Where's Snake when you need him? >.>
Anyone ever see the last few episodes of Wolf's Rain? Pretty much everyone dies in that. But each death is really sad.
It's almost scary
Ryhuhou took this opportunity to throw a punch at the other person. Knocking them out. "Heh, thanks" He said to him. He grabbed the other guy by the collar of his shirt and began to drag him on the way to Weiss. "Like it or not, you're gonna pay me back for the tire you shot"
The two paused to see who threw the weapon and interrupted their fight. "What's the big deal?" Ryuhou said as the weapons sank into his arms and vanished,
Ryuhou was able to get close enough to deliver a kick to his stomach. Giving him a chance to bring his sword to his neck. "You ready to give up?" Ryuhou said smiling. "Not quite" the man with the glasses said before bring a machine gun to his head. A weapon then flew between them breaking the hold that they had on each other. The both jumped back and looked at the weapon
You're Accepted
Ryuhou blocked shots that came at him and continued to charge. He tried to slice directly at the man with glasses. The man jumped back and the shotgun instead received the blow and broke in half. The broken pieces of his gun were sucked back in as he brought out pistols from both his hands and fired. The bullets scraped Ryuhou's arms as he continued to charge him. The cycle of shots and sword swings continued like this, with the man bringing out an endless supply of different guns.
The guard was taken out easily with the second shot. His Arcane slowly seeped back into his body as he faded into unconsciousness. Thinking every thing was over he began to walk towards the city. "Hey!" Came a voice from behind as Ryuhou charged him. He sliced down at the man and it was narrowly avoided as he flipped backwards. "You a friend of him" The man asked, referring to the guard as he pushed his glasses back towards his face. "No, but you owe me some money for a tire" He said pointing to his car and charging him. The guy with glasses brought out a shotgun and aimed at his attacker.
You're all pretty much accepted. OOC: I Know, this was actually my first try but no one bothered to join it till now. So now I guess we can start. The New headquarters for ShinRa is in Edge. (The place in Advent Children) Would anyone like to start or should I?
OOC: Well I haven't thought that much about how it does transform. Well as I said before the Arcane are similar symbiotes, and they connect themselves to your body. So I guess the weapons would come out of your body, for example: BIC: Ryuhou finally reached the people who were fighting. It was revealed that only two men were fighting. A man with glasses and another that seemed to be a outside guard of the city, one who decided who came in and who did not. Another familiar gun shot went through the air as the man with the glasses lifted his hand and a pistol grew out of it, pushing it's way out of the skin until it was completely visible. "So it's him," Ryuhou said before sprouting two handles at his sides. He pulled at them with opposite hands until he was able to bring out two different sized swords and armed himself for battle. ...OOC: So that's an nice example of how it happens.
A few minutes went by and Ryuhou came near the area where people were brawling. Hoping to get across the battle field safely he drove at a reasonable distance. One of the fighters seemed to use a gun, as Ryuhou looked across at the battle. He got even closer to the entrance, before hear a gun shot fly past him. Suddenly the car started slowing down, eventually it came to a full stop...why? Getting out he saw that the tire got hit. "Dang it, no matter what I do I always get involved" He thought to himself. Angry, Ryuhou started heading for the battle. whoever hit his car was going to pay for it.
Really? Anyway I think that I'll still go with number 5.
5 is pretty cool
Congrats. I got mine off a couple of weeks ago It was funny cuz they gave me a big back of candy and stuff that I couldn't eat when I did have braces on, but I had been eating that kind of stuff when I had them on. lol
Did you take it out or just leave it there? I would've flushed XD
Wonderland does seem suitable for him, I mean there are living card people there.
I'll start. BOOM! A large sound woke up Ryuhou as he jumped in his car seat. He brushed his black hair past his eyes to see the source of the sudden noise. Right ahead was his home town of Weiss..at least, it was now. And directly near it was the source, another booming sound came through in perfect timing of what seemed to be an explosion. "Another fight," He sighed to himself as he started the engine and drove towards the mayhem hoping to get there in one piece.
Yeah that's right, but Nomura stated that Ventus is his full name while Ven is a nick name
33. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages it. LOL