched some more about it, it seems that on June 1, 2008, it was announced that there will be a trilogy of ReBoot films coming to theaters. Jon Cooksey has been signed to write the script for the first film. More stuff about it: Official site: http://www.reboot.com/coming_soon.php http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/film/news/e3ie29ff31c80c6e3dfe13910a06d151749 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReBoot#Film_trilogy
How Now Brown Cow........D:
I guess I'd be considered a geek. When I'm home video games take up a hefty portion of my life
He was close, considering if he's old, shouldn't he at least get points for that? lol
Just something I'm working on http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs26/f/2008/155/1/9/Hitman_First____by_rikurep.jpg <object width="450" height="594"><param name="movie" value="http://backend.deviantart.com/embed/view.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="id=87599922&width=1337" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://backend.deviantart.com/embed/view.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" flashvars="id=87599922&width=1337" height="594" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br /><a href="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/87599922/">Hitman First...</a> by ~<a class="u" href="http://rikurep.deviantart.com/">rikurep</a> on <a href="http://www.deviantart.com">deviant</a><a href="http://www.deviantart.com">ART</a>